
Growing Up Research Paper

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Authors try to capture the true story of how teenagers life are truly are growing up and that may mean that their stores are not “all sunshine and roses”(Uwire Text). Author’s captures teenager as the world changed around us. In the fifties, they captures how teenagers struggled to make sure their families were not shunned or that they married at the right time they were told to. Then to be able to do whatever their husband told them. As the decades went on authors wrote about how hard it can be to be a teenage women in the earlier days. Having to do what they were told or be punished if they did not. It is harder for the teenagers in the earlier decades to find their path they are meant to take because there are so many rules stopping them from exploring the …show more content…

It can make it more difficult for them to capture what the readers truly want. The modern world is a lot different then it is in the earlier decades. It has more problems going on with teenagers. In the earlier decades they were all about the same. In the modern world authors have to make sure that what they are writing is not fake because the “redeeming qualities of a teenager is their loathing for anything fake”(Hilton). Authors tell stories about how teenagers are being raped, how they are overcoming abusive parents or drug parents. Doing this “gives a face to everyone with the possible life saving assurance that [they are] not the only [one]” (Cart). Teenagers in the modern world are scared to start high school and authors being to capture that help a lot of teenagers get over their fear. It also depend on how they are seeing the world. Michael Cart says “ I feel literature is so important is that, i’m still fifteen years old, a beginning freshman terrified by the uncertainties and imponderables of the strand new world.” Picking a path does not alway lead to something that is good. There are time where it can lead to a bad

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