
Grounded Decision Making

Decent Essays
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1. Why is it important to quantify the recruitment decision and how much can be quantified?
2. What are the different factors that needs to be considered for grading uniformly across various workforce sectors?
3. How can the determinants identified be used to build a standardised decision making model with a uniform grading formula?
The methodological approach adopted for this research will be grounded theory. The reason it would be a better suited approach for this study is due to some features of grounded theory that matches with the salient features of the research topic as depicted in Figure 1. Of the two popular approaches to grounded theory, this research would follow the systematic procedures of Strauss and Corbin (1990, 1998) as the intention of this research is to systematically develop a theory that explains the …show more content…

Since the researcher should follow a constant comparative method with the responses obtained, interviews are one of the best research approach to be adopted under this methodology. Additionally, it is with the use of interviews that the researcher can traverse through the theoretical codes of grounded theory that integrate the emerging theory with the research problems as depicted in Figure 2.
For working with a practical sample size, this research will focus on the hiring process and hiring decisions made in the TAFE sector in Melbourne. Currently there are 8 popular TAFEs operating in the Melbourne region. To ensure purposeful sampling, participation of the hiring managers and interview applicants will be studied. Necessary approvals and prior appointments will be sought with participating organisations and individuals. Their response will be recorded and published only with their consent, and anonymity will be maintained if

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