1. Why is it important to quantify the recruitment decision and how much can be quantified?
2. What are the different factors that needs to be considered for grading uniformly across various workforce sectors?
3. How can the determinants identified be used to build a standardised decision making model with a uniform grading formula?
The methodological approach adopted for this research will be grounded theory. The reason it would be a better suited approach for this study is due to some features of grounded theory that matches with the salient features of the research topic as depicted in Figure 1. Of the two popular approaches to grounded theory, this research would follow the systematic procedures of Strauss and Corbin (1990, 1998) as the intention of this research is to systematically develop a theory that explains the
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Since the researcher should follow a constant comparative method with the responses obtained, interviews are one of the best research approach to be adopted under this methodology. Additionally, it is with the use of interviews that the researcher can traverse through the theoretical codes of grounded theory that integrate the emerging theory with the research problems as depicted in Figure 2.
For working with a practical sample size, this research will focus on the hiring process and hiring decisions made in the TAFE sector in Melbourne. Currently there are 8 popular TAFEs operating in the Melbourne region. To ensure purposeful sampling, participation of the hiring managers and interview applicants will be studied. Necessary approvals and prior appointments will be sought with participating organisations and individuals. Their response will be recorded and published only with their consent, and anonymity will be maintained if
Each position will be graded on a five point scale. The factors that will be taken into consideration include: experience, education, level of skill and responsibility. The five point method will be defined and the monetary value will be placed in the appropriate component.
The method I chose for this analysis is in-depth interview. This ethnographic method will be best because it allows me to understand an
This article is an excellent example of work that is based on grounded theory and demonstrates the ways in which qualitative research provides the kind of rich data that are often lacking when a quantitative study is used. This is not to say that either qualitative or quantitative studies are better than each other. Rather, these different types of studies provide different types of data, and these different types of data provide answers to different types of questions.
This qualitative study is based on the Grounded Theory methodology, a design of inquiry from a sociological perspective in which a researcher derives a general abstract theory of a process or interaction grounded in the views of participants in a study to analyze the data. This theory has two unique concepts: the constant comparison of data with emerging categories and a theoretical sampling of different groups to maximize the similarities and differences of information (Creswell, 2009, p. 13). The basic concept of this research method is to choose research participants who have lived through the phenomenon that you want to study. This meant that participants are experts of the phenomenon that the researcher sought to understand (Auerbach and Silverstein, 2003). These techniques involve a): filtering texts, which means explicitly stating your research concerns and theoretical concerns and selecting the relevant text from your interviews, which is done by reading through the transcripts one-by-one with step one in mind and highlighting relevant codes; b): listening to the transcripts for relevant information, which involves recording repeating ideas by grouping together related passages of your
For example, a qualitative re-searcher may implement grounded theory method, which implies that the pur-pose and question evolves throughout the project. Such practice is very sensitive to contextual influences and the specific methods and perspectives employed by the researcher. (Vromen, 2010)
The rational decision-making model describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize the quality of their outcome. In other words, if you want to make sure that you make the best choice, going through the formal steps of the rational decision-making model may make sense. The following are the steps taken to come to a rational decision: 1. Identify the problem, 2. Establish decision criteria, 3. Weigh decision criteria, 4. Generate alternatives, 5. Evaluate the alternative, 6. Choose the best alternative, 7. Implement the decision, 8. Evaluate the decision.
Grade determination should be mostly defined based on hard skills markers such as years of relevant experience, possession of a high school degree, bachelor degree, masters, PHD or professional degrees such a Juris Doctorate (JD) or Medical Doctorate (MD). These markers will each merit a grade increase for starting position.
The Glaser and Strauss (1967) method of grounded theory will be used in the analysis of the study. Grounded theory is a methodology that is systematic and involves constructing theory by analyzing data. Grounded theory starts with a question and researchers review the data collected over and over to look for repeated ideas or concepts using doces to group the theories into categories and possibly into new theories (Broadhed, 1983). There are five steps when using grounded theory(p.87:.
The authors used participant observation and interview to do this research. I think the method of field work that provided the most insightful information was the method of participant observation. By
This section provides an introduction to the different types of research paradigms and methods before concluding on the approach that this study will undertake.
Following a critical overview of the literature, this chapter outlines the research methodology. It will provide a justification for a qualitative methodological approach and specification of methods employed. Highlighting the appropriateness of interviews and focus groups in relation to the methodology and overall research. It will also provide recognition of their relative strengths and limitations.
Once a decision maker has defined the problem, he or she needs to identify the decision criteria that will be important in solving the problem. In this step, the decision maker is determining what’s relevant in making the decision. This step brings the decision maker’s interests, values, and personal preferences into the process. Identifying criteria is important because what one person thinks is relevant, another may not. Also keep in mind that any factors not identified in this step are considered as irrelevant to the decision maker.
Rating against a standard permits a supervisor to classify employee performance independently from that of other employees. Both supervisor and employee have a reference point for accurately looking at an employee’s long-term performance growth.
2016, P.59). Observational study in a naturalistic setting allows the participants to feel comfortable expressing how they think and feel about difficult topics and discussions. Those observations become the story of that which is studied. Grounded theory, according to Trochim et al. (2006) creates a setting where the researcher develops theories and questions and then uses the qualitative data to expand the theory and questions with links of understanding (P. 62). Those links of understanding help provide a better “how” and “why” of research.
The recruitment literature according to Breaugh and Starke (JoM, 2000) had been bombarded by criticisms for the lack of substantiated research materials and unanswered questions. The Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Guion 1976, devoted one chapter only about recruitment process despite the numerous studies published during 1976. There were questions circulating in the recruitment literature which failed to address the key factors