How to Put an End to Gun Violence in Toronto According to the Toronto Police Service, in 2016 alone there has been an astonishing 190 incidents involving gun violence, with 39 of them resulting in death. This has been a 50% increase from the previous year. So how must we combat this incessant and utterly unnecessary bloodshed on the streets of Toronto? Well, first we must make a distinction that guns do not kill people, but rather, people kill people. This highlights that gun violence is not primarily due to the weapon itself, but the social conditions that instigate such altercations. Therefore, we must make an effort to increase the communal services available to those situated in areas with a history of gun violence. Particularly, these
In dealing with the first issue, there are two distinct schools of thought. One led by gun advocates stating the irrelevance of gun control in reducing crimes while the other claiming its importance.
Gun Control is an important issue to Canadians. Canada has both provincial and federal legislation that restricts the sale, purchase, and use of different kinds of firearms. The United States, on the other hand, do not have federal or state bills restricting the possession or use of firearms, only local laws exist there. A firearm consists of any barreled weapon from which a shot, bullet or other missile can be fired and that is capable of causing serious bodily harm or death.
According to the Toronto police, an Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy was a necessary investment in wake of increasing gun violence among poor (primarily black) youth in the city of Toronto, which peaked to its ultimate high in the year 2005 known as the ‘year of the gun’. A media spectacle of the Toronto’s gang violence primarily involving young black men from poor inner suburban
There are numerous amounts of shootings occurring in Toronto, specifically, this is the 49th homicide. A man has lost his life where he did not expect this to happen, from someone else hands. Not only he suffered through the extreme pain of getting shot, but also his family is suffering. They are probably in the condition of sorrow and sadness. Two other individuals are in hospitals living their lives with a long-lasting pain, all due to someone’s hand with a gun. This and many other situations in Canada, America, and etc, will affect society as a whole with this article is by pedestrians on the streets will now have more fear walking down the streets of Toronto, since they know, something similar to this situation could occur to them. Also knowing that there are people who might have a lethal weapon on them. Another way this could affect society is by an amendment regarding gun control in Canada. The rules should be further extended and the ability to gain a gun should be limited. Furthermore, the charges of killing with a gun should also be extremely strict and should increase as
Many people in America are coming to the realization that gun violence is beginning to have a dramatic affect on teenagers. Christine Watkins, the author of, “Gun Crimes Cause Serious Harm to Children” Gives much evidence on why she believes more gun control, or even removing all firearms from homes will be the solution to this crisis. She tells readers that teenagers from urban areas have the greatest risk of being involved in some kind of gun crime. With her estimate of over 280 million gun in America, she believes firearms are too readily available and teenagers are accessing them with little to no trouble, legally, or illegally. Furthermore, she believes this is why teenagers suffer the most from firearm violence (Gun Crimes). Some
There has been considerable debate recently in Canada over the issue of gun control. The Canadian parliament enacted the Firearms Act to enforce gun control by requiring gun owners to register their firearms. Just recently, the government of Alberta lead in a charge, including five other provinces and numerous pro-gun groups, complaining that the law is unconstitutional and intrudes on provincial jurisdiction. They also claim that the act infringes on property and civil rights that are guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Parliament contends that the government of Canada is within its rights to protect public safety. Pro-gun control organizations, police chiefs and the City of Toronto also back the Firearms Act.
It appears as though the repetitive and unfortunate tragedies of mass shootings have become incorporated into the everyday life of American culture. We are forced to live in a heightened degree of fear, skepticism, and hesitation concerning our public safety. This phenomenon could reasonably occur in response to the vast ineffectiveness of the country’s current gun laws. Time after time similar misfortunes arise, yet few major changes are implemented to prevent them from reoccurring in the future. We cannot let this trend continue any further. Though some claim that increased gun control is useless and infringes upon the Second Amendment, it limits civilians’ weapons grade, obstructs those deemed unfit to wield such lethal weapons, and insures a greater level of security, thus it should be executed.
Canada has been the more superior country over the United States, when it comes to gun control. It has been a social media crisis with all the killings that has happened over the last few years,that the United States has been known for this ongoing tragedy of gun violence. It has been proven that the United States owns more guns than Canada,space having over 50% more firearms per capita than the next two highest nations, Serbia and Yemen. According to STATS CAN report from 2012, it has been recorded that 8813 murders have occurred with firearm. Canada on the other hand had only suffered 172 firearms related homicides. Furthermore with Canadian gun laws, the two countries are completely different. To get a gun in Canada you
This paper will explore the history of guns, myths and realities of gun violence. Gun violence is a hot topic in America today and some may believe that America was built on gun violence. This country was colonized by the use of violence with guns. We’ve had wars since the invasion of this country. The violence has been around also with the well-known 1775 speech from Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death” (Jr.). Give me death is a very strong statement that to me means this is of a violent nature. Since then violence with guns would only escalate from taking land to taking lives whether it be homicides, suicides or threats of violence against one another. With the violent history of gun violence in America and so many different opinions, who or what is responsible for the destruction on self and society and what are the some of the ways to discourage these behaviors.
A literature review of gun violence prevention is being undergone as part of this submittal. This research is important because gun violence has been a plague in the United States and the United Kingdom, among other places, for much of the recent century or two. This violence takes on two major forms. The first is general gun violence that is perpetrated as part of gang violence, robberies, burglaries, crimes of passion or spite and so forth. The other major form, which is both quite uncommon but very poignant and affecting when it happens, are school and other mass shootings like Columbine and the very recent Sandy Hook. There have been a decent amount of other school shootings and work shootings, but those are far and away the most notorious. Both were effected by very mentally ill teenagers or young adults that decide to go out in a bloody and perverted blaze of glory before they took their own life.
Eighty-nine people depart from this earth due to gun violence in the US every day. From school children, to victims of domestic violence, to people going about their daily lives, this status quo is unacceptable. On Tuesday January 5th, 2016 President Obama announced that he would send proposals on reducing gun violence in America to Congress. His spokesman, Jay Carney, mentioned that this is “a complex problem that will require a complex solution.” The ability to own a gun is considered by some a birthright of Americans. However, with crime rates involving handguns rising each day it has become quite clear. Handgun laws must become stricter in order to reduce homicide and crime. The question is, “which solution in most effective in decreasing gun violence?” Gun control is a major conflict that is constantly reoccurring and the US is seemingly divided over it.
In the 21st century, raging riots are common in the United States of America. In fact, the diversity of opinions often leads to dissension and discord, and with these unstable circumstances, crimes of passion can occur quite frequently. Specifically, terrorists, murderers, bombers, and other mentally incompetent people remain discreet predators among the innocent. However, many would argue that guns, especially the rise of automatic weapons, have only led to the increase of such violence. Concisely, guns, whether hand guns, rifles, or shotguns, have led to a multitude of problems for both those that wield them and those that fear them because of the dangerous situations that can result.
The Orlando nightclub shooting in Florida on June 12, 2016 was the single largest massacre in U.S history, taking the lives of 50 individuals, including the shooter himself, and injuring 53 others. This is one extreme example of the gun violence that has been occurring in this country, but mass shootings like this and the one at Newton in 2012 are only a small part of our gun violence issue. The everyday gun violence that takes place in cities all across the United States claims the lives of thousands every single year. According to The Guardian, 33,500 civilians die each year because of gun brutality- “that’s about 1 life every 15 minutes” (Beckett). Between the years of 1999 and 2013, there were 464,003 gun deaths in the U.S, about 58% of them were suicides 37% were homicides. ( Gun violence and the consequences of that violence, have become a real and dangerous problem in the U.S , why else would the CDC list the United States as having the highest rate of gun violence out of all developed countries today? (Gale Opposing Viewpoints) This issue is not just attributable to a single factor, there are several that play an important part in why gun violence is such an issue in the U.S, namely laws and poverty; and in these causes we can also find solutions.
With the popular culture providing positive images of guns, the United States has a gun prevalence that is very rare in the modern world. While many people appreciate the “gun culture”, guns are heavily involved in violence in the United States. According to U.S. Department of Justice, since 1960, more than 750,000 Americans have died under firearms, including homicides, suicides, and unintentional injuries. The figure 1 provides a comprehensive survey of U.S. violent crimes for the period from 1993 to 2011.This figure illustrates that from 1993 to 2011, about 60% to 70% of homicides were associated with a firearm. Over the same period, between 6% and 9% of all nonfatal violence, with about 20% to 30% of robberies and 22% to 32% of aggravated assaults involving a firearm.
Hundreds of young Christians were forced to flee as a gun battle between soldiers and rebels interrupted a three-day youth festival held at the Anglican Diocese of Juba in South Sudan.