Moreover, a growth mindset encourages directly and indirectly successful outcomes. High school engaged many instances of growth mindsets for me. At the end of my middle school career, I had managed to become a part of an amazing friend group, I had fantastic grades, and I was doing well in all aspects of my teenage life. Yet, a constant dilemma phased through my mind: I would lose all my friends consequent to the high school split. This had the power of striking panic in me, but instead I found myself thrilled for the next year to come so I could make all new friends. From the beginning, I was optimistic and ecstatic about starting off with a clean slate and that guided me into making a whole new friend group. These friends have given me unique
Last year, on our football team we had disagreements with each other instead of walking away from the situation they got into a fight it was stupid because there are both leaders of the team and the coaches had to break it up which made it immature. These players had a fixed mindset. In the book Mindset, Carol Dweck explains that There are two mindsets a fixed mindsets and growth mindsets the growth mindsets makes a mistake and learn from their mistakes. A fixed mindset is when you make a mistake and u keep on doing it.The football team should develop a growth mindset .
A wise person said, “you don’t grow through success, you grow through what you go through.” The book, Mindest written by Carol S. Dweck, examines how the fixed and growth mindset leads to generating the motivations and conduct of individuals. This book is essential because it educates people on the notion of self- improvement in regard to learning, acquiring, and improving relationships with others as there is always room for progress. A growth mindset is very favorable in regard to improving love, family, friendships, and parenting relationships through many aspects. To begin, a growth mindset helps to enhance a relationship through forgiveness, respect, and self-improvement.
It’s difficult to be a successful author in today’s day and age, as there is competition everywhere, and it is easy to be drowned out, no matter how hard you try to put your name out into the world. Generally we tend to think of success as how much money an author makes or how well known they are among the common populace. However, true success should be defined by the quality of the story, regardless of how many people know it, and the satisfaction of having written it, regardless of how much it made. It takes a willingness to grow and to work hard to achieve literary success and notoriety. A successful author develops a growth mindset through the education and life experience they receive from their younger years into adulthood. Carol Dweck in Ken Bain’s What the Best College Students Do, describes a growth mindset as having a mastery perspective, “they believe that they can master something and grow in their abilities if they try. If they don’t succeed, they look for new strategies rather than deciding they ‘just can’t do it.’...Mastery students think abilities can expand. The helpless they’re fixed (Bain 109).” A growth mindset and strong ethos is critical to the success of authors as is demonstrated in the lives and works of Richard Adams, Dan Abnett and Hunter S. Thompson.
The problem that i will be talking is about, what are the challenges that schools faces to success. I think we can solve this problems by getting better at mindset (Fixed and Growth) and grit and by trying to stop gangs and drugs into schools.
Heather Landers argues in her article “Help Your Students Develop a Growth Mindset” she declares “Talk about adopting a growth mindset in class—tell stories about former students who thought they would never learn the subject but who, with persistence and effort, ended up being successful in the course” (6). Landers point is by clarifying that by giving students examples which could give the students a chance to see what could happen if they took on a growth mindset. Another way students at Mount Miguel can thrive to get a growth mindset is surround themselves with growth mindset people. The people students hang around with reflects who they are. As Tim Elmore put it's in his article “Four Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset in Students” he clarifies “Growing people determine to surround themselves with growth mindset people, who become contagious with others. You will reflect the books you read and the people you position next to you” (4). Elmore is insisting the people students hang around reflects on the choices they make and what mindset they will have. However, students must recognize that they have a choice in choosing a fixed or growth mindset. Terry Waghorn in his article “Are You Trapped In A Fixed Mindset? Fix it!” agrees when he
Derek Sivers believes that it is necessary to fail because it is a learning experience, it keeps you in the "growth mindset", and it reminds you that everything you do is just one of many options that you have. He explains that some people have a "growth mindset" while others have a "fixed mindset." Those with the "growth mindset" are able to take their failures and better themselves and their work through it. They see it as a learning experience and become motivated to try even harder, regardless of what it is that they're trying to accomplish. Those with a "fixed mindset" believe that their skills and talents are predetermined and see failure as proof that they're not meant to accomplish something or they believe they're too good at
Something that could be considered bias in this work could be the fact that Dweck focuses on writing positive things about growth mindset and only negative things when it comes to fixed mindset. Since she did not provide any positive aspects of fixed mindsets or negative aspects of growth mindsets we could consider that she is in favor of growth mindsets. Writers should provide both points of views, not only one. This piece of work could had been better if Dweck had provided a counterargument.
In order to go from a fixed to a growth mindset and stay there requires effort. One cannot go on a diet and lose weight to just turn around and gain it back and then start all over again. Change can be difficult for anyone and Dweck says the following about maintaining the growth mindset. “Mindset change is not about picking up a few pointers here and there. It’s about seeing things in a new way. When anyone changes to a growth mindset, they change from a judge-and-be-judge framework to a learn-and-help-learn framework” (2016, p. 254). Change is not easy. Change takes time. Change takes effort. Are those not all of the things Dweck says is a growth mindset?
We are not stuck with what we are born with; each person’s true potential is unknown, and any mind can be cultivated. Like digging up new ground, the old dirt is broken and mixed with the newer soil, creating a new rich environment for growth, but it takes a lot of effort, time, energy, and perseverance. Seeking challenges and avoiding comfort may be the deciding factor between moving forward or standing still.
People with the growth mind are brave enough to face everything and do something about it.
A growth-mindset classroom community allows students to be rewarded for showing effort and progress towards challenging learning tasks (Dweck, 2010).
What a growth mindset means to me is that someone has an optimistic outlook on life.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. How much effort you put in is how much you get back. You can’t study and get a grade you don’t won’t. Grit and growth mindset, are the key to life. You can master both of these things with the right amount of effort.
A growth-mindset for any student can be their key to success. Many students feel as if they can’t achieve the goal(s) that they have set for themselves when learning and trying to get passing grades. How can the Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) increase their students academic performance? The AUHSD can increase its academic skills by encouraging students to having a growth mindset. Students are pressured to make passing grades and know everything they learn, but how can some students learn when not all students have the same growth-mindset. That’s where parents should come in and encourage their child letting them know that they are intelligent and can do everything that they plan to achieve in life. The key to success for any student
One way growth mindset is more superior than a fixed mindset is due to the ability to develop and adapt the intelligence of a person. A fixed mindset will lock you down to the "now". A study done by Dweck tested ten-year-olds with problems that were beyond their reach of knowledge. Many of the kids were excited to learn and do better the next time, but a few were upset. They felt like testing their knowledge defeated them. "In one study, after a failure on a test, they said they'll cheat next time instead of study more. In another study, they found someone who did worse than they did so they could feel better, and in