EN 111 4/16/13 "Don 't shoot! I 'm not armed!" Many have heard the saying, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” then on December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the small town of Newtown, Connecticut. Ever since this tragic day, there has been a large push for gun control in the US, led by President Obama. The bills that are before Congress would make penalties for buying guns illegally more onerous, address trafficking, and greatly expand the number of gun sales covered by background checks. These laws might make us all feel safer as well as make us feel like we have control over the “bad guys” but at the end of the day, these new laws will …show more content…
The second law would put bans on high-capacity magazines and semi-automatic assault weapons. The Liberals’ reasoning for this law is that there is no reason for an American civilian to own, or have to own an assault weapon, for example an AK-47. The argument an individual will use in support of gun control would say something like, “The reason why the mass murders can have such a large killing spree is because they use these semi-automatic, high capacity ammunition weapons. If these kinds of weapons were made illegal it would be harder for these large killing sprees to happen.” That argument does sound logical, but let’s take a look at some numbers to see how much of an impact this law would cause. In a speech that Mr. Virtual President, Bill Whittle, made he said, “In 2011 the total of fire arm murders came to 8,583 and total murders by all rifles, not just semi-automatic rifles, came to 323, which is only 3%.…but there were 5 times the amount of murders then all rifles combined made by knifes alone, and preventable medical errors kills about 98,000 people a year” (Bill Whittle). With the small number of only 3% of murders made by all types of rifles compared to the total fire arms is a very small percentage. If this law came into place there would not be noticeable decrease of total fire arm murders due to semi-automatic rifles being banned. Ronald
In a speech regarding the Charleston, South Carolina shooting in June of 2015, President Obama stated, “More than 11,000 people were killed by gun violence in 2013 alone.” After the Sandy Hook shooting, in Newtown, Connecticut with a death toll of 26, Congress has still failed to pass these regulations which 90% of Americans wish to have. While tightening the gun control may not guarantee the complete absence of mass shootings or gun violence and crime, it has definately been shown to significantly reduce these rates. America is in need of tighter gun control laws because current regulations do not deter violence and crime, and the interpretation of the constitutional right has since been misconstrued.
Gun control is a law that controls how guns are sold and used, and who can own them. Allowing people to possess and use a gun with legal documents in the United States is legal. There have been arguments on whether or not is should be legal to own a gun as some people see it as beneficial and others do not. It is believed that guns are beneficial to have, and they are there because we need to be able to protect ourselves. We should not allow the government to have power over gun control for many reasons including the loss of tradition of hunting, not being able to protect ourselves, and simply because of the second amendment.
Arguments are apart of everyday life. We encounter them every day: at home, at work, while watching tv, driving, even listening to the radio. I am not saying we regularly encounter shouting matches, in fact arguing is a communication tool many of us use every day to problem solve. The true nature of arguments is described best by Ramage et al “…argument does not imply anger. In fact, arguing is often pleasurable. It is a creative and productive activity that engages us at high levels of inquiry and critical thinking…” (2). Arguments, at their core, are much more than our initial assumption. An argument can be described as anything that attempts to solve a conflict, that involves at least two conflicting assertions, by appealing to reason. These
Over the years the topic of gun control has turned out to be very polemic causing large debates, especially in the United States. A vast majority of people who are against gun control insist that is their right to own a gun mainly for self defense, while others who are for it, point out that it is not necessary to have access to certain guns like the military-style weapons therefore a ban should take place.
While Americans were contemplating gun control proposals in the wake of mass shootings at a Colorado School, another gunman massacred 50 people in a club in Orlando. This incident brought heated political exchanges between President Obama and Trump, the Republican presidential candidate. It is estimated that in 2015 alone, there were more than 351 mass shootings in the United States. This is a worrying trend that should be reversed as soon as possible. Surprisingly, the trend has divided Americans into two groups. On one extreme end, there are those Americans who believe that the government should enforce gun control. On the other end, some Americans insist that stricter gun controls will not help in the fight against killings. In this light, this paper will try to provide a detailed analysis of the gun control debate while highlighting the various points made by the proponents and opponents of the gun control. The essay posits that gun control is counterproductive.
Roughly 16,459 murders were committed in the United States during 2016. Of these, about 11,961 or 73% were committed with firearms because people have been killed with gun shot, example the las vegas shooting. A Pew Foundation report found that 79% of male gun owners and 80% of female gun owners said owning a gun made them feel safer, and 64% of people living in a home in which someone else owns a gun felt safer.The Centers for Disease Control listed firearms as the #12 cause of all deaths between 1999 and 2013, representing 1.3% of total deaths. They were also the #1 method of death by homicide (66.6% of all homicides) and by suicide (52.2% of all suicides).
Gun control has been a topic of conversation for a long time. With that comes the issue of gun violence that has taken over America, from concerts and movie theaters to schools and churches, mass shooting have taken many lives. Data has shown that 19 children are hospitalized every day from a gun related injury and 1,300 children are killed each year from gun injuries. And there are many people who are opposite sides of the firearm issue. Some people believe that it is their constitutional right to be able to own as many guns as they want while the opposite side of the spectrum believes that the second amendment should be erased from the constitution and make guns illegal. However, many people on both sides agree that kids need to be taught gun safety.
As of February of 2018, there have been over 5,000 gun-related incidents in America this year, resulting in over 1,000 deaths. 18 of these gun-related events occured on school grounds, resulting in 22 deaths. These statistics are a disturbing look into the way that gun laws are handled in America; over the recent years, gun violence has skyrocketed, and each time a major incident occurs, the government does nothing but utter empty condolences, while doing nothing about the situation at hand. To protect the safety of the citizens of this country, gun control laws must become more strict. While some people claim that restricting gun laws infringes rights protected by the Second Amendment, adding specificity to the Second Amendment would
Sandy Hook Elementary. Aurora, Colorado. San Bernardino, California. Las Vegas, Nevada. Orlando, Florida. (Words with Negative Connotation) These are just some of the biggest mass shootings that have swept America in the past few years. Hundreds of lives are lost each year to gun related violence in the United States alone. Gun control has been a topic in our country since our founding fathers adopted the second amendment to the US constitution. Although recently controversy has sparked to an all-new extent in America due to the recent spike in mass shootings and gun related homicides. So many families and loves ones are affected each year in the United States because of gun related violence and other mass killing events, because of these events gun control laws need to be revamped and strengthened in American in order to protect the citizens.
In the wake of the massive school shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, we as Americans have been forced to go back and dwell on the issue of gun control. With shootings being on the rise over the past couple years, the media has had some very intense and heated discussions about the issue of gun control. These debates have always led to politicians driving toward gun safety legislation, appeasing the public. This legislation, however, very rarely seems to go through, even though nine out of ten Americans favor basic control such as universal background checks prior to the purchasing of a firearm. Afterward, another shooting happens, and we are forced to go through this process again, much like an endless cycle.
"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise, they will win and the decent people will lose."-James Earl Jones. I chose this quote because if you don’t let good citizens protect themselves then criminals will take advantage of that. There is no real way to get rid of guns and there will always be guns. Just to clarify something a lot of people don’t know is that all automatic rifles are already illegal in our country. You can only buy semi-automatic rifles. The only way people can make semi-automatic rifles automatic is by illegally converting them using a device called a bump stock. President Trump is already pursuing a ban on all sales of bump stocks. Gun Control does not work because no evidence proves it deters crime rates at all, it just takes away guns from good citizens
People believe that the difficulty to acquire a gun is far too lenient. Since the birth of America, gun rights have been added to the law of the land, the Constitution. Gun rights were added to a section along with other basic human rights called the Bill of Rights: restrictions of the government 's power. This Gun right that allows us to own firearms is known as the Second Amendment. It states “...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. Many people believe that none of the ten amendments of the Bill of Rights should change. Let 's not change the Bill of rights, let 's just make America safer and stricken the gun laws, I have gathered two helpful sources that will support my claim for my Junior Project; one
Gun control, it’s a topic that has been in the news for some time with the concerns of recent events. It is argued that teachers should be allowed to carry guns to keep students safe in school, but does that really seem safe?
There are new proposed gun control laws in the aftermath of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut that occurred on December 14th, 2012. This incident claimed the lives of twenty 1st graders and six adults and has set the government in motion to try to prevent future acts of violence by strengthening gun control laws in the United States (Smith). This has been a topic that has been an extremely emotional debate with people on both sides unwilling to compromise. Gun advocates and critics of the new proposed gun laws argue that these new laws infringe on our constitutional
In the constitution the second amendment says, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This means a person has the right to keep a gun inside their house for self-defence, but does that right also exist to have a gun outside their home? The controversy for gun control has been going back and forth for federal issue and states right. On my behalf, I believe it’s not the guns who harm the people but the people who use the guns. We can’t just ban guns, we still need to protect ourself but there can be a better control and laws for the use of guns.