
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner Analysis

Decent Essays

In Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Kramer poignantly highlights how his characters are interrelated and the degree to which they are akin or disparate. By cleverly exploiting the possibilities of parallel editing, Kramer is able to establish “sides” in this question of interracial marriage. However, Kramer also demonstrates Matt Dreyton’s centrality; long before his tedious address reconfirms his white male superiority, the transitions between his individual presence on camera to combinations of other characters conveys his sole authority. And in doing such, renders his inner turmoil the singular essential element to the story. Particular aspects of the shot/reverse-shot pattern will be used to explain Drayton’s internal struggle and wavering opinion. The transitions between the multiple one-on-one conversations that comprise the ending will elucidate the conflicting “sides.” And despite the inevitable conclusion, scene length will be explored in regards to retaining any semblance of suspense. As for establishing opposing sides, it is clear that Kramer wants to pit the women up against the …show more content…

But other than his final sermon-like ultimatum, several scene transitions paint his authority. To begin, in the final sequences, Mr. Dreyton is shown outside trying to make up his mind as various characters converse inside. The transition between these conversations to his silent pensiveness places him at the core of the issue. The others can talk about what they please and discuss all they want; however, when he enters the home, his word will be the final say. Since the camera kept transitioning back to his placement outdoors, the viewer sees him as “outside” the cluster of people- as separate, as an individual. Since Matt Dreyton is the center, he is also the sole figure in carrying the film’s

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