The Ground Sloth was one of the first extinct animals to be discovered. The Ground Sloth was one of the first breeds of sloth ever known to mankind. The scientific name is Megatherium, but it is mostly known as the Giant Ground sloth. The Ground Sloth had specific characteristics as well as environmental characteristics that shaped its way of life and they went extinct.
The Ground Sloth anatomy was very helpful to it’s lifestyle. The ground sloths massive size, acted as protection. According to San Diego Zoo’s article , “Extinct Giant Ground Sloth”, the ground sloth was 9.8 feet long, weighed up to 2,400 pounds, and 14 feet tall on it’s hind legs. The ground sloth was difficult to kill due to it’s massive size. The ground sloth had long sharp claws that served multiple purposes. According to the “Extinct Giant Ground Sloth” article by scientists at the San Diego Zoo, the ground sloths wastes fossil had should signs of plants. Also based off of its structure scientists believe that they also used their claws as defense. The ground sloths snout were very powerful. The San Diego Zoo, stated that they had long boxed shaped that had dull teeth. The structure of the
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The Ground Sloth prefered open grasslands. According to the San Diego Zoo, the waste fossil of the Megatherium signs of plants. Scientists suggested that their diet was a plant based diet, therefore they needed open grasslands. The Ground Sloth lived in giant burrows. The San Diego Zoo, stated that fossils and remains were found in large caves or over size burrows. Due to where the Ground Sloths lived and the size of the animal, scientist believed they lived in burrows. This supports the theory of evolution, because the Ground Sloth was the most well-suited for that environment, therefore it thrived. Also this is an example of one of the five factors of evolution that is known as natural
In life, ones fate is already set. The choices one makes influence everything else in their life. Often, fate throws unexpected situations at you and one must learn how to interpret the reasoning behind it. Many believers in fate think for every bad situation that occurs a positive one will follow. Fate is something that you can’t control. All actions whether they may be in the past, present, or future occur because they are meant to. Everything happens for a reason, and everyone handles situations differently.
My team has discovered a new population of sloths in the Amazon Rainforest. The team has a job of figuring out three things regarding these sloths. The team has to determine if the new population is evolving, how it is related to other sloth populations near it, and if it is a different species than the other sloth populations.
The mutated Brown-throated sloth should sexually reproduce. The mutated Brown-throated sloth has turbo speed, to run away from predators, with a heterozygous genotype. Also, it has a bright stripe, which alerts predators to its presence, with a homozygous recessive genotype. If the sloth were to reproduce asexually, the offsprings would be a copy with the bright stripe and turbo speed. But, if it were to reproduce sexually with a mate that has no turbo speed with a homozygous recessive genotype, and no bright stripe with a homozygous dominant genotype, the offsprings would have a fifty percent chance of turbo speed and a one-hundred percent chance of no bright stripe. The sloth should reproduce sexually because of the possible offsprings. With
One of the largest rodents is the Sciuridae family is the Woodchuck (Marmota Monax) or more commonly known as the Groundhog. It is a fairly common animal most heavily found in the north and north eastern parts of the United States and across most of Canada (Encyclopedia of Life, 2015). Most Woodchucks choose to live in a habitat of grasslands or along the edge of a forest. They tend to like a cooler climate, but during the heart of winter they will hibernate in burrows that they dig throughout the year. The Woodchuck is a incredibly interesting animal that creates elaborate burrows for homes and one of the true hibernators.
Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. The term "ground sloth" is used as a reference for all extinct sloths because of the large size of the earliest forms discovered, as opposed to the extant "tree sloths." However, this is a historical convention and should not imply that all extinct sloths were strictly terrestrial in nature.[1] Their most recent survivors lived in the Antilles, where it has been proposed they may have survived until 1550 BCE;[2] however, radiocarbon dating suggests an age of between 2819 and 2660 BCE for the last known occurrence of Megalocnus in Cuba.[3] Ground sloths had been extinct on the mainland of North and South America for 10,000 years or more.[4] Their later
The Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth is approximately the size of a house cat, ranging from 45-60cm. Like all sloths it has long limbs and a small head for the size of its body. Sloths’ fur hangs ‘backwards’ compared to other mammals, lying from the stomach to their back. This enables the water to run off while it is in a tree. Sloths do not have visible toes but instead have long claws. In this species they have three claws on each foot, which enable them to hang from the branches of trees (2). The brown-throated Tree-toed Sloth can also be distinguished from other species by its brown fur and upturned mouth, giving the sloth a constant ‘smile’.
Sloths are usually a grey color and some of the sloths in the wild will actually be covered with algae, which may sound somewhat disgusting but it's used for camouflage to hide from bigger predators that they might come across in the wild. They need to be disguised well because as you know, sloths are pretty slow. Sloths are the slowest on the ground and in the trees. To your amazement, sloths are excellent, fast swimmers. This is probably because they fall out of the trees, into the water, on a daily basis. If you ever see a sloth in the wild you will most likely see the sloth upside down. If you are getting a pet sloth you will want to purchase a larger kennel of some sort to house a sloth which you can expect to get up to two feet tall.
Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated with animals but I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to help with the conservation efforts of a unique species – the enigmatic sloth. My uncle founded the Dallas World Aquarium (DWA) 25 years ago starting with an abandoned warehouse that was built in1922. Over the years, the aquarium was expanded to include an immense rainforest that was home to animals and birds from all over the world. A major component of the mission of DWA is to work directly with these countries to implement conservation initiatives.
The migration to forested areas would explain why archeologists only find the remains of giant ground sloths from a certain period of history. Because heavily forested areas have so many more scavenger animals that would destroy a carcass. The change in habituation would explain the decrease sightings. How it could be proven: Comparing the skeleton of Bigfoot to one or more species of ground sloth could indicate whether or not Bigfoots belong in that category. Unit connections: Ecology (migration, habituation), Evolution (extinction and endangerment of ground sloths)
Adult velociraptors grow to be about six feet tall and weigh about 200 pounds. They can rip open prey with their single-toed six-inch claw, the three claws on their hands, or their powerful jaws. Velociraptors’ legs are so muscular they can jump ten feet straight into the air and can run very fast. Malcolm says, “Cheetah speed. Sixty, seventy miles per hour” (Crichton, 132). Velociraptors have long, pointed snouts and leathery skin with a pebbled texture which can be either yellow brown with darker reddish stripes or dark green with brown stripes. The procompsognathus is a very small, lizard-like dinosaur. Crichton writes, “Standing like that, it was almost a foot tall, dark green with brown stripes along its back” (Crichton, 14). Procompsognathids
Others include the cave lion (Panthera spelaea) and the ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii). The end-Pleistocene extinction event observed the extinction of many of these megafauna, particularly in North America and Eurasia. By 10,000 years ago, approximately 97 megafauna which had
It is not known if Gorgonopsians had fur, scales or just skin. It is however known that they did have a number of mammal-like features, including the anatomy of their skulls and ear bones, upright rear legs, and heterodont teeth (a mix of different teeth types)
A very famous scientist by the name of Hictor Pauly had been struggling to publicize a creation in years. His last creation, the television, was a great success and led him to the success he has today. Many members of the press stopped by his laboratory in his own village of Hictorville to find out more information on what he was working on but he chased them off with mutated sloths, one of his past creations. As these sloths were equipped with 2000mW laser eyes, nails as sharp as a machete, and faster than cheetahs, nobody picked a fight with them.
Social constructionism counters this argument of evolutionary psychology by putting emphasis on environment and nurture. Constructionism focuses on how meaning is created hence when we use the term “socially constructed” we are referring to how society and culture create gender roles which are in turn prescribed as normal and appropriate behavior expected from a person of that particular gender. More radical versions of the social constructionist theory go as far as to argue that the behavioral differences that exist between men and women are entirely social conventions free of any biological or evolutional influence. Other versions of the theory also claim that there are multiple genders aside from the traditionally recognized male and
Generally, there are not as many documented physical abuse cases for men as there are for women. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline (2014), men are less likely to seek help when it comes to physical abuse. “1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime” (National Domestic Violence Hotline, 2014). The stigma revolving around masculinity and how society views men teaches them not to express their feelings and see themselves as victims. The common stereotype is that men are seen as the abusers and women are seen as victims, therefore men who express their feelings are seen as weak and incapable of being a “man”.