
Guinea Short Stories

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“Today’s the day!” Elaina sang out. “Today’s the day today’s the day!” She swam around in circles then jumped straight out of the water into the air. She spun once before splashing back into the ocean. Her leathery hind hitting the water like a drum beat. She dove down deep her tail swishing after her. With a flourished twirl she charged to the surface once more. Leaping into the cloudless sky Elaina started to charge towards the shore. The small green blub in the distance slowly became crisper. The lighthouse that Rory lived in twinkled on halfway through her journey. Elaina skimmed the top of the surface like a knife her shark fin cutting the water. She paused at a few times near rock to catch her breath. The last time she’d seen her Aurora …show more content…

She poked her head out of the water and her short brown hair flopped over her eyes. Pushing her hair out of the way Elaina swam to the front of the boat. “Aurora.” She called cautiously. The ship was large and she couldn’t see the deck from the water. The masts were long and dark Elaina was in awe of their height. The white flags were drawn up and the ship barley swayed in the calm water. After a few more quiet calls Aurora dove down to examine the anchor. It was black as coals and heavy. Elaina tried to move it but it didn’t budge. The rope tied on it was wrapped around twice probably for extra strength. Elaina bit it very slowly. It was tough and scratched her tongue. She’d seen ships before of course, but this was Aurora’s ship. She wished she could explore it topside as …show more content…

It was long and stringy like jellyfish but clung to her. There were long shiny bits at the ends that Elaina tried to dig at but the net slowly became more tangled around her. Desperate she cut through the stringy bits with her sharp teeth, freeing the turtle. Then she set to work freeing herself. The net slowly tangled itself around her fins as she cut the parts that were around her face. When she realized what had happened the net was too tightly woven around her shark fin. One was scrapping agents the shiny end while the other two were wrapped in the wire. “Okay Elaina, just keep calm. I can do this.” She said taking a deep breath then jerking suddenly. Like a snake the net constricted around her. “How do humans do this.” She grumbled one arm now tangled in the mess. She slowly kept biting at pieces but she couldn’t reach the main fibers. She growled and bit hard at the fence like net. She started to bite at the ends that were surrounded by metal but it only chipped her tooth. She was just a few feet underwater and very visible to anyone who walked

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