
Grotesque Stereotypes

Decent Essays

We later used these characteristics of high status in a perverse male character obsessed with being with ever-younger women to the point we parody him eventually masturbating a baby. The movements become ape-like, panting like a dog and soon he was on his knees barking and entirely playing the dog. We were able to challenge the common fetish of older men and the desire to make themselves look younger. The purpose of these scenes was to make the audience unable to ignore the message we were projecting; an understanding that our position in society is only defined relative to those we consider to be lesser or greater than our own. By forcing the audience to consider their roles in these relationships it becomes an easy step for them to see their place in a wider flawed system – as noted from the lecturer’s course material, “absent target – eg ‘the establishment’, personal target – eg ‘the audience'” (Taaffe 2015-2016)
Whilst I had very little knowledge of Grotesque or Bouffon as theatrical art forms before starting the module, I had quickly become …show more content…

We were hardly the first to see potential in specifically female-centric angles to Grotesque, indeed Mary Russo draws similarities between the very word “grotesque” and female anatomy (as well as calling me out for citing the origin of “Grotesque” above);
The word itself, as almost every writer on the topic feels obliged to mention sooner or later, evokes the cave - the grotto-esque. Low, hidden, earthly, dark, material, immanent, visceral. As bodily metaphor, the grotesque cave tends to look like (and in the most gross metaphorical sense be identified with) the cavernous anatomical female body. - (Russo,

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