
Gun Control Argument Analysis

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Many of the current laws seem to be designed to take guns of out the hands of responsible gun owners, but do nothing to address the non law-abiding citizens. Both sides of the gun control argument need to work together to protect second amendment rights while protecting citizens of the country from needless gun violence. Teddy Roosevelt famously on the importance of gun control that “The great body of our citizens shoot less as times goes on. We should encourage rifle practice among schoolboys, and indeed among all classes, as well as in the military services by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving peace in the world” (Roosevelt 5). The United States have seen a trend of gun violence reductions …show more content…

In recent time, many have began to blame all guns for a small amount of irresponsible gun owners, if lawmakers can find a middle ground on firearms there will be a decrease of gun violence in the United States of America. The state of Illinois is a prime example of strict gun laws, especially in the city of Chicago. Illinois in 2013 legalized concealed carry in the state, but it still remains difficult to find areas licensed carriers can enter with their concealed weapons. Just recently the issue was finally addressed by state lawmakers that in the city of Chicago, weapons could only be concealed on public transportation such as trains and busses if they were unloaded (Glanton 5). To many it seems as though the laws are designed to be unusable and impractical to discourage concealed carry. This practice even resembles the Jim Crowe laws that restricted the ability for African Americans to vote, even though it was legal at the time in the United States. Even …show more content…

“Since 1950, all but two mass shootings have occurred gun free zones” (Lott 5). Evidence that mass shooters target areas where armed citizens cannot defend themselves in abundant. Dylan Roof in the South Carolina shooting, planned his mass-killing at the College of Charleston, but decided to attack the gun free church after learning that the college was home to armed guards (Lott 6). Americans must realize that many mass shooters are preying on the weak and target areas where they will have little resistance to their plans. If anti-gun advocates claim that removing guns from trained citizens with a concealed carry license, then one will invite more mass-killings such as attack recently in Paris. There are even recent findings that show citizens that hold concealed carry permits are at least 40 percent less likely to commit a crime than the average citizen (Goldberg

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