Asher based this entire novel on his life; How he was affected by bullying and how he viewed teenagers interacting with each other. Initially, Jay talks about how each character in the book is somewhat relatable to him as he was growing up, but he identified that he felt the most connected with the character Clay (Diaz). Jay describes Clay as “non-confrontational,” an attribute he himself displayed in high school, which he says “can be good, but can also be a weakness” (Diaz). Not only was Jay able to align himself with Clay, he also found that he could join with Hannah’s character traits as well. Jay describes Hannah as, “a romantic in how she sees the world, which makes it even more crushing when the world doesn’t unfold how you think it
“Maybe,” Simon said hesitantly, “maybe there is a beast… What I mean is… maybe it’s only us.” In the midst of the second world war, a plane evacuating a group of English adolescents, has crashed on an uninhabited island located in the Pacific Ocean. Lord of the Flies tells the harrowing account. As the boys allot more and more time isolated on the island, they admit to recognizing an unidentifiable figure dwelling within the area, this “beast” however, isn’t the typical lion, tiger, or bear; This mysterious entity is portrayed to have various alternating elements throughout the documents in an attempt to establish a definite identity to this phenomenon conceiving the the question, what is the “beast”?
“Your so diffrent.Grown.No.I’m the same it is everything else that has changed she she shook her’ve changed”(paulsen 149).In the historical fiction woods runner by gary paulsen. it shows lots of change over time physically and mentally.In the story woods runner samuel’s parents are taking and he is determined to find them.On his journey he meets many people who help him.he also learns many different things that help him on his way to his family.
“You always have two choices: your commitment versus your fear.” - Sammy Davis Jr. During the first two years of the American Revolution, things were not looking up for the Continental Army commanded by none other than George Washington. During the war, General Washington was having a rough time keeping the soldiers to stay and fight. So, he set up camp at Valley Forge. His men made huts to live in with fireplaces and one door. They made their camp close enough to the British to keep them under surveillance. Not realizing that all the events that the Americas had done, such as the Boston Tea Party in 1773, would start a war with the British Empire. I have decided to not re-enlist for the three reasons which are: the clothing in this weather is terrible, the sickness is hard to survive through, and the conditions at Valley Forge are terrible.
When Holden was younger, his brother died of Leukemia. Even though Holden was older than his brother, he idolized him because he was a sensitive, intelligent, and lovely kid. However there is a deeper meaning to the adulation. Holden venerated Allie because he was young and innocent, furthermore, he was not perverted by the world of sex and adults. The allegory of Allie is critical to the novel because it gradually becomes clear that Allie’s demise was one of the most distressing experiences of Holden’s life and plays a key role in his current
I think Walmart or any other stores throwing out food than aren't even expired yet, is unacceptable. They could've just donated it or gave it away to homeless people or to orphanages, instead of just wasting it. For some stores that are changing the expiration dates, so they can get more people to buy it, I think that's just horrible. I don't think it's safe for your body, because you might be eating expired food, according to the video we watched about stores changing the expiration dates on food, “expired food might lead to cancer or any other
1. when is the story told in relation to the kidnapping? How do you know?
Sasha Stone. Top of her class, first chair clarinet, and on her way to becoming valedictorian. With her whole life planned out ahead of her you ’d think there would be nothing in her way. Until he shows up.
In the book Flyte, the Flyte charm is symbolized as many things throughout the course of the book. Sage used the charm to symbolize power and strength, and finally unity. When the Flyte charm is first mentioned in the book, it is symbolized as power and strength. For instance, on page 284 Nicko says “‘There’s four of us here and it’s only Simon after all-- just old smartypants big brother Simon. Okay, so he’s learned to fly, but so that?
The main character talks about the lives of the guys he goes to school with and the typical teenage behavior that they all partake in. For example, Holden has been expelled from multiple schools, been in fights, smokes, swears, and talks about the stereotypical conversations between teenage males. Holden’s roommate, who he calls Stradlater, is the quintessential example of a player in the novel. Holden says that Stradlater has been with many girls and never truly cared about it until Stradlater mentions the name Jane Gallagher.
Sometimes, things can be rough. In this fantastic book by S.E. Hinton- The Outsiders, the story starts off with a boy named Ponyboy. WHen his brother gets mad at him, he runs away, expecting to return the next morning. That is all turned upside down when his friend Johnny kills a boy. They run away to Windrixville together. Then, on their way back, they spot a burning church and run inside and save the children trapped in the back. Johnny is seriously injured by a piece of burning wood. Throughout the next chapters, the boys are preparing for the big fight against an enemy gang, the Socs. After the fight, which they win, Pony and his buddy Dallas WInston go and see JOhnny in the hospital one last time before he died. Dallas, who is overrun
The way the world is surrounded by technology, not being able to understand technology is difficult but not “death in life”. Today, almost anything on paper is easily accessed on a laptop or smartphone. However, if you're technologically illiterate, you still have access to everything on paper, you just may have to look harder for it. In the text, Carole says “Now I can read, I can read books, anything. I can write. In English and French.” When I read that quote, I think of Carole's troubles when learning to read on paper, now she has to learn all over again on a laptop. Personally, I find it very hard to read off of a smartboard or laptop and I can only think of the struggles coming Carole's way in the 21st century. Some challenges could be,
I believe that the theme of The Outsiders is that: “Not everybody is like what you think they are”. This is proven to be true because of these next three paragraphs show how.
The theme of the book "Thirteen Reasons Why" is that you can make a differance in someones life if you put aside your fears. I feel this because if Clay would've put aside the rumors he heard and his reputation there may have been a better outcome.
History is events that happened in the past to impact the world. Anyone can make history, but the events of that history have no impact unless one writes the history down. The quote “Any fool can make history, but it takes a genius to write it” explains how history is truly made. The quote means that any person, no matter how uneducated they are can make history, but it takes a highly educated person to make history and make the event known. Anyone can make history because history is the events that happened. For example, one can make history by eating an apple, but that won’t be known because eating an apple isn’t a significant event to the world. When one eats an apple, it’s an event that has happened, but it isn’t a very great event to other
When first introduced into the story Clay is just an average high school student. He was friends with a girl named Hannah who recently commit suicide when he receives a box of voice recorded tapes from her explaining her reasons behind killing herself. These tapes are the extraordinary circumstance that force Clay to come of age. In the tapes, Hannah explains how if people reached out to her, talked to her, maybe things would have been different, maybe she would still be alive. “I think I’ve made myself very clear, but no one’s stepping forward to stop me. (...) A lot of you cared, just not enough. And that’s what I needed to find out” (Asher 280). Hannah explains how she made it clear that she was unhappy and thinking about suicide, but no one did anything to stop her, and it seemed that no one cared enough about her to do anything, resulting in her death. After hearing these tapes and these words, Clay has a new perspective on people, to be nice to everyone who seems sad so they don’t end up like Hannah. Earlier in the book we were introduced to a character named Skye, who, after 8th grade, stopped talking to people. Clay was on the bus while listening to a few of Hannah’s tapes, and Skye realized he was in the seat in front of her, and decided to talk to him. “Skye’s always been pretty, but she acts like the thoughts never crossed her mind. Especially the past couple of