
Grocery Budget

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Due to the current economy crisis, more and more families have to cut costs because they receive less income. Families will cut costs by selling a car, not going on vacation, and reusing old clothes. In addition, the food budget is reduced as well. Feeding a family on a budget is difficult, but it can be done by following these three simple steps of making a weekly plan, planning your grocery trips, and creative cooking.
First of all, make a weekly plan for feeding your family. Determine the weekly budget you want to spend on food. Then, ask if everyone will be eating at home during the week. This helps to know how much food you will need each day. Eventually, you can make a dinner plan. In the dinner plan, you write what you want to eat each day and how much is needed. The dinner plan also allows you to make your shopping list.
After this, you have to plan your grocery shopping. Decide when you want to go grocery shopping, but limit it to a …show more content…

Often main products, such as chicken or beef, come in large packages. In order to reduce the food waste, try to make two dishes with one main product. This way, you can eat two days from a single package. In a like manner, it could be that a product is reaching its expiration date. Instead of throwing it away, try to make a meal out of it. Search online or ask a friend for recipes with that particular product. You might even be surprised to see the kind of meal you can make. On the other hand, if you do make more food, put the excess amount in the freezer. As a result, you always have a meal if nobody has cooked.
So even though feeding a family on a budget is difficult, it can be done by following three simple steps of making a weekly plan, planning your grocery trips, and creative cooking. Being on a budget, does not mean you have to eat less. Keep track of your food budget, sales, and dinner plan, and you are able to provide healthy meals for your

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