• In this particular article it describes why councilors would pick clients to become a part of a group therapy session. As well as, shedding light to why some methods and disorders that is best for the client. While still obtaining when a councilor should recommend individual therapy for some clients. In each section of the article the author gives the reader examples in to which helps explains what a client is going through. • What this article describes is what e-therapy is and how the client and the councilor are able to communicate. While being able to address some of the legal concerns that can arise from doing e-therapy session with a client. As well as, addressing some of the ethical standards that the counselor needs to be aware
The article explains four author’s view points and their recommended strategies on handling social justice group therapy. One of the author’s, Hays, believes in using Rawl’s philosophy; equity, access, participation and harmony by using this concepts the everyone in the group are given an equal and fair opportunities of letting their concerns be heard ( Rivera & Nash, 2008, p.180) She also believes that facilitators should raise awareness on how culture and the role of oppression or intersectionality between clients. Hays argues that counselors in a research study conducted are informed but lack the support from their workplace to advocate social justice concerns. Moreover, Hays’ theme around social justice in group therapy is to empower and
The topic chosen for this particular group therapy was self-care amongst college students. I chose this particular population due to the fact that I am in college and understand the importance of taking care of one’s self. As a college student certain times in the semester can be overwhelming causing students to stress frantically. Handling responsibilities such as internships, deadlines, homework, and final projects can become tiresome for a student. With such a high demand work schedule, students forget about the importance of keeping up their self-care. As a result, students are left feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. Moreover, the most appropriate type of group would be an educational group. An educational group works with individuals in a group session by teaching a set of specific skills and techniques that can be utilized in a person’s life. As the educational facilitator of this group, I was able to educate the members in my session with specific tactics that can be applied in their college career. In brief, the three most important tactics to promote self-care are, managing stress, socializing, and maintaining an adequate diet.
Group therapy is an important method that is commonly used by psychiatric professionals in the treatment of many types of mental illnesses. They consist of three or more people and are targeted at promoting psychological development and change. There are three different types of groups. The task group works by using tasks, such as activities and techniques, designed to help clients work toward desired goals. In addition, midrange groups work by allowing clients to share their thoughts and feelings with others who have learned to cope with similar problems over a longer period of time. Lastly, process groups work by allowing clients to work on their communicating patterns, skills and methods (Fortinash & Holoday Worrett, 2008).
This paper will discuss conduct and discuss three different online therapy sites. It will discuss the contact of each website, the professional involved, how the actual online interaction occurs. It will address how professional associations and state boards view online therapy.
The first time I personally experienced attending a group therapy was part of my course. Through this experience i can say that group therapy can be very powerful in healing a person emotionally and since the members were from the same class, where we all have similar goals. Group therapy helped all of us to establish meaningful and intimate relationship and we also recognised commanality of members needs and problems and to develop a sense of bonding and we became very close and we could also be there for each other during emotionally trying times.It also helped me to increase self-growth, self acceptance and self –confidence among oneself and group members. Group therapy is a powerful venue for growth and change. It also helped me in expressing my emotions in a healthy way.
The process of running a group therapy session is a unique time to tests a person’s skills abilities when it comes to facilitating that group. This paper will mainly look at ways when it comes to my learning's of this class that I took ways; I will also show examples and skills to run a good group therapy session. This whole paper is a reflection of the many things that I took was on being an active group counselor facilitator.
Another question remains regarding the status of the therapeutic relationship in e-therapy. The therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient is a paramount element of successful mental health treatment. As such, some authors have reflected upon how this aspect of therapy translates to services delivered
This article is a research-based article that reviewed the effectiveness of group therapy for individuals with a learning disability and anxiety management issues (Marwood & Hewitt, 2013). The article demonstrated that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is more effective for adults with anxiety and mild learning disability. The sample population consists of eight (8) adult’s participants from the ages 17 to 73 years old and all participants lived in the local community (Marwood & Hewitt, 2013). The group ran for six weeks and facilitators conducted a questionnaire at the end of the six weeks. Some of the participants had an anxiety diagnosis, however, all of the participants required anxiety management involvement.
I faced a dilemma about confidentiality. My client, 80 years old male, who had been experiencing martial problems for the past 17 years, admitted that his close girlfriend just enrolled the treatment. The company policy generally prohibits family and friends to attend the same group therapy because dating and other relationships between or among group members could be harmful. The relationships could distract other group members, make them feel left out, or uncomfortable and embarrassed if the couple discusses their relationship problems, argues or breaks up. Additionally, being in a relationship with a member of the same group may draw patient’s focus away from the group and the purpose for being there. Group therapy is for people who want to work on their individual problems within a group, not couple or family
The counseling session goes through various characteristics. At the very earliest stage, the participants test the new relationship with the leader and with each other, and the leader, in a way, experiments too with the new relationship with the participators assessing which techniques would be best to employ with them and whether or not there is a match. As with all acquaintances, some work and some do not, and the earliest stages of the group session are a prelude to the future of the success of the group. Exploration is tentative, members learn the rules of this new game and the leader, in turn, learns how to act with participators.
There are many forms of therapy for many different mental illnesses. Some work better for certain people than others but there are a few advantages and disadvantages that stand out. An advantage of self-help groups may be that people tend to thrive on socialization and knowing they're not alone. It would be beneficial to hear other people's perspectives, tips, and motivation if they've gone through or are going through the same type of situation. Having small group sessions and pairing up with people to hold each other accountable to not drink, or whatever the situation may be, helps some people because they want for the other person to get well just as much as they want wellness for themselves. Since people in the group have gone through similar situations, the person may feel they're able to be more sympathetic and understanding than a therapist who may have not struggled previously with addiction or a mental illness. Some disadvantages could include; people in the group therapies, while being sympathetic and encouraging, don't necessarily have the education or resources to help some of the more extreme of cases, hostility within the group may arise and hurtful words may be exchanged (which could further
he 12 step program will be a guiding light for Julie on the road to recovery. Built by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob this program is easily the most wide spread way of helping people beat a certain addiction, like heroin abuse. By admitting she is powerless over heroin Julie will conquer the first step. As she continues on she will meet gracious people in the rooms of Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous. She will get to share past negative experiences with fellow members, and will help her to become more experienced in her recovery. “The core philosophy of AA/NA emphasizes personal accountability, abstinence, humility, honesty, powerlessness over addiction and connection with a higher power (CRC Health Group 2015).” Most of all this can be used along with other types of treatment. Group therapy will offer Julie some much needed support. This is a group of around 5-8 people with trained counselors talking about steps or ways to certain concerns, and helps with gaining certain positive reinforcement tools. Each member’s gets to express one’s self as well as convers ate back and forth with other members about certain group discussions. Let’s say one day the discussion is on suicidal thoughts because Julie decided to speak up and relive herself of inner demons, therefore expressing this with fellow members helps to get different perspectives on how to handle the situation.
APA standard 7.05 on mandatory individual or group therapy for graduate students as an option. The key word here is "option" because some graduate students have expressed issues with privacy rights. I do agree with the student about privacy rights and APA did revised the ethics code and allow the student to select a therapist not associated with the school.
I too began to consider ways online methods of therapy may be a better fit than face to face meetings for individuals in real life situations. It turns out there are many examples of people in my life who would benefit from online therapy versus traditional face to face sessions. For instance, my husband is moderately to profoundly deaf and found counseling after the death of his first wife to be uncomfortable and a “communication nightmare.” Under normal circumstances, he is able to read lips and communicate effectively, however when he is stressed or upset he is unable to process what is being said. Another example is my son who has high functioning autism. Face to face conversations with him are difficult, but when he texts he is able to “talk” about his emotions in a way that is unimaginable in a typical conversation. The final example I have is a friend who is prominent in our community. He is deeply troubled and desperately needs the support of a counselor right now however he is uncomfortable getting help near home and is driving to another town almost an hour away for counseling and is still terrified someone locally will find out.
Little is known or researched concerning the efficacy of the counselling relationship on clients who use and participate in e-therapy. The increased use of e-therapy can have a major impact on both the industry as well as those who participate in the sessions. Participants will have a great level of choice of therapist since they are no longer confined to their local market. They are able to seek out specialist who can assist them in their particular area of need. They are no longer hindered by the need to commute to a certain locale to obtain services. Patients are able to use parts of their day that were previously unavailable.