
Gun Control Research Paper

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Imagine a small, happy family with a mom, a dad, and a little baby girl. Now imagine them hiding together in fear in the corner of their house as a man holds them at gunpoint, robbing them of everything they have. They can’t defend themselves because there has been a recent ban on all handguns in the United States. Scenarios like this will happen every day if we allow more gun control laws to be put into effect. Guns are used in defensive ways 250,000 to 350,000 times a year (Barrett). Can you imagine America losing that many more people every year, all because they enforced laws that wouldn’t allow everyone to have a gun? Gun laws in the United States are effective as they are and do not need to be added to or changed. In order to truly understand why, it is important to examine the causes of the problem, the effects of the problem, and what is being done or what can be done to help solve the problem.
Passing new gun control laws in the United States will not help us. With stricter gun ownership laws, it will only make the process of getting a gun harder for someone who intends on abiding the laws with the tool (Stossel). Criminals who are trying to obtain a gun for an violent, law-breaking act won’t think twice about breaking the laws that are there to prevent …show more content…

First, educate yourself on the current state and federal gun laws so you really know what you’re talking about. Then, one thing that you can do is make a call to your member of congress. Explain how you feel about current gun laws and what you think should be done. Another thing one person can do is donate money to a gun rights group, or if you feel really strongly about gun rights, join a group and get involved. Anything is better than sitting down and doing nothing! There are so many little things that one person can do to get their opinion out there and help out a

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