
Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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The Gun Fight The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights was ratified along with 9 other amendments in 1791. The Second Amendment was written to protect the rights of the American people to keep and bear arms. After 224 years, the U.S. Government is once again pushing to have stricter gun control. The enforcement of gun control would only infringe upon the rights of the law-abiding citizens, not the criminals that they are intending to target. Gun control will not reduce crime, will not stop criminals from obtaining a firearm, and it certainly will not address the issue of violent crimes as a whole. James Madison, a U.S. House of Representatives member, began writing the Bill of Rights into the U.S. Constitution. Federalists within the U. …show more content…

If we look at the amount of general violent shootings versus the amount of mass shooting, we see a staggering difference. In July of 2015 in Chicago, in an eight hour time period, 10 people were shot and killed while 55 were wounded. One being a small child that took the bullet instead of his father who was a target due to his rank as a gang member. Sadly, this is a number that was lower than the number in 2014. Why are these topics not brought up during the gun control debate? Are we not supposed to care as much because they are people from low income areas? People that are following a not so desirable path? The government wants to throw a blanket over the crimes that occur due to criminals illegally obtaining firearms because those facts and stories don’t help their cause. Sadly, it does not matter how much effort they put into making firearms illegal or how many restrictions they may put on the purchasing process. Firearms will still be easily obtainable in the criminal world. We should fight violence and make it harder to repeat offenders to get back out on the streets. They are the bigger problem and it is our justice system that fails us. Not the gun

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