Greetings Central Alabama Gun Club, today I am here to discuss the importance of Gun Control and what you can do to limit the crime and death rate right here in Alabama. In 2015, Birmingham only had about one hundred homicides and more than half of those victims were shot. First, I would like to look at the word “homicide” which refers to the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder. I am here today to stress that we are just as guilty as the people who are deliberately killing our children, grandchildren, friends, and family. Most people think violent crime is the result of poverty, but in fact, it is the cause. Over the Christmas break this past year, for instance, sixteen-year-old Raven White and her unborn daughter were shot and killed in one of Birmingham’s lower income apartments. For residents of these neighborhoods, who are striving to make ends meet and improve their economic situation, the chaos and destruction brought by gun violence is a major obstacle that more fortunate …show more content…
That is up to us, as a nation. There are thousands of ideas that can work with both sides of the infamous debate of gun control we just have to be willing to listen and observe. The solution I proposed earlier best suits the situation because nothing is taken away from citizens who do right by the law. Even though the opposing ideas such as criminals need protection to is a valid point but just like criminals loose the opportunity to higher tiered jobs they should also lose the other rights such as being able to carry a gun. This solution can also be an incentive for people to abide by the law, if they know they could lose this freedom, maybe they will be more skeptical of committing a crime. It is clear that the debate over gun control will not be solved soon. It is almost certain that our lifetime might not see a significant change in gun laws, but let us start the process for the future of
The 2nd amendment is always in dispute. In the article Common Sense Gun Control written by Barack Obama addresses his stance on the topic. The main idea of Barack Obama’s speech was to inform people that the goal is to not take away peoples’ 2nd amendment but to prevent people from buying and killing people with guns. He is trying to persuade them to be for stricter gun control; not taking away the 2nd amendment. He accomplishes this by using different forms of persuasive elements such as using facts, using reasoning, and appealing to the audiences emotion.
Imagine heartbreak, loved ones dying, and losing hope. This has transpired for many in America today, all because of gun violence. It has become a great problem for our society in recent years. Data from Every Town Research has shown In their article Gun Violence by the Numbers “...that on an average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns...For every one person killed, two are injured” Many will deny that gun violence is a dilemma, but it is. Most do not realize this but, over 62% of the deaths that occur are suicides, and just over 1,642 people killed by gun violence were accidental. There is something very wrong here, and something needs to change quickly. If so many of these deaths are incidental, and
Getting access to this weapon has become easier and it is more accessible to anyone who wants one. Not all guns are used for violence and in a society like today’s, many people keep one for a sense of security and comfort. No matter the reason for having a gun, there are many people who use this weapon to cause harm. In Patrick O’Carroll’s article, he introduces the idea of preventing homicide in Detroit by informing the audience of the gun violence that occurs. The crude homicide rate in Detroit, Michigan is the highest in any large city in the United States.
Overall I think that gun control is a huge issue in The United States. However, I think that limiting the access of guns would help this issue tremendously. Putting a max on how many guns you can have, being more aware of where your guns are at in your house and lowering the number of stores that sells guns, are all simple ideas that should be considered to better our
Attention Getter: “The battle over guns has proven to be one of the most dangerous in America’s culture wars- and with the murder of 58 people in Las Vegas Sunday night, the debate over how to regulate them has begun again. The argument over gun control isn’t merely about safety. It’s about identity. The gun has transcended its function as a weapon to become a powerful cultural marker. It can signal what kind of person you are, and often to which tribe you belong”. –
Gun control is a very controversial topic that has has a huge impact on the United States of America. One side believes that if guns were taken away as a whole, the country would see significantly less gun related crimes and death, while the other opposing side thinks that taking away guns is not only against the Second Amendment but would lead to an increase in crime and death because the government would take guns away from people who are legally registered to own and conceal guns. The ongoing debate will continue until the foreseeable future but their are plenty of reasons why more gun laws should be made. Taking away guns is not the answer, learning how to deal with gun violence is the key.
The United States of America is a nation of massacres by military-type assault weapons. Aware of the deadliness of these weapons and due to public safety concerns clearly outweighing the benefits of personal ownership of military-type assault weapons, the United States passed the 1994 Federal Ban on military-type assault weapons. This ban was notably effective during the 10 years it was in effect. However, the Ban automatically expired in 2004. Since that time, the number of U. S. mass murders has markedly increased. Attempts to reinstate the Ban, most recently the stricter 2013 Ban, have all failed. Nevertheless, the less restrictive 1994 Ban did pass the Senate and House of Representatives at one point and was successful. Therefore, the 1994 Federal Ban on military-type assault weapons should be reinstated.
Mass shootings You’re in a dark room, your ears are ringing from the gunshots. You’re on the floor and you look up, books on desks are untouched, but your fellow classmates on the floor are not. You’re surrounded by the outcome of a school shooting. Blood splatters the floor and walls along with bullet cases.
The devastating mass shooting at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, inspires President Barack Obama to take the podium in outrage Thursday, to express his grievances and to call for tougher gun control.
Ultimately, this comes down to which solution can fit best between the two groups of those that want guns and those that don’t. A solution that can be in favor of both sides is introducing guns into our children education at school. Not an education use obviously, but on how dangerous it is and what mechanisms to identify when they
November the 5th, 2017 Devin Patrick Kelley shot up a Baptist Church in the small town of Sutherland Springs, killing 26 people. Amongst these murders was the pastor's daughter, who was only 14 years old. Another being a 8 month baby. Nobody in the church stood a chance against the countless firearms being held against them that sunday morning. Gun violence is nothing knew to this world. Every year people lose their lives to gun violence, majority if the time being a deliberate attack. When are we as a state, or as a country going to rid ourselves of the machines that have claimed millions of lives. When are we going to put down are foot and say “enough is enough?” Will it be the next time someone decides to shoot up an elementary school, slaughtering the lives of children? Or will it be when you come face to face with gun violence yourself. It is time that we take action to control gun violence.
In the early hours of June 12th, 2016, one man, with hate in his heart, a warped world view, an arsenal of weapons, and a single motive, to kill, indiscriminately, senselessly, opened fire in a crowded nightclub in Orlando, Florida. His name, inconsequential. His act, heinous, and unimaginable. With that being said, this moment, is reminiscent of many moments that the US have endured in recent memory. With gun violence and mass shootings becoming the new normal, it is a scary notion to think that this violence, that this cancer, seems to be escalating, exponentially. It has become normal for my generation at least, having grown up with the tragic images of September 11th, and having gone to college and been shocked and rattled by the Boston Bombings, to believe that we are hopelessly and hilariously outnumbered, and most disturbingly, weaponless, against those who proclaim, and justify, their disinterest in discussion, tolerance, love, and hope.
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience that each individual must take responsibility for his or her own actions. The must not blame guns for problems caused by people. .
A shooting here; a shooting there; an every day occurrence heard in the newspapers and on the news channels on television. New media are reporting a shooting somewhere. Whether the shootings are accidental or intentional; they are happening across the United States. Nevertheless, in today’s society, gun violence is sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Throughout the country, thousands of laws and regulations have been created to aid in the control of guns. Through much study, the gun laws and regulations in place have very little effect on the number of gun related injuries and deaths. More needs to be done to establish an effective way to control gun violence.
In order to have a peaceful community, and for everyone in society to feel safe again, we need more restriction on guns such as who handles guns, when they are handling a gun, and what they are needing the gun for. Violence is a part of history, that has always been talked about. We don’t need violence anymore, and not having restrictions on guns, is just making the violence worse. We need to know the problems that guns have caused in the past, and today, and the real reason why people who are against gun control.