
Group Response Paper

Decent Essays
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Directions: Please answer each of the following questions and provide examples from the text, if applicable. Each response should be at least two paragraphs in length and be written in complete sentences.

1. At what stage in the five-stage model of group development might groups exert control over their members’ behavior?
In the five-stage process of group development it is in the norming stage that the group is able to control the behavior of its members. In this phase, the third phase, member start to feel as if though they belong and individual ties are made. Out of this comes a sense of direction for the group and they begin to create rules for moving forward.
2. Do most members of an organization want to work in groups? Why or why not?
Yes, most organizational members want to work in groups. As a member of an organization it is better to be a part of a group, which is a collaboration of individuals working toward a common goal. This …show more content…

Calling them the Employee Resource Groups, they are helping to promote inclusion from within their company to the world. The company believes that their global consumer base has a direct correlation to their employment diversity. These groups range from developing opportunities for African Americans through the Whirlpool African American Network or WAAN to the mission of Whirlpool Asian Community. They also support human rights through their PRIDE community and recognize women in their Whirlpool Women’s Network. Further supporting men and women of all ages, races and backgrounds they have a networks for the development of Young Professionals, supporting Latin culture and recognizing the Hispanic community through the Whirlpool Hispanic net work, and a network designed specifically to integrate the strong leadership and competitive nature of our great veterans in the Whirlpool Veterans

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