Guatemala Tragedies Guatemala’s economy is extremely poor compared to other countries. “The poor are getting poorer” is due to the low spending causing a poor infrastructure and slow growth. 40 percent of the country’s poor live on $1.50 per day. Guatemala’s economy has been growing steadily, but has been supported by private consumption. In other words, the government receives money based on what the people are buying for their households. The Guatemalan government fails to collect taxes from a large portion of their population. Therefore, the lack of money puts their economy in great risk when natural disasters occur. Their geography contains hills, mountains, poor soil, and volcanos. It is extremely difficult to build safe, secure houses with the lack of money and resources. People everyday live unsure when a natural disaster will strike and they are unable to protect their loved ones. Guatemala receives around 10 feet of rain during a 5 month rainy …show more content…
Most of the the people live on the flat land at the bottom of mountain or hill causing them to be more susceptible to the tragedies that comes with landslides. Guatemala receives over 10 feet of rain in a 5 month rainy period which leads to a tremendous amount of erosion. At the same time, when the farmers plant their crops, the soil is burned and used to plant the same plants in the same exact spot. The problem with replanting in the same crop, in the same spot, and burning the dry, dead crops at the end of the season is that it makes the soil degrade and erode faster. With as much erosion Guatemala’s soil has dealt with, the ground is not capable enough to hold the rainwater during the rainy season causing the dangerous landslides that had become natural to their community. Volcanos also play a huge part in landslides because of the erosion, the shaking of the earth is capable of releasing large amounts of land from the earth. (Townsend
Haiti has a failed society partly due the ecosystem while Denmark society lives a successful and sustainably economy. In Haiti, acute poverty forces the population to rely on wood and charcoal for fuel and income, leading to ever more deforestation. Sixty-six percent of Haitians depend on agriculture and small-scale farming, but most cannot produce enough food on the eroded hillsides to even feed their families. When tropical storms regularly hit Haiti, rainfalls ravage crops, bring flooding and wash more topsoil into the sea. The 7.0 Mw earthquake in January 2010 added new dimensions of suffering and urgency. And Haiti’s government, which has been chronically weak for
For many European individuals, the Southern colonies offered economic opportunity and prosperous living. However, as awareness of harsh living conditions increased and events such as the London Fire of 1666 created rebuilding jobs in Europe, the number of potential colonial indentured servants heavily declined. This shortage prompted African slave labor to be preferred economically by landowners as slaves were a guaranteed workforce, politically as laws offering total ownership made slaves more desirable, and socially as many influential landowners considered the African race subservient.
U.S. vs Guatemala You might believe that the United States is the best country there is, because it is the only country you got to know. But what about all of the other countries that you don’t ever think about? One of the countries that probably never crosses your mind is Guatemala. After doing so much research on this beautiful country, I have found that there are a lot of differences between the United States and Guatemala.
I studied many things about Guatemala such as, the culture, religion, food, population, geography, imports, exports, and most popular of all sports. The sports of Guatemala is something I found very interesting.
Guatemala has the biggest population in Central America with over 13 million people. This country is full of history, tradition, geography, and different meals. The main backstory of Guatemala is that the land used to belong to the Mayan until the Spanish took over. The Mayans still live in Guatemala, in fact, the population in Guatemala is almost half of the total Guatemalan population. Guatemalan tradition consists of many of the same traditions that the Mayans have.
The Guatemalan Genocide: a mass genocide of the indigenous Mayans which took place from 1960 to 1996, however it was not very popular internationally. Just for originating from the Mayan ethnicity, the indigenous Mayans were targeted by the Guatemalan army and government to be exterminated. Their homes were razed, and many were systematically executed in large masses. Children and infants were killed using brutal methods by the Guatemalan army. The indigenous Mayans were subjected to brutal and harsh treatment from the Guatemalan army and government during the Guatemalan Genocide; being hunted to be killed in the most brutal ways, and being treated as if they were not human at all.
The Guatemalan Culture (also known as Chapines) has many improvements to be made, but they are still more stable than other cultures. There are many cultural aspects to the Guatemalan way of life. The culture comes from Mayan and Spanish influences. Guatemala is a beautiful city that borders mexico to the south in Central America. Almost half of their population lives in Urban areas and they speak two different languages. People first started living in this area around nine hundred A.D. The average american would not understand the way of life in Guatemala.
Guatemala Genocide is very interesting so that one of the reason why i had chosen this genocide. It very interesting because they had another type of genocide and a lot of people usually don't talk about the Guatemala Genocide. This genocide is one of the genocide that had so many people killed. It about 60 percent of the population. Another reason why I had chosen the Guatemala Genocide because I had never ever heard about or ever learned about the Guatemala genocide so I thought I should learn about Guatemala. Learning about this Genocide made me realize alot of genocide such like african american and jewish weren't the only one being abuse. Genocide happened almost everywhere in the world and people will never know where else it couldn't of happened. My topic about the Guatemalan just cover everything about the genocide such as the army , how people were treated , how they felt and world response. Just doing research base on the question , there were ruf time to even read the articles. How they describe how the beat newborns and 3 years to death in front of their parent or its vice versa. Guatemala citizens lost everything during 1981-1983 genocide.
My country that i researched is Guatamala . The country of Guatemala is in Central America .On September 15 ,1821, guatemala officially proclaimed its independence from Spain.the guatemala flag has three vertical stripes two blue one white crest has two swords two guns and a parchment scroll bearing the date of Central America's independence from Spain, September 15 , 1821.i will be talking about the crest and how guatemala took their independence from spain,how the flag was created
natural disasters). Gallup et al. (2003, pp.41, 46) have estimated that natural disasters in Latin America over the last 30 years have cost up to $3.3 billion and in extreme disasters costs can reach 10 per cent of a country’s GDP. This, coupled with the fact that they suffer regularly from natural disasters due to their location, means that they find it harder to recover from them. The destruction of crops causes vast economic loss which cannot be regained as farmers rely on monoculture. Furthermore, many buildings in developing countries are often built from weak materials which causes mass destruction and costly re-construction which these countries cannot afford.
I used to live in Guatemala and many of you may or may not know how dangerous Guatemala is especially for women. Thankfully, the five years that I lived there I was never a victim of assault. However, it was very common to hear stories of things that happened to different women on the news, from friends, people I worked with, and acquaintances. It was scary and almost intimidating to hear the stories, sometimes I was scared to go anywhere or do anything, and many times I always wondered why I was there. I believe I was never a victim for many reasons but one was because I never let my guard down, I was very cautious and alert of my surroundings. I never went out to the mall, restaurants, and grocery stores by myself, I always made sure I had
Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education are the most serious disadvantages that Haiti faces. Two-thirds of the country depends on agriculture, consisting of mainly small-scale subsistence farming. This sector is high vulnerable to damage from natural disasters and the country’s widespread deforestation (which have caused periodic flooding). Additionally, Haiti suffers from high inflation, lack of investment,
According to Emerson’s Self-Reliance, “It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude after own own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” On the contrary, life during the 19th century was not private or peaceful. Many employees were mistreated and their rights were violated especial during the late 1960s after the Vietnam War. Jimmy Hoffa, the leader of the successful labor union the Teamsters, was a hero to the mistreated trucking employees by gaining the employees benefits and respect. However, his escalating success led to his own personal turmoil. As a result of Hoffa’s mob mentality and deathly relationships earned Hoffa
Natural disasters cause a lot of damage to the economies in Latin America when they happen. The damage can last for months, years or even decades. Natural disasters are hard for everyone, but it is even harder for Latin American countries to recover
Bangladesh is one of the largest deltas in the world which is highly Penetrable to Natural Disasters because of its Geographical location, Flat and low-lying landscape, Poverty, Population density, Illiteracy, Lack of Institutional setup etc. Similarly the Physical, Social as well as Economic states of Bangladesh are very typical to any of the most Penetrable countries to Natural Disasters in the world . The total land area is 147,570 sq. km. consists mostly of Floodplains (almost 80%) leaving major part of the country (with the exception of the north-western highlands) prone to flooding in the rainy season. Moreover, the adverse affects of Climate Change – especially High Temperature, Cyclones and Sea-level Rise, Storm Surges, Salinity Intrusion, Heavy Monsoon Downpours etc. has aggravated the overall Economic Development scenario of the country to a great extent.