
Gun Rights Group Analysis

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My chosen discourse is a sect of the NRA, in my hometown of Bryant, Arkansas, along with an interview of my father a member of the NRA. The group existing is due to guns and the rights to said guns; and like in the national level of the NRA, the members are staunch supporter of pro-gun rights.
Most of the communication of the group is done through the use of social media and face-to-face interactions. On the social media side of things, the group is mostly based within Facebook and Instagram. On the media platforms, the group shares ideas of what they believe is the right the way in American politics to deal with gun rights. The group has no real face-to-face meetings, the meeting between the members are causal: usually at work or at the gun range.
Again, the NRA along with this sect of it is a pro-gun rights group in the United States. The goal of their communication is to support their beliefs on the rights to firearms, so there is often discussion on how the other side is “wrong” based upon the oppositions arguments. The most common conflicts within the community stem form ideas on how gun rights should be expressed: some host more liberal opinions on the types …show more content…

For example, the group define as “berm”, as an outdoor shooting range with a large mound of dirt to serve as a back drop, and the phrase “snowflake” with a degrading connotation is often as someone younger and against the groups agenda. Slang like this serves as indictors on who is in and who is out. Is serves as an outlet to further expanded on the groups appreciation of the fire-arms. There is a popular criticism of the group that the NRA is bunch of alt right extremist; the NRA group I observed did to apply to this category of

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