The United States is home to approximately 5% of the world’s population and 31% of all mass shootings. Through these mass shootings and various other methods of gun violence, tens of thousands of people die every year. These gun-related deaths primarily originate from murder and children accidentally shooting themselves. Although those in favor of gun control tend to believe that guns should be terminated completely, the second amendment prevents lawmakers from being able to do so. Therefore, in order to combat these causes, alternative gun control solutions must be made for each one. Gun-related murders can be decreased through the use of universal background checks. Additionally, accidental shootings can be minimized through the …show more content…
Additionally, the number of police killed on duty by guns is cut in half. Along with this, these states typically see an overall decrease in their gun-related murder statistics. For example, TIME magazine claims that Rhode Island saw a 10.6% decrease in their gun-related murder rate after implementing universal background checks. Therefore, there are numerous statistics proving that universal background checks are successful at decreasing gun violence. Universal background checks are essential for making sure no one who purchases a gun has a record of violent tendencies that would lead them to use this weapon in a malicious way. A 2007 report by the International Association of Chiefs of Police claimed that without universal background checks, guns are very easily acquired by those who would typically be prohibited, such as criminals. When these prohibited people acquire firearms, the IACP concluded that the guns are often used for gun violence. A 2013 survey confirmed this by questioning inmates who had committed crimes involving guns in the 13 states with the weakest gun control restrictions. This survey found that 86.6% of the inmates did not undergo a background check when purchasing the gun used in their crime. Additionally, 96.1% of that 86.6% would not
The two articles that I have read were “Connecticut School Shooting ‘An Attack on America’” by Ted Anthony and “The Price of Gun Control by Dan Baum. All around I believe these articles were both very interesting and both took different perspectives on the issues of guns in America. Both Anthony and Baum illustrated the different problems that we have in America and our communities with gun control and gun violence. But, they both brought the text together to relate it on a personal level. I enjoyed reading both texts and connecting to each one on a different level.
In the article, Americas Deadly Gun Addiction, By the Numbers written by Joanna Pearlstein, data is released regarding the United States having more guns that adults in the country. The mass shootings across the country has led to many civilians wanting more gun control. President Obama spoke to the nation that more background checks will be ran to hopefully reduce this situation, and lower the gun deaths in the United States, however gun lobbyers argue that it is not the guns themselves that are causing the issue and they believe that no matter how many background checks are ran you cannot make sure that a fun will not be placed in the hands of someone who many end someone’s life unexpectedly.
America is known as the land of opportunity, freedom, fast food, and raging numbers of gun violence. According to Mass Shooting Tracker there has been about 367 shootings so far since the year started (Mass Shooting Tracker). This is outrageous considering that in other countries, gun shooting numbers don 't even reach a two-digit number. Far too many people have been victims of these unregulated weapons, claiming lives and ripping families apart. There is no safe place from these assault weapons, no movie theater, night club, church, or school. American’s must deal with the fact that any unsuited person is legally allowed to purchase a weapon with the weak regulations we currently have. Assault weapons have been damaging for this country and it 's time to change the laws. Gun regulations and laws need to be stricter to make it harder for individuals to purchase guns to prevent any future tragedies from happening.
According to a Mar. 10, 2016 Lancet study, implementing federal universal background checks could reduce firearm deaths by a projected 56.9%; background checks for ammunition purchases could reduce deaths by a projected 80.7%; and gun identification requirements could reduce deaths by a projected 82.5%. [148]
Although it is an American citizen’s right, protected by the second amendment, to possess firearms, the average civilian has no need for an excessive amount. The misuse of firearms has shown to negatively impact global society as a whole but most especially; the American citizen population. In the first decade of the twentieth century alone, the United States has seen an alarming growth of casualties due to the wrongful use of firearms. Gun control has become a controversial issue in the United States in a short amount of time, in order to further control the accessibility of firearms I propose in addition to background checks of both physical and mentals matters, for factors such as records of firearms in possession and number of firearms in possession to be taken into
I’d like to add that this is only one example of people getting killed due to the lack of checks, shootings at schools, public areas, places where children are present are occurring simply because people who should not have guns, obtain them. Universal background checks would not solve this problem, but it would decrease it.
Many students in America, might consider school almost like a home because they spend about half a day in. We need students to be safe at school, so why not have an officer patrolling the hallways. To make the school much safer, the officers should have guns in case there is a threat towards the students. In the eyes of many United State citizens a gun can symbolize death; however, a gun can save several people’s lives. As U.S citizens, we have the right to keep and bear arms, so why do we not have police officers with guns patrolling schools. “Gun violence is a major social issue in America and American schools and university campuses have become targets of gun violence” (Bond). In the U.S we had several severe situations when someone comes to the school and starts to kill not only students, but teachers and staff, this could have been prevented if we were prepared and secured. Although the opposition may suggest it could be more dangerous to have an officer or guard be allowed with a gun; however, having an officer with a gun would decrease the number of shootings and other minor problems at schools.
Gun violence is the sign of a far greater universal problem in America today. Violence and gun violence specifically, is surrounded within, and spread all through every part of our society. All the reasons remain intimately related to the actual solution, which can only be a general solution one by treating it as one issue. The region that I live in is considered a peaceful part of Harvest, which I am particularly grateful about. I do not have to worry about gunfights in the roads of my community, nor maybe being helpless confronted by students with a gun at school. That, nevertheless, does not mean that my community is impermeable to gun violence. Huntsville has seen its share of gun violence from the incident at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), where three people were murdered and three others injured on February 12, 2010. Throughout the course of a routine gathering of the biology department attended by about 12 people, professor Amy Bishop stood up and began shooting those next to her with a 9-millimeter handgun (Hall 2010)
Gun violence in America is prevalent as the rate of deaths rise. Stricter gun control laws should be made and enforced to lower those rates and create a safer country. The Gun Violence Archive reports that overall, the total number of gun related incidents has reached 36,719 in 2015 and that there have been 244 mass shootings so far. The death toll has reached 9,210 and 18,817 victims were injured by guns. Other countries with stricter gun control laws have reported less crimes and deaths dealing with guns, and America should follow suit. In Australia, after massacre in 1996, stricter gun control laws were passed and since then, there have been less gun related crimes. According to a study made by Andrew Leigh of Australian National University
Gun control has been a prevalent issue in the United States since its early years, but has recently taken the spotlight as one of the most controversial, and debated topics in the country with the rise of alarming cases and accessible statistics. Because of our constitution, the right to bear arms has endured throughout the years with little revision. Republicans tend to argue strongly in favor of this amendment on the basis of constitutional right and the need for self-defense. (Waldman, 2017). However, the current lax system of background checks requirements for purchase of a firearm have contributed to numerous casualties and cannot stand without reform. In 2017 alone, 13,899 deaths have occurred at the expense of a gun in the United
Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety. However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, “If this were a country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law.” (Browne-Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011, 1,668 African American children were killed due to guns. Day by day gun violence is rising and it is not only in ghetto neighborhoods.
In 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilities and criminal records should be more deeply looked into before transaction—and finally, equipping teachers at highs schools with the right kind of weaponry to prevent mass shootings.
Gun laws and gun control are the cause of violence in the United States of America and need to be changed in order for the law abiding citizens of this country to easily obtain a weapon and conceal it on them to protect themselves. As the gun control debate rages on the NRA or National Rifle Association and President Barrack Obama clash about the right to own and carry weapons. As president Obama enacted his executive order about gun control, gun sales increased exponentially. This leads to the question should we enact stricter gun laws or reduce our existing laws to make it easier for citizens to carry a weapon? And will it actually work to reduce the murder rate and violent crime rate in the United State of America?
“In America, there are approximately 270 million firearms possessed by civilians, and only 897,000 carried by police” ( “The first automatic pistol was created by Joseph Laumann in 1892. But the Borchardt pistol of 1893 was the first automatic with a separate magazine in the grip, and this remains the defining feature of the breed” (PBS gun timeline). Guns are very dangerous in every way possible, especially in the hands of an underage child. Due to the fact that, more gun control laws needs to be put in place, the less guns we have the better, and expand the background checks.According to Kristof “Our Blind Spot about Guns” more enforced background checks and trigger locks should become standard in purchasing and owning a gun because mass shooting in schools, making sure criminals and mentally unstable people don’t get guns, to protect the future of the world.
I looked at the most recent news story, another mass shooting has occurred. Thoughts flood my mind, what happened, why, who did this? I don’t have the answer, and nor does the news. I search up on Google everything on this, but no answers. Then along comes CNN, making up yet another lie around this story, and why we need gun control. A few days pass, and boom, this gun crime happened through illegal firearms. I sat back and wonder why gun control can actually solve for anything when people get guns illegally all the time. I got bored and grabbed my phone. Clicking around on Facebook, Instagram I saw more about this, and got annoyed, so I started commenting my thoughts, making people start to argue about every little detail possible. I got so fed up I closed my phone, but had nothing else to do.