Gun Control is unnecessary due to the fact so many people get the idea that having less firearms equals less crime. The Idea of gun control needing to be expanded will lead to more harm than good in keeping people safe and reducing gun related crime and lower down crime rate in general. Gun Control is basically the Government’s and the political elite goal of taking guns to make the population less safe. Cities and nations with less firearm restrictions have lower crime rates opposed to cities like Chicago. The History of Gun Control can be traced back to in history all the way back to April 1755 when the British came to take the colonialists guns at Lexington Concord. Then Multiple times throughout history Firearm Control …show more content…
Chicago had handguns banned until June 2010 when the supreme court ended the ban in the case McDonald V.S Chicago (Debate Fact Check: Does Chicago…). The Case McDonald V.S Chicago was a landmark case for the fact it ensured that the Second amendment protected a person’s right to “keep and bear arms”. DNA info mentions that police want tougher gun laws. Stricter gun laws are not a smart idea because Criminals are criminals because they choose to not follow the laws that is the definition of a criminal opposed to an average law abiding citizen. Detroit another city with laws restricting and making it hard to own firearms has a pretty high crime rate. Detroit recorded 310 murders in 2010, 386 in 2012, 298 in 2014, and 302 in 2016 according to city data. This because of Michigan laws that seek to make people not want to get guns and have them of how hard it is to get a gun. Michigan has three very strenuous steps that are required to obtain a gun. Based on a article from the Mic network a person first needs to pass a safety questionnaire. Then they have to apply for a ten-day gun purchase permit, and then the person has up to ten days to take the gun to police. A major flaw to the ten-day permit is person fails to find a gun to purchase in the 10 days they have to start to whole process over. New York City another great example of how strict gun laws are a total flop. According to CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer the statistic that nine out of ten guns used to commit crimes were originally purchased in another state due to the strict gun laws. The amount of murders in New York City in 2010 there were 536,2012 419
Gun control should not be affect because it goes against our 2nd amendment right as us citizens. They made that amendment because we have the right to protect ourselves if the need arises. It would be unconstitutional if they took that away from us. People say that it is going to lower the crime rates. If they take It away its going to cause people to buy them illegally and cause the crime
Ever since 1364 when the first account of a firearm was recorded humans have wanted to control guns. Gun control would eventually travel with Columbus when he first came to America and set up the first colony called Jamestown. And there would be rules regarding weapons on the Mayflower compact.
Over the past couple of years, gun control has become a major issue in politics in reaction to horrific public shootings involving government buildings and even elementary school children. There have been many heated debates regarding the effectiveness and constitutionality of gun control from both sides of the political spectrum. Although some argue that gun control will lead to a decrease in crime, guns allow individuals to protect themselves when law enforcement cannot, concealed carry helps prevent crime, and the fact that guns are not responsible for crimes caused.
Gun control should not exist at all in the United States. Mass shootings have almost become seen as normal event in the United States. What people do not understand is that gun control is not the answer; there are countries with little to no control that have fewer shootings. According to The Washington Post,Finland is ranked number 4 in countries with the most guns despite that they only had 24 homicides by firearm (“Gun homicides and ownership by countries” n.pag.) . In the article Did Gun Control Work In Australia “it is shown that gun control has reduced the problems but it still has not completely got rid of all firearm deaths”(Matthews n.pag.). The number of murders, homicides, or suicides do not go up due to people just owning more guns. Clayton Perry, a staff writer at the University of Maine, even points out “Stricter gun laws were in place during the Assault Weapons Ban between 1994 and 2004, but that didn't stop the shooters at Columbine in 1999 ”(Perry n. pag.). In Iceland, thirty out of a hundred people own a gun and they have zero homicides caused by guns a year(“Gun Homicides and ownership by country” n. pag.). In this day and age, everything is unpredictable, guns are a form of protection for everyone and there should not be restrictions on protection. The U.S. Department of Justice released a data brief that states, “ On average in 1987-92 about 83,000 crime victims per year used a firearm to defend themselves or their property”(Rand BJS Statistician n. pag.). The National Sheriffs Association released that the average police response time is at eighteen minutes while the average school shooting only last twelve minutes (“Embracing Technology To Decrease Response Time” n. pag.). Gun control should not exist because other countries do fine without it , high gun ownership has no link with increasing death rates , and guns are not harmful when instructions are followed.
The only reason for our nation to enact gun control laws is to reduce violent crime. There is no other logical reason for gun control outside of reducing crime. If gun control proves to be ineffective in reducing crime rates then why have it? While researching this I found time after time where statistics have shown laws such as banning handguns to be completely ineffective in reducing crime rates and I also found where allowing the carry of these same weapons resulting in a reduction of crime rates. One of the major aspects that should be heavily considered by those wanting to take away the legal ownership of firearms in the U.S is that we would also be taking them away from the people who have weapons for their intended purpose. Washington DC had a law in place from 1976 through 2008 that made it illegal for residence to possess handguns and also required trigger locks on all other firearms rendering them useless. During this period of time murder rates in DC were seventy six
Each person has their own idea of what our founding fathers meant when they put this in our constitution. Some people use guns as a hunting sport or for food. But then there are the ones who want to cause harm to each other. I still remember the morning of December 11, 2012. The day the Clackamas Town Center shooting occurred. A man entered a busy mall, killed 2 people and seriously injured another. He ended up shooting himself after causing all that fear and pain to the shoppers. My family and I had planned to visit the mall that day to take my relatives who came to visit from California, but we overslept. We heard the news on the radio on our way there and we turned around knowing we could have been there. The culprit stole an AR-15 from
Gun control is an ineffective means of reducing both violent, and firearm related crime. Limiting the ability for law abiding citizens to responsibly own arms only reduces their ability to provide to provide security to themselves and their family. It is not the duty of the federal government to dictate what a citizen chooses to legally defend themselves with.
Mass shootings and suicides have become a serious occurrence from yearly to daily basis. With all these casualties, most of them were unarmed and killed by some sort of weapon. The outcomes of these events would have been different if they were carrying a gun. The possibilities of protecting themselves would be greater than if they did not. Obviously, having a legal weapon can help protect you and your love ones from a dangerous situation. Throughout history, men have been using and keeping weapons in their homes, which the 2nd Amendment claim that citizens have the right to bear arms. Gun control laws should not be prohibited, but in this case, more strict.
Sub Point B: When did the idea of gun control even come about? Testimony: According to AICGS modern gun control efforts actually began in 1968 when the Gun Control Act, granted federal, state, and local law enforcement officials increased powers
Gun control is all around a bad idea firstly people will always find ways to get guns. There are millions of ways to get guns illegally and usually the people getting them illegally are the ones that are planning on harming others. There is really no way to control guns. Putting gun control would do more damage than good you would be hurting the decent people that actually follow the law on getting them the correct way, they get their background checks and register there guns.
There was a public mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, Connecticut is number two ranked of all the states from who has the strictest gun laws to who has the least strictest gun laws. Even throughout these strict laws this horrible tragedy still happen. If a person has a mindset of a criminal or a lunatic then somehow and someway these criminals can and will find a way to get these gun and once they do gun-free zones will be their target.“This is simple enough. Gun control does not address the issue of gun-related crimes. In 2010, gun sales in Chicago were verboten. There were 432 murders in 2010 and 500 in 2012. The FBI named Chicago the nation’s murder capital. If a criminal is going to break the law, they will find a way.” According to Morris M from Criminals can and will find a way to break these laws even if
Gun control is important because it helps maintain order in the world. If there was no rules about the possession of a weapon or about who can possess a weapon the world would be falling apart at this moment. If you own a handgun or any type of weapon i believe you should be kept on check every month or so to make sure it hasn't been used for any type of acts of violence or for any bad deeds. Gun Control is a necessity because the weapon/s can end up in bad hands; for example, "Minnesota teen's plans to shoot up his school. According to news reports, John David LaDue allegedly possessed an arsenal (which included homemade bombs)
Regulation of guns is a necessary action that needs to be taken in order to
Numerous issue of whether gun should be allowed or banned all together in the United States has been around for ages. In many States the process of obtaining a gun license require little to no effort while other states have more restrictive with gun control. Many people feel as if they are entitled to have a gun for protection from the dangers that law enforcement can’t respond to right away. Others feel as if law enforcement should be the only personnel equipped with guns rather than a random civilian taking actions into their own hands. However, with recent events involving guns and higher crime rates in the United States gun control should be less restrictive for individuals who have good moral character and a stable psychological state of mind.
While some people think gun control is necessary the U.S.A does not need it while some, think that gun control laws should be more strict because they think that guns are the problem with all the crimes going on.