
Growth And Diversity In Schools 1880-1960

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Chapter 7 – Growth and Diversity in Schools and Students, 1880-1960
5-Compare the narrative of Mary Antin with that of the Mexican America students described in America Me. What is similar and what is different in their experience of American schooling? Speculate on some of the reasons for these differences. Antin narrated her experiences as an immigrant in America which allowed her to transcend the restrictions in her own culture and experience a revolution in women lives. The American public school was a way for her to begin her Americanization and education brought her out as a prodigy. Her education made her question her Jewish religion, which resulted in her seeing it as an irrelevant aspect of American life. For Antin, education was necessary for the assimilation in this new world. On the other hand, Mexican American students need to become integrated with the current American schooling systems even though their academic performance is lower. This minority group finds …show more content…

Education received a huge investment doubling the expenditure of each student and a preschool program for students from low-income backgrounds. The president wanted education to be available to the masses regardless of their income which meant the poorest child had an opportunity to receive adequate education. In agreement with President Johnson each child considered as an American citizen needs the public provided education funded by the government when they need aid. Since education involved an individual child required the funds despite the school they attended. The classroom then became the new freedom where American youth would prepare for the modern world because they are the nation’s resources. I believe education opens a variety of new horizons for its young children and changes were

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