Heaps of people have debated over gun control for years now. Last January 2016, then President Barack Obama issued an executive order that aims to reduce gun violence in America. This includes requiring gun sellers to ensure background checks on people before selling the guns. Though is it truly needed? Gun control is not necessary and should be lifted. First of all, guns do not kill people, the people themselves execute the killing. It is also a violation of our second amendment, and is used primarily to defend. So, why should it become banned if it protects people?
Guns are not the primary killers when it comes to the massacres, it is only an accessory as a person carries out the killings. If we ban or control guns in America, people would
Imagine heartbreak, loved ones dying, and losing hope. This has transpired for many in America today, all because of gun violence. It has become a great problem for our society in recent years. Data from Every Town Research has shown In their article Gun Violence by the Numbers “...that on an average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns...For every one person killed, two are injured” Many will deny that gun violence is a dilemma, but it is. Most do not realize this but, over 62% of the deaths that occur are suicides, and just over 1,642 people killed by gun violence were accidental. There is something very wrong here, and something needs to change quickly. If so many of these deaths are incidental, and
Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, James Eagan Holmes, Stephen Paddock. You may ask yourself what these names have in common. I’ll tell you. They’re the names of just few of several individuals who’ve perpetrated mass shootings in the United States, and another trait they share? None other than mental illness.
First I would like to thank you for signing the Stockman-Broun letter. It is great to know that you are supporting our second amendment rights. Like you, I am a supporter of the second amendment.
The United States of America is a nation of massacres by military-type assault weapons. Aware of the deadliness of these weapons and due to public safety concerns clearly outweighing the benefits of personal ownership of military-type assault weapons, the United States passed the 1994 Federal Ban on military-type assault weapons. This ban was notably effective during the 10 years it was in effect. However, the Ban automatically expired in 2004. Since that time, the number of U. S. mass murders has markedly increased. Attempts to reinstate the Ban, most recently the stricter 2013 Ban, have all failed. Nevertheless, the less restrictive 1994 Ban did pass the Senate and House of Representatives at one point and was successful. Therefore, the 1994 Federal Ban on military-type assault weapons should be reinstated.
We can make a difference. Right now, as a collective generation, we are known for being killed in our schools. But we are also known as a generation that isn’t afraid to stand for what they believe in.
The devastating mass shooting at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, inspires President Barack Obama to take the podium in outrage Thursday, to express his grievances and to call for tougher gun control.
How many of you have had the experience of facing death in previous life? Frankly, I haven’t really experienced it. But when I was 8 years old, I was misdiagnosed as having atypical pneumonia which was called “the SARS”. I was isolated in the isolation ward. As a juvenile, at that time, all I did was to wait for the deterioration of my condition, accompanied with a 24-hour non-stop oxygen cylinder, and bronchoscopies, blood and secretion tests.
Guns are not the issue. Now let me elaborate. Many people believe guns are the root of all mass shootings, but this isn't true at all. The common reason for someone to carry out a mass shooting is mental health. According to “The Los Angles times” there is a clear link between mass shooting and mental illness. This article states peer-reviewed research has shown that individuals with major mental disorders are more likely to commit violent acts…” this shows mental illness does cause people to be violent. Another statistic from this article is that at least 59% of all shooting since 1990 have been carried out by people who either have been diagnosed with metal illness or who have demonstrated enough signs to be mentally ill. So the actual problem is people not doing their
I chose gun control because there is a lot of repercussions due to recent events. There has been massacres and deadly shootings all over the country causing gun control to take effect. Fully automatic weapons should be illegal because they shoot way more and way faster so if a bad man uses an automatic weapon it could end very badly because as long as you hold the trigger it'll shoot. So i understand the ban of automatic weapons in America.
This is a story, as is so frequently the case in this country, about guns. Parker and Ward were murdered with a handgun, and Virginia has very permissive handgun laws. In fact, since the massacre at Virginia Tech, in 2007, an hour and twenty minutes from the site of today’s shooting, the state’s laws have become ever weaker. In 2012, for example, Virginia lifted a restriction that limited residents from buying more than one handgun a month.
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience that each individual must take responsibility for his or her own actions. The must not blame guns for problems caused by people. .
While mass shootings cause a huge unnecessary loss of life, most killings in the United States come from murders and crimes. Guns should be banned to lower crime rates. Because “more than 70% of homicides are committed with a firearm” (Cannon n.p.) and 2.
Guns are not responsible for murder, people are. If guns were outlawed there would still be murderers and people with guns. That is why gun control does not protect people. If a person was going to break the law, they would do it with or without guns and that’s why there are policies to stop felons from getting guns. There are still high crime and murder rates in countries without
In 2015, there was a total number of 53,101 incidents involving guns, and of that number, over two thousand teens were injured or killed. There is also an assumption to some black people that black lives don’t matter because they see that african americans are steady getting killed. I think the truth is that all of our lives matter and that neither of us should ever feel that our lives don’t.
In order to have a peaceful community, and for everyone in society to feel safe again, we need more restriction on guns such as who handles guns, when they are handling a gun, and what they are needing the gun for. Violence is a part of history, that has always been talked about. We don’t need violence anymore, and not having restrictions on guns, is just making the violence worse. We need to know the problems that guns have caused in the past, and today, and the real reason why people who are against gun control.