
Group Dynamics: Group Analysis

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The group dynamic can be influenced by the facilitator through their actions and response to the group. In my professional life there were times when I was tasked to lead break out groups in an effort to discuss areas that were working and areas where we as a team could do things better. In these small break out group experiences I recognize strengths and challenges in my ability as a leader. Without formal experience in the helping profession I was unsure how I would relate my personal experience to the group dynamic. In reading Yalom, I recognized the skills used in my job to facilitate break out groups was similar to those used to lead process groups. Strengths and weaknesses Today I am an effective group leader because I have had …show more content…

8). I chose to begin with a warmup exercise to discover what the members of the group want to focus on for the rest of the session. Each member will sit as if they are looking through a picture album of recent events when each member has found the picture they would like to share with the group they will take turns describing their picture. In doing so I would ask why the picture was chosen and what makes it significant? These questions can help the group to identify with the member who is sharing to find universality in what is …show more content…

While the group engages in the warm up my role is to keep an open mind for prompt recognition. A decision needs to be made based on this observation of the group whether to choose the protagonist or activate the group to choose (Durić, Veljković, & Tomić 2006 p. 9). Because the group is small I would like to allow the group to select which photograph they would like to use for the process group. Unless there is a member who has presented a strong evocative photograph that would create a powerful group experience I would like to allow the group to choose. However if the picture were as powerful as I suspect I believe the members would select that one as well. If they chose something else it may be an opportunity for me to review how I perceive the importance of an event. The group will then decide which photograph will be the focus of the psychodrama and the member who was selected will act out their scene for the group. The member will use pieces of furniture to set their scene and they will be the protagonist of the story (Durić, Veljković, & Tomić 2006 p. 11). I found this technique to be of interest because it develops the skills I spoke of lacking. In using this technique the members will select the direction the group will take in order to give the most meaningful experience to all of

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