
Group Therapy Reflection

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The process of running a group therapy session is a unique time to tests a person’s skills abilities when it comes to facilitating that group. This paper will mainly look at ways when it comes to my learning's of this class that I took ways; I will also show examples and skills to run a good group therapy session. This whole paper is a reflection of the many things that I took was on being an active group counselor facilitator. When it comes to a group theory session, the counselor wants to give the individuals in that setting Instillation of hope, members of therapy groups often find hope as they discover and focus on how to face their problems. Installation of hope is vital because you want to have the individuals that are part of that …show more content…

It is vital to let other people in the group share any input that they want to share when it comes to standards and outlooks that will make them feel comfortable in that setting. Looking through the readings from this class and discussions we had a great conversation about what setting the expectations of the class looks like and how it can be applied effectively. The process of picking who will be part of the group is vital as well, in class discussions we talked about picking certain people that will be able, to be honest, and share during that time. A group facilitator would never choose someone for a group that will not talk and is it, the central theme of group therapy is having others share about their past and presents experiences. During the facilitating period, there will be times where there are arguments between people in the group during class hours; we had great discussions on how to deal with the situation where multiple people are arguing during this period. Some of my suggestions were getting the two people to talk after class and resolve issues that they might have with the other person. Another concept I learned from this class was to run a group session with a classmate properly, that was a great experience for me because it tested my skills into what needed to work on if an ever lead a real group therapy session. One thing a learned from assisting

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