The primary reason for the negative repercussions is because of the different perspectives of different stakeholders. The aims of stakeholders vary significantly as many only focuses prioritize conservation efforts and this leads to deficient goals and plans as an important aspect of welfare is completely ignored (Chamberlin et al., 2012). Additionally, other problems that have been identified with management techniques and decision-making process. In a study Chamberlin et al. (2012) has identified that bear management techniques are not consistent and management agencies are fragmented and lack communication. To maintain a healthy Grizzly bear population the upper management must agree on same goals and consider the welfare and conservation equally, and science must play an important role in the policy making as well (Chamberlin et al., 2012). Regarding the increase in bear hunting as a solution to decrease conflicts is ineffective as well. Treves et al. (2010) “that the Wisconsin bear-hunting season did not show clear …show more content…
(2004), sending away nuisance bears makes the niche available for another wild bear to become a part of the conflict as the roots of the problem still exist. The methods of translocation can pose dangers to the welfare of bears. Translocation can result in low survival rates because a bear’s ecological environment changes which result in a change in their behaviour in terms of finding mates, food, shelter (Massei et al., 2010). Stress related to capture and transport can affect affective states of bears, thus, as a consequent biological functioning of bears. The new niche may not be able to accommodate all the needs of the Grizzly bears which lead to low survival rate and future mortalities. This is not an effective practice to solve this issue on its own as previous case studies have not been successful (Riley et al.,
Since 1975 Grizzly Bears have been on the Endangered Species List. Besides the Endangered Species List, another solution was to relocate the bears to Yellowstone National Park. Yet, another solution that is taking place, is to increase funding to save the habitats of the bears.If the Grizzly Bear went extinct, the biomes and ecosystems would dwindle away and also be lost. If the Grizzly Bear went extinct the spreading of seeds for the plants it feeds on will cease, causing very little plants to grow. This would then affect the wildlife populations because there would be little to no vegetation for the animals to thrive on. Without the Bear the herd populations would increase and die off because of the scarce food around. The cause of the Bear’s death is the over hunting of the animal. Humanity can fix this by putting in additional laws that restrict and prohibit the hunting of these Bears, and not rely heavily on the Endangered Species List law. The solution that I offer is an alternative use of funding. Instead of putting money to technology and its opportunities, we turn that money and use it to help the preservation of these Bears. We could also, use the money to create more land for the animals to live on and thrive on. Humanity can counteract these events by supporting the laws in place and giving their full attention to this pressing matter. For what humanity takes away we must give back in order to continue a way of life: life where anything can
This includes, the need for lumber in Canada and the need to transport oil. Transporting lumber and oil is resulting in polluted waters, and bears feeding on polluted fish. Deforestation is affecting Kermode Bears because of habitat loss and the need to transport the cut trees. In the future Kermode Bears could nearly be extinct because of the proposed Enbridge\Gateway pipeline that would transport oil from Alberta's oil sands through The Great Bear Rainforest, to Kitimat British Columbia. After the pipeline, the oil would be sent to market on large oil tankers, with a chance that the oil could be spilt.
Several alternatives were rejected for various reasons. The first rejected alternative was a managed hunt, for the need of legislation change in congress to allow a hunt on NPS land and possible cost and safety issues. A second was sterilization of bucks, which would only show moderate control of the population if the dominant buck were sterilized. Predator reintroduction was next rejected, because studies have shown that predators have not shown consistent
I am going to relocate the grizzly bear because, this isn’t a problem of hunting, where the bear needs to be hunted because of any supposed killing or injuries it done, and it was only one bear, so there is no need to reduce the number in the bear population. However, this may could have been or was already a chronic, so I will contact the local Cody, Wyoming agencies to see if shooting the bear is the best solution, if no other solutions work. I also don’t think trapping is an option, when there is no population or distribution estimates in the need of being done, plus trapping is hard work and costs a lot of money implant in large areas, and when the bear has already been located, it will be easy to get from the one of the two stores. I do
More importantly, the long term health of the grizzlies can be assured by maintaining a population number of a several thousand. This include expanding their potential living area and connecting the grizzly bear ecosystems to source populations in Canada. In addition to this, delisting relies on the importation of bears to address genetic problems. It requires the importation of two bears every ten years into the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to address genetic problem. Importing these bears into the ecosystem is not likely to provide necessary gene flow due to the low success of transplants in habitat that is already occupied. Also, the delisting plans does not seem to consider the degree and the pace of habitat change occurring in the region. For example, there is a current loss for whitebark pine (an important food source for the grizzlies) due to mountain pine beetles, blister rust, and global
The grizzly bears in Alaska and Canada are not safe because over there they are hunted and are big game trophies. If These bears are not killed they can live up to twenty five years. The grizzly bears population
Hunters argue that if the Department of Fish and Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the 70’s. As stated by an avid hunter “ If Yellowstone 's bear population falls precipitously after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears endangered again”. With positive support from the Department of Fish and Wildlife it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game.
Tourists appear in Yellowstone National Park to see the world’s geysers and to observe the wildlife. Most people go to observe the animals and take pictures while they are there, but what they do not know is that it can be threatening. While people are taking pictures they do not know the proper precautions about being close to them. People do not know how the bears will react based upon spotting you. Although, there would be less attacks, bears should not be removed because it is there natural habitat, people are desensitizing bears, and bears attacking have been a defensive act.
In North America, the grizzly bear is a keystone species - not as a predator but as ecosystem engineers. They transfer nutrients from the oceanic ecosystem to the forest ecosystem. The first stage of the transfer
Grizzly bears in their native habitat are wild animals. The bears (grizzlies, brown, and other varieties) found in Alaska are among the largest on earth. Grizzly-human interaction is best done minimally, if at all: the only reason that bears do not react as quickly as they might to humans (considering them prey) is that in their habitats, they have access to plenty of food and they do not
What if you see three bears right in front of you on the street? I bet you will scream and run. The situation could be totally different if it happens in a cartoon on the screen. The Bare Bears is such a story about humanised bears in human society, created by Daniel Chong.The main characters are three bears as indicated in the title. They are grizzly, panda and ice bear. The grizzly is always active and enthusiastic on making friends, whereas Panda is like a normal geek, obsessed with his phone all day long. Ice bear is as silent as ice, but he is the backup force of the bear family, because he is capable of literally everything. By the way, he is also an excellent cook. The show is primarily a comedy about the laughs and tears during their
When unchecked ambition turns into a deceitful weapon for disaster. Macbeth takes place in 11th century Scotland where a Thane, so desperate to become king, kills and manipulates even his closest companions to do so. The play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, displays healthy ambition leading towards success in fulfilling your goals, while a destructive appetite forces manipulation and scheming to achieve that goal. Macbeth presented healthy ambition until the witches intervened and caused destruction throughout the kingdom. In Act 1, Scene 3, Macbeth is introduced to the witches who give him his first prophecy, “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor.
During hunting welfare of Grizzly is severely compromised as all three spheres of welfare, which are biological functioning, affective state, and natural living, proposed by Fraser et al. (1997) are negatively impacted. It has widely been studied that capture and tracking methods can impose stress on the wildlife. In the case of trophy hunting, if the tracking period is prolonged the stress can deteriorate the mental and physiological functioning (Cattet et al., 2003). Hunting can be done by foot, boats, air crafts and ATVs and the use vehicles brings its own consequences as well. Tracking via vehicles high levels of unnatural noises at variable frequencies which are typically not found in their natural environments. Gamble (1982) has suggested that “high
Have you ever heard the saying, too much stress can cause a person to go gray? Well it turns out there is more fact to this than fiction. The past couple of months have been hard for you at your new job. The job requires you to work with unfamiliar people, in an unfamiliar place, and to top it all off you are incredibly far behind on your monthly report, which can cost you your job if not done correctly and on time. It is apparent to all your family and friends that this job is causing heightened anxiety in you, and they are worried. You aren’t as worried by the stress because you knew what you were getting into with this job, that is until you looked in the mirror. After just a few weeks on the job, you notice a couple gray hairs. Then
Second amendment rights are a controversial subject, but in her article, “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun,” Linda M. Hasselstrom explains why those rights are important to her. Hasselstrom uses logos, pathos, and ethos to entertain readers and to inform them of why she carries a gun.