
Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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Greetings Central Alabama Gun Club, today I am here to discuss the importance of Gun Control and what you can do to limit the crime and death rate right here in Alabama. In 2015, Birmingham only had about one hundred homicides and more than half of those victims were shot. First, I would like to look at the word “homicide” which refers to the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder. I am here today to stress that we are just as guilty as the people who are deliberately killing our children, grandchildren, friends, and family. Most people think violent crime is the result of poverty, but in fact, it is the cause. Over the Christmas break this past year, for instance, sixteen-year-old Raven White and her unborn daughter were shot and killed in one of Birmingham’s lower income apartments. For residents of these neighborhoods, who are striving to make ends meet and improve their economic situation, the chaos and destruction brought by gun violence is a major obstacle that more fortunate …show more content…

That is up to us, as a nation. There are thousands of ideas that can work with both sides of the infamous debate of gun control we just have to be willing to listen and observe. The solution I proposed earlier best suits the situation because nothing is taken away from citizens who do right by the law. Even though the opposing ideas such as criminals need protection to is a valid point but just like criminals loose the opportunity to higher tiered jobs they should also lose the other rights such as being able to carry a gun. This solution can also be an incentive for people to abide by the law, if they know they could lose this freedom, maybe they will be more skeptical of committing a crime. It is clear that the debate over gun control will not be solved soon. It is almost certain that our lifetime might not see a significant change in gun laws, but let us start the process for the future of

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