The Gun Fight The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights was ratified along with 9 other amendments in 1791. The Second Amendment was written to protect the rights of the American people to keep and bear arms. After 224 years, the U.S. Government is once again pushing to have stricter gun control. The enforcement of gun control would only infringe upon the rights of the law-abiding citizens, not the criminals that they are intending to target. Gun control will not reduce crime, will not stop criminals from obtaining a firearm, and it certainly will not address the issue of violent crimes as a whole. James Madison, a U.S. House of Representatives member, began writing the Bill of Rights into the U.S. Constitution. Federalists within the U. …show more content…
If we look at the amount of general violent shootings versus the amount of mass shooting, we see a staggering difference. In July of 2015 in Chicago, in an eight hour time period, 10 people were shot and killed while 55 were wounded. One being a small child that took the bullet instead of his father who was a target due to his rank as a gang member. Sadly, this is a number that was lower than the number in 2014. Why are these topics not brought up during the gun control debate? Are we not supposed to care as much because they are people from low income areas? People that are following a not so desirable path? The government wants to throw a blanket over the crimes that occur due to criminals illegally obtaining firearms because those facts and stories don’t help their cause. Sadly, it does not matter how much effort they put into making firearms illegal or how many restrictions they may put on the purchasing process. Firearms will still be easily obtainable in the criminal world. We should fight violence and make it harder to repeat offenders to get back out on the streets. They are the bigger problem and it is our justice system that fails us. Not the gun
Arguments are apart of everyday life. We encounter them every day: at home, at work, while watching tv, driving, even listening to the radio. I am not saying we regularly encounter shouting matches, in fact arguing is a communication tool many of us use every day to problem solve. The true nature of arguments is described best by Ramage et al “…argument does not imply anger. In fact, arguing is often pleasurable. It is a creative and productive activity that engages us at high levels of inquiry and critical thinking…” (2). Arguments, at their core, are much more than our initial assumption. An argument can be described as anything that attempts to solve a conflict, that involves at least two conflicting assertions, by appealing to reason. These
Over the years the topic of gun control has turned out to be very polemic causing large debates, especially in the United States. A vast majority of people who are against gun control insist that is their right to own a gun mainly for self defense, while others who are for it, point out that it is not necessary to have access to certain guns like the military-style weapons therefore a ban should take place.
I have always struggled with making choices. My attention span is not very long because of my attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is extremely difficult for me to thoroughly think through every option that is available to me. This made it harder than it should have been to pick topics for my multiple essays. Choosing a topic determines the content of an entire essay. It is a very important aspect of writing. My indecision caused me to get behind on every essay that my english teacher assigned. As the class progressed I became better at choosing a topic.
In the U.S. more than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year, you can say that we need stricter gun laws. Who should we blame for all of the shootings in America? We should blame the people who pull the trigger, the people who sell the guns, and our government. Gun control is one of the biggest debates because everyone has their own strong opinions. If the U.S. had better gun control laws, then there wouldn't be any gun violence issues.
The issue of Gun Control has been on the minds of humans for hundreds of years. How do we protect ourselves and our loved ones? How do we keep such a dangerous weapon out of the hands of the wrong person? Inside the Second Amendment we are granted the right to Bear Arms. Having that amendment gives each person the ability to carry a weapon if they choose, so how can we control who should or shouldn’t carry?
Our second amendment clearly states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” (amendment). But, what does that mean today? How does one start to form a way to relegated gun control when it clearly states in the Bill of Rights we have the right to bear arms? Does, the idea of every citizen of America have the right to bear arms without any control? The point of gun control is to protect the next generation of American citizens from ever having to worry about their safety. When the Bill of Rights was written down, the Founding Fathers were trying to create a better society where there was no King and people had greater freedom. For my research project I am going to focus on what people know about gun control and their point of views on how to better regulate gun control.
An opinion is somebody’s feeling toward a topic and can never be right or wrong, these are what make people unique. Every individual has an opinion about a subject when it is brought up and sometimes those opinions can cause conflict. A controversy that is heavily debated today is gun control. Both proponents and opponents of gun control have reasoning behind their opinions. This is such a controversial topic because some people who debate it have been personally affected by it or have strong beliefs toward it. Although both parties have their own opions there are a few points in which they can agree upon.
Sandy Hook Elementary. Aurora, Colorado. San Bernardino, California. Las Vegas, Nevada. Orlando, Florida. (Words with Negative Connotation) These are just some of the biggest mass shootings that have swept America in the past few years. Hundreds of lives are lost each year to gun related violence in the United States alone. Gun control has been a topic in our country since our founding fathers adopted the second amendment to the US constitution. Although recently controversy has sparked to an all-new extent in America due to the recent spike in mass shootings and gun related homicides. So many families and loves ones are affected each year in the United States because of gun related violence and other mass killing events, because of these events gun control laws need to be revamped and strengthened in American in order to protect the citizens.
"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise, they will win and the decent people will lose."-James Earl Jones. I chose this quote because if you don’t let good citizens protect themselves then criminals will take advantage of that. There is no real way to get rid of guns and there will always be guns. Just to clarify something a lot of people don’t know is that all automatic rifles are already illegal in our country. You can only buy semi-automatic rifles. The only way people can make semi-automatic rifles automatic is by illegally converting them using a device called a bump stock. President Trump is already pursuing a ban on all sales of bump stocks. Gun Control does not work because no evidence proves it deters crime rates at all, it just takes away guns from good citizens
As Americans, we are very used to the scene after a new mass shooting happens: outrage, fear, and families suffering the death of their beloved ones. Politicians start debating on gun policy, again, arriving at no solution. This has been America’s reality for the past decades. The problem in which lobbyists and a dominant minority stop any attempt to find a solution. Dan Gross, as president of the Brady Campaign, is seeking to promote sensible gun control in the United States. Mr. Gross advocates for gun control and for laws that put a stop to the gun violence problem (Ted Talk). Another article by Tom McCarthy in The Guardian gives some data and ideas about what gun control would look like. McCarthy’s article gives us a context in which
In the third Bush-Kerry debate, taken place in 2004, George W. Bush stated, “I believe law abiding citizens ought to be able to own a gun. I believe in background checks. The best way to protect our citizens from guns is to prosecute those who commit crimes with guns.” Simply put, people who follow the guns laws do not deserve to have these rights banned ( Gun control is the act of trying to limit what type of gun is to be sold and who guns should be sold to. This debate of whether to have strict or open gun laws has been around since the start of the country. The Second Amendment is meant to protect the American citizen’s right to guns; although people today still argue over the definition. As a result in the decline
“If we don’t get gun control laws in this country, we are full of beans. To have the NRA rule the U.S. is pathetic. And I agree with Mayor Michael Bloomberg: It’s time to put up or shut up about gun control for both parties.” These are the words Harvey Weinstein spoke in his opinion about gun control. The United States has a gun problem, and many acts regarding gun control have been issued. Those acts have proven that gun control decreased violence. Gun control has been changed and added to for years. In regards to certain types of violence, gun control acts have been issued since 1934. While some think gun safety can decrease violence, gun control has and will increase safety. Gun control can decrease violence as it’s done in the past, it will create safer schools, and it can limit the availability of firearms. Although some
“The second amendment of The United States Bill of Rights is my concealed weapons permit, period.”- Ted Nugent. Saving lives one by one starts with limiting the purchase, sale, and use of guns in America. According to Alexander Lee, the political and social debate over the question of how much gun control is appropriate and it has been regularly discussed within the last decade. Shootings such as Sandy Hook, and Tucson shootings have raised the government’s awareness on guns and possible restrictions and regulations. Gun talks are discussed with the question, “Will controlling guns cut back on violent crime rates?” Although many guns are open to be sold to the public over 18, there are traditional gun laws that limit who can own them. These laws include sell restrictions to the mentally disabled, the age in which you can obtain a gun, background checks, and dishonorably discharged military personnel. Gun control laws could have a positive effect in America by reducing homicide rates, but at the same time, citizens still have the right to bear arms under the second amendment under the U.S constitution. Gun control laws do not mean the absolute confiscation of guns, but rather reduce the amount of power a gun and the amount of ammo that a gun can hold.
Gun control in the United States is a very controversial topic in today’s political society, leaving the nation divided into two sides with two strongly opinionated beliefs. This all started with the increase in the amount of mass shootings and an overall increase in gun violence. The two sides consist of the liberal point of view and the conservative point of view. The liberals believe that the availability of firearms to the people in the country is a major issue, and that the U.S. government is at fault for the mass shootings due to the lenient regulations on guns. In retaliation, the conservatives argue that having a gun is a God given right, that the Second Amendment of The Constitution. Although the availability of guns is seen to be
"The long, difficult history of gun control." Washington Post. 23 Dec. 2012: A8. eLibrary. Web.