I. Main Point: What exactly is gun control and how did it come about?
Sub-Point A: What is gun control?
Expert Testimony: The gun control law is a set of laws that regulate the sale, manufacture, transfer, possession, modification and use of firearms. This is according to the Americans legislators.
Expert Testimony: According to many experts in the field of gun control, this is a major way to cut down on mass shootings, accidental suicides and accidental shootings involving guns and another party.
Sub Point B: When did the idea of gun control even come about?
Testimony: According to AICGS modern gun control efforts actually began in 1968 when the Gun Control Act, granted federal, state, and local law enforcement officials increased powers
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Immediately after the Sandy Hook shooting, lawmakers began reinforcing the idea of gun control and started going back into history to update the official law.
[So now that we have looked at the history of the gun control law and the factors involving it we can look at some of the benefits that could come along with having it or not having it]
II. Main Point: This law has raised such chaos across America, that there has to be a reason for both sides to have a fair fight. We are going to look at what benefits both sides of the debate are looking into to determine their
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Summary of Main Points: We now have a better idea of what gun control actually involves and when it all started. We have also been informed of some of the facts that based off the gun control debate. The demographic factors really help to show that there are two sides to this debate and how each side can be effected by those factors.
III. Call to Action: So before “jumping the gun”, make sure you know your facts about what gun control is. Make sure you know how to properly use a gun and what a gun is actually for. There are many things that they can be used for, but for the right reasons. Take a look at how other people feel about the situation before you judge someone for their opinion, everyone has a side to the debate, and every opinion matters.
IV. Memorable End: Everyone has their own opinion about this situation and everyone has the right to feel the way they do. There are many reasons why someone might think that it is very dangerous for a person to have the right to carry a gun, but on the other side there are many of people who have a good reason to actually carry themselves. Do not judge a book by its cover until you have read in depth the book itself. One last thing I want to leave you all with is this “guns do not pull the triggers themselves, someone is behind that gun”. Would you feel safe with a gun on you or would you hate the idea of that? That is your own personal opinion, and everyone opinion
The article “Will recent shooting influence gun legislation” takes about how the recent shootings are having an influence on people's perspective on gun control. It explains the various mass shootings across America such as the one at Charleston. Some people are deciding to go out and buy more guns, while others are trying to enforce more gun control laws. The American people are split down the middle, deciding whether they should protect gun rights or attack then. The article tackles varying concepts, such as mental health with guns and the use of assault rifles. It shows how gun violence has escalated in the past few years, and how the American people are reacting to it. Overall, it is about
The first question to understand gun control is why has it become so debated? Guns have been a
The issue of gun control laws has raised debates on whether gun control is good or bad. To answer this question, it is important to look at evidence supporting a certain stand. This manuscript seeks to investigate the issue of gun control. Specifically, the article endeavors to present pro-gun control arguments as well as the opposing views.
The past few years America has seen an undeniable rise in mass shootings and other acts of gun violence. With each act of violence that brings the nation into a state of fear for their safety, it leads people to ponder on the place the nation is currently at with gun control and the actions the government is taking to improve the unstable ground it currently stands on. Even with the public’s attention and consideration on devastating shootings, there has been a lengthy tug-of-war between those who actively promote more gun control laws and those who oppose them, with gun control activist repeatedly losing the battle. Those that understand the benefits the expansion of gun control would bring should join and take a stand, particularly for national
Gun control is defined as the “regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns” (“Gun Control” Merriam-Webster 1). Gun control is a heated topic that many Americans concern themselves with today after recent mass shootings. Suggested solutions are posed and debated between different viewpoints. The laws in existence today should be carried out and tightened before excess laws are passed. Many Americans have turned to face the issue of gun control after recent mass shootings like the one in Las Vegas or in some Churches. Some Americans with a more liberal view believe that tighter gun control laws should be enacted. More conservative Americans believe that the gun control laws already passed should be followed through. The gun laws that have already been passed should be followed through opposed to enacting new laws because many laws are already in place, gun control laws do not stop illegally obtaining a gun, and strict gun control laws have failed to prevent mass killings in countries.
Countless opinions have been broadcasted on national news media regarding what society ought to do about gun control. This controversial topic sparks many heated debates with people of either position reluctant to compromise. Gun supporters claim that the proposed gun laws infringe on their constitutional right to bear arms. Conversely, others believe that restricted gun access would cause gun violence to decrease. Regardless of what side one stands on, with the increase in gun violence, it is safe to say that something must be done.
The debate over whether the United States should have stricter gun laws has become a major talking point in our society. However, the clear choice that will bring the most prosperity and security to our country is to maintain the current gun control laws as they are the best option for the USA’s modern society. We must not let the rush to judgement after every shooting spree cloud our minds and glaze over all the benefits and lifestyles that guns let us take for granted. Society must also see what the outcomes are for the other options suggested and to not make the wrong choice and have to live with the consequences. We must not let the government enact laws that would place stricter controls on guns.
Many people may not understand the term Gun Control and its real meaning. Gun Control is just the name that was given to a set of laws/policies that regulates the manufacture, selling, and the use of firearms by everyday citizens. For example “The Gun Control Act of 1968 required a Federal Firearms License (FFL) for anyone engaged in the business of selling firearms, and outlined several categories of individuals to whom transfer of
Gun control started in 1934, “President Franklin D. Roosevelt mounts a “New Deal for Crime.” One part of it is the National Firearms Act of 1934, the first federal gun-control law, which levies a restrictive $200 tax on the manufacture or sale of machine guns and sawed-off shotguns. All sales were to be recorded in a national registry.” during this time gun control was spurred by the Tommy Gun and the people who used. The Tommy gun was used by Al Capone, John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Pretty Boy Floyd, and Bonnie and Clyde. Then in 1938 the National Firearms Act 1938 was approved. This act prevented individuals who were convicted of violent crimes to not be able to purchase a gun.
The issue of gun control is complex within itself because each state has their own laws and set of restrictions. But to understand gun control one must understand the foundation for gun laws which comes from the Second Amendment. The Amendment states “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State,
Gun Control has been a controversy for as long as people can remember. This Controversy has increased recently due to the mass shootings taken place all over the United States. Gun control has its pros and cons, Some believe “Gun control laws state that the Second Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions have always existed; and that a majority of Americans, including gun owners, support new gun restrictions.”While others say that the Second Amendment “protects an individual’s right to own guns; that guns are needed for self-defense from threats ranging from local criminals to foreign invaders; and that gun ownership deters crime rather than causes more crime.” To be able to pick a side one must look at the argument from both perspectives, that 's what this paper accomplishes. You must go into detail about this issue and conduct research to form your own opinion.
Gun control laws regulate the possession and purchase of firearms, including the types of guns that may be owned, waiting periods required for purchase, and classification of persons who are prohibited from owning firearm. There tend to demands for stricter gun control laws. Local politicians to push for state laws closing the gun – show loopholes. In this essay I will be talking about Gun Control Laws.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." For centuries, people have argued over the intended meaning of “the right to keep and bear arms.” One side of the debate believes this statement gives individuals the constitutional right to possess firearms. The other side states that "a well-regulated Militia" was intended to ensure the states had the right to self-defense, and that legislators have the authority to regulate firearms. This type of regulation is commonly known as gun control. The American Heritage Dictionary defines gun control as regulation restricting or limiting the sale and possession of handguns and rifles in an effort to reduce violent crime. One of the first recorded instances of gun control was in 1837 when Georgia passed a law banning handguns. The law was later thrown out and ruled unconstitutional. Most people are familiar with the Federal Firearms Act of 1938 that placed the first limitations on selling ordinary firearms. Every known regulation on restricting and/or limiting the possession and sale of guns is an attempt to reduce violence. However, increased gun control does not result in less violence. To the contrary, most research finds it does the exact opposite.
Gun control has a history dating back to 1791, when the Second Amendment of the Constitution was ratified. However, more recently, the debate over gun control has escalated into a much more public issue to which many citizens can relate. After all, stories about incidents involving guns appear frequently today in newspapers and on television or the radio. One could say that the debate started with the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968, which banned ownership of guns by certain groups of people and regulated the sale of guns. Since then, two main groups have gradually appeared: people who oppose strict federal
Gun Control: Overview The issue of gun control has been debated for a long time, probably ever since