
Growing Regions

Decent Essays

Construct a map to illustrate the spatial distribution of growing regions globally

Describe any correlation you have found between the spatial distribution of the food staple growing region and global biomes
90% of all rice is grown in asia, in irrigated and upland areas of not only asia but west africa and central and south america. The rice in these countries are grown close to equator in grasslands areas the reason grasslands are used for farming of rice is because it's a perfect mix of cool and hot climates which is great for growth and they are predominantly large and expansive biomes perfect for growing crops on a large scale. It can be grown up to and around 3000 meters

Explain how environmental factors (temperature, water availability, soils and topography) influence the yield of the food staple.
Rice is grown upland so that water can flow down and irrigate all the rice below it and not overwater the plants, rice can have low productivity in some areas as soil can be poor and little fertiliser is used. Rainfall can be inconsistent and cause either drought or erosion of the hill side preventing growth. Rice needs to be grown in areas where nighttime …show more content…

Rice is very dependant on water and uses 2 and a half times as much water as other crops, this means drought and water scarcity is a huge problem. Flooding is also as big as a problem as rice grows on sloping rice paddies that are vulnerable to flooding because the water flows downhill meaning erosion affects all the crops. Urbanisation is somewhat of a problem because rice can be grown in a wide variety of places and the countries that export the most rice have station the farms far enough away that it won't be a problem for a long

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