
Gun Control Pros And Cons

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Recently in the news many have been discussing the soundness of the second amendment. There are said to be two sides to the argument, those who are in favor of the amendment, and those who want to abolish it. However in practicality destroying a whole amendment and collecting every single firearm in the country is close to impossible. Yet if more amendments were added to alter the law such as a age limit or a controlled buying pool then gun control can become a realistic possibility. Gun supporters are constantly trying to argue the points that people kill not guns, that it is taking away the freedom of the amendment, and that even if illegalize guns people will still use them. All these arguments have holes and counterpoints that perfectly …show more content…

If they don’t use a gun they’ll use something else-like a hammer, knife, or bomb” However bombs and homemade bombs are already under close security on transporting and mass buying of certain ingredients for homemade bombs. It would also be pretty hard to kill people on mass scale with a knife or baseball bat.For example since 2013 there has been 303 school shooting, averaging on a shooting per week. Just in the year of 2018 there has already been a range of 50 school shootings. This study recorded any type of gun being shot on school campus. Guns are also the most accessible and easy to use that’s why they are almost always used for amateur destruction. In 2014 15,872 people died from homicides. This would be 5 out 100,000 people populations. Of that 5, 3.5 of the people’s homicides were caused by a firearm, causing a estimate of 11,008. So how do you say firearms are not to blame? People are still very adamant that bombs are just as hazardous. Except that you can’t buy bomb at a store and that in a 2016 study there were 11,024 gun or firearm related murders versus one explosive related murder. So maybe the people are the ones to blame, but you can still obtain a long gun at the age of 18 and a handgun at the age of 21. This seems like a fine age except that a senior in highschool can legally have a long gun and that your brain doesn’t even fully develop to be able to make rational decisions until 25. If guns were regulated it would keep them out of the hands of those “people who

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