Recently in the news many have been discussing the soundness of the second amendment. There are said to be two sides to the argument, those who are in favor of the amendment, and those who want to abolish it. However in practicality destroying a whole amendment and collecting every single firearm in the country is close to impossible. Yet if more amendments were added to alter the law such as a age limit or a controlled buying pool then gun control can become a realistic possibility. Gun supporters are constantly trying to argue the points that people kill not guns, that it is taking away the freedom of the amendment, and that even if illegalize guns people will still use them. All these arguments have holes and counterpoints that perfectly …show more content…
If they don’t use a gun they’ll use something else-like a hammer, knife, or bomb” However bombs and homemade bombs are already under close security on transporting and mass buying of certain ingredients for homemade bombs. It would also be pretty hard to kill people on mass scale with a knife or baseball bat.For example since 2013 there has been 303 school shooting, averaging on a shooting per week. Just in the year of 2018 there has already been a range of 50 school shootings. This study recorded any type of gun being shot on school campus. Guns are also the most accessible and easy to use that’s why they are almost always used for amateur destruction. In 2014 15,872 people died from homicides. This would be 5 out 100,000 people populations. Of that 5, 3.5 of the people’s homicides were caused by a firearm, causing a estimate of 11,008. So how do you say firearms are not to blame? People are still very adamant that bombs are just as hazardous. Except that you can’t buy bomb at a store and that in a 2016 study there were 11,024 gun or firearm related murders versus one explosive related murder. So maybe the people are the ones to blame, but you can still obtain a long gun at the age of 18 and a handgun at the age of 21. This seems like a fine age except that a senior in highschool can legally have a long gun and that your brain doesn’t even fully develop to be able to make rational decisions until 25. If guns were regulated it would keep them out of the hands of those “people who
The debate over gun control has been raging through the American political systems for years. On one side, there is the National Rifle Association (NRA) and 2nd Amendment-citing citizens who use their firearms for hunting and self-defense. On the other, there is Handgun Control Inc. (HCI) and followers of the Brady Campaign who want to ban guns on the basis that they are dangerous. Both sides have strong arguments, anchored in historical precedent and statistical analysis. Anti-gun control lobbyists’ arguments include the guarantee of the 2nd Amendment, the definition of “militia” as any adult male, self-defense, the relative uselessness of permits and regulations, and court cases in favor of firearm possession. Pro-gun control activists
The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, or about 270,000,000 guns, which is the highest total and per capital number in the world. 22% of Americans own one or more guns (35% of men and 12% of women). America's pervasive gun culture stems in part from its colonial history, revolutionary roots, frontier expansion, and the Second Amendment, which states: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Proponents of more gun control laws state that the Second Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions have always existed; and that a majority of Americans, including gun owners, support new gun restrictions.
For many years, people have been pushing the American government to implement new laws that deal with gun control. Supporters of the argument claim that increased gun control will drastically reduce the crime rate in America. Nevertheless, a majority of gun control arguments are formed from strict control of data and emotional appeal. The mainstream media picks up these stories and broadcasts them to viewers without providing any context to them. While gun control activists assert that gun control is necessary, the American government should not ban guns because of the following reasons: potential vulnerability of innocent people being shot at by criminals and the inability for people to defend themselves against their own government.
The article “Gun Control Laws: Should the United States adopt stronger gun control laws?” focuses on the debate on passing stricter gun control laws. For example, supporters believe that gun control laws will decrease mass shootings and gun violence. Additionally, adopting these laws does not violate the Second Amendment, and as a result it does not limit the government from the use of fire arms when it is necessary. However, opponents argue that the gun control laws will not stop gun violence. The problem is the people holding the gun and not the gun itself. Furthermore, opponents gathered that stronger gun control laws do violate the Second Amendment. The author illustrates the debate on whether the United States should or should not adopt stronger gun control laws.
I believe that Pro Gun control is the right choice, if you watch any news show, every other day there is at least one story involving a gun related crime in some shape or form. And most of the time that same gun, that's being reported, was used to harm another human being,or more than one person. Both sides of the story are constantly bickering about the matter. Those who believe in that there should be gun control are simply outnumbered by those who don’t. On top of that, every year the number of guns the U.S rises and as a result gun related crimes also rise. The situation may become too large for us to handle, no gun control will lead to more gun crimes and anyone could be a victim. We need gun control, so that we can discourage potential
The argument in this article is President Trump signaled support for one piece of gun control legislation on Monday, five days after a mass shooting at a Florida high school left 17 people dead and scores injured. "The president is supportive of efforts to improve the federal background check system," Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, wrote in a statement Monday morning. After a mass shooting in Las Vegas last year, officials said they were studying a ban on bump stocks, an attachment that allows a rifle to fire more frequently. Over the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Trump weighed gun control measures in conversations with friends, according to people who spoke to him. Trump has faced two of the country's
With an increase in the number of mass shootings that have occurred in the United States in the last few years the issue of gun control laws has become a prevalent topic of debate throughout American society. This debate stems from two opposing arguments over gun control. Some feel gun control laws are fair and not the contributing factor to these mass shootings, whereas, others feel that there is an urgent need for strict laws in order to end the problem of mass shootings. There are numerous pros and cons to the enforcement of stricter gun control laws but we must note a few things: stricter gun control laws would interfere with the second amendment, it is not the gun that kills it is the individual, and it is ultimately not laws that are
I think that there should be more gun control laws because it can help in the future. Even though many people already own guns and they can't be taken away because of the Second Amendment, it can prevent those who shouldn't own a gun from buying one. Implementing more laws would make it harder to own a gun, which can prevent many attacks and deaths. Even though more gun control laws won’t eliminate attacks are mass shootings completely, it will help lower the number of attacks and save more lives. Having these laws may not seem like it can do much now, but it will make it harder to get a gun in in the future and lower the chances of it falling into the wrong hands.
The topic that I have chosen to write about is should there be more gun control laws be enacted. What does gun control do you may ask? Gun control is any kind of firearm that is bought or sold. What will be in the essay will be different things of Pros and Cons on the different things that gun control is in. The gun control law should not be enforced more is should be managed better for people who do not know what they are doing. The Second Amendment protects the people the rights to own guns. As us the people we have the right to bare arms for the need of protecting ourselves.
The segment of American politics know as gun control came about in the 20th century with the passing of the National Firearms Act (NFA) in 1934. Congress passed this act in response to Prohibition-era gangs and the extreme violence that they caused. With the passage of the NFA the federal government set into motion the beginning of gun politics in America. The history of modern gun control has been fiercely fought in and out of the courts by parties on both sides of the issue with several key court rulings. Gun control politics is primarily made up of two sides with several groups on both sides. On the one side you have gun rights activists and the other you have the gun control activists.
As Boss (2017) mentions, The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (p. 164). Gun control has always been a controversial issue. Due to shootings related to culture, schools, robberies, movie theatres, and accidents, guns have become an object of violence, fear, and danger. All people have been affected by gun violence or have heard of an event related to gun violence. The two articles that will be analyzed are Erik Gilbert’s “Stop Worrying About Guns in the Classroom. They’re Already Here” and a testimony by Mark Kelly “Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Gun Violence on Gun Violence on January 30, 2013”. After comparing arguments through different premises from both articles, one essay will be chosen superior to the other.
un control is a very controversial topic especially in today's society; whether gun control is good or bad is a very talked about subject especially when it comes to the United States. This is a very touchy subject because guns are a part of a lot of people's daily lives. People that are anti gun control believe that no one should be able to put any restrictions on guns. They believe that people should be able to buy a firearm just like a pair of boots or a tool. They also believe that if someone were able to take away the firearms from the law abiding citizens that just leaves firearms in the hands of people that do not abide by the law and leaves them defenseless. In 1791 our founding fathers gathered and ratified the Second amendment. The
Gun control is a very controversial topic for Americans. Many feel that due to the recent tragedies, Congress should enforce stronger gun control law while others believe that banning assault weapons will not help reduce crimes. In the article titled, “Treasure the Second Amendment, but Ban Assault Rifles”, Miller argues that assault weapons should be banned, but the second amendment right to bare arms should be valued. While in the article titled, “A Ban on Assault Weapons Would Not Reduce Crime”, Merino argues that banning assault weapons would not lower the crime rate because most criminals will just find a loophole.
In the current year, many things have changed in the political world with some of them being welcomed by all and others not as much. While this paper is not specifically about the people holding political offices, I feel as though it is important to view their influence in these issues. The policy that I am going to discuss in this paper is gun control as I feel it is a hotly debated issue in the country today, especially after the incidents we have had throughout the recent years.
Gun control in the U.S has been a highly talked about topic the past couple of years. Through the development of technology and social media; many people across the country have been more involved in voicing their opinions about this issue. America is known as the land of the free, many people take pride in being able to bare arms. However, this right has been abused by not only civilians, but law enforcement as well. The United States has the 31st highest rate of gun violence in the world and it is not decreasing anytime soon. The phrase “America's largest mass shooting” has been reassigned to numerous occurrences that have taken place over the past decade. It is apparent that through these tragedies it is time for a serious change, innocent lives are being lost for no reason.