Team, I just want to say thank you for the effort, time, and hard work provided to successfully complete this group exercise. Overall, we did an outstanding job as a group and is reflected in ours weekly grades. I wish you guys good luck in your studies and goals. Once again, thank you for the job well done. See you around Canvas! V/r, Kermit
I think overall we as a group were entirely successful. We all contributed to the parts that were assigned that week with what we thought were the correct answers. Likewise, we
I agree with you that assessments in a group is essential to understand the functioning of the group members. Also, I believe that it is important to assess individual members as well as the group as a whole. As a group facilitator we must constantly gather pertinent information that will be used to achieve the individuals and groups goals. Assessing the group helps to make the group more cohesive and beneficially to the members. You made a great point that understanding the characteristics of the group members can help improve group participation. I do believe that if a member is not participating does not mean that they are not benefiting from the group. Also, having a member that monopolize the group does not they are
Please register as a student and use the following link to access the cases (only the questions for the first case are shown below):
We appreciate all your hard work to the program and our class so far, and are very appreciate
The test population was a community subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee who needed a unilateral total knee replacement. Test subjects were recruited and divided into two groups; a control group, and a prehabilitation/exercise group. The control group were dealt with the usual care preparation prior to their operation while the prehabilitation group were given an exercise programme and these exercises were performed under supervision. The exercises were performed three times a week and included resistance training, flexibility, and step training.
There are lots of people around the U.S who who do not understand the hard struggle of people from other countries. Lots of people make stereotypes about Asian people, Latinos, and people from Arabic countries. People would normally assume that if you are asian, you speak Chinese or Japanese, or that you paint nails, or own a “Chinese food” restaurant.
Joilynn you have continued to participated during the second half of the year in AWARE and team activities. In September you co planned a team lunch with another team member. The team lunch turned out to be a lot of fun and everyone had a good time. Thank you for taking the
We can say, that it was a pleasure to work on this assignment and would, in the third place, like to thank each other. The persons who worked on this assignment, for the effort and time that is put in the assignment, that brought us to this finished version.
An important part of our learning and growing experience must stem from our ability to analyze and reflect upon the groups that we have been members in. This reflection can define our understanding of the weaknesses both in ourselves and in the others within our group; and it can help to shape the way that we act in future groups. Adjusting ourselves to compensate for our weaknesses, based upon an honest and thorough examination of our actions within a group setting, is one of most important thing for any person to do. It is only through this evaluation that we can improve ourselves and our interactions with others. This paper will examine a group that was required to make an important decision about adding a new member
As we navigate the requirements of this course, its many rooms, and assignments, each of our members has agreed to take specific roles in order to ensure that our team is successful. The roles are primarily defined by who is, and who is not, assigned to complete assignments during a given week. Individuals who are responsible for assignments during the week will complete the assignment in conjunction with those guidelines provided by the associated room. Assignments are due on Monday, in order to allow the team to teach, review, and learn from each other. Group members who do not have assignments will serve to support and critique the work of the others.
Mr. Payne was a no show, no call for IOP group today. Chrono was made. CCO was notified. OMNI stated that Mr. Payne is incarcerated due to positive UA for Methamphetamine.
I would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our teachers. Each of you selflessly invested hours preparing the materials for your classes and has made educating our children a priority; we would not have such a wonderful and successful coop without you!! THANK YOU TEACHERS!!
In our group essay, I wrote the paragraph on teenage drivers and collaboration with my group on the introduction. I would trade my group's essay an 8 on the AP rubric. I would grade it an 8 because we did a very well job at writing one cohesive essay that flowed nicely along with using strong diction. The part about our essay that set us back was the grammar along with the introduction. I think the essay could of had better grammar such as commas as well as a better attention grabber as our first sentence. Overall, our essay in my opinion was very well written and offered humor to keep the audience attentive, but lack the proper grammar as well as a strong introduction. The process has taught me so much. The main thing it taught me is that
Dyads are activities where members of a group are paired together to discuss/solve problems or complete a specific task. This tool is use to increase comfort, provide fun, and provide different learning experiences (p. 220). Group leaders must plan and establish structure before conducting dyads. According to Jacobs et al. (2012), “group leaders need to know when to use dyads, how to pair up members, and the length of time dyads should last” (p. 210). Leaders/facilitators should use dyads in their first group session as a team building skill.
The inter-group problem is that the client (owner of the company) and his wife (sales manager) are having inter-marital problems. This is carrying over into the job. The husband around the job is known as the “yes man,” and the wife is known as the “boss” and other harsh words, which was found out during the interviews with the employees. The hope of the client is to get the sales manager to simply say “yes” to a major deal that will provide the company a competitive advantage in the market place. However, the sales manager feels they should hold off and play “hard ball” another month.