
Gun Violence In Schools Essay

Good Essays

What are the psychological effects on adolescents that have been exposed to gun violence on school grounds?

In this project I will be talking about the psychological effects on adolescents that have been exposed to gun violence on school grounds. I will be defining key words before moving on to talk about the possible effects of being exposed to gun violence. In the main part of my project I will be discussing three case studies on different school shootings and exploring the psychological effects.

I have chosen this as my project because it will benefit me by expanding my knowledge and give me a better understanding on a subject I am greatly interested in. As there are so many horrific incidents involving guns and the effects can prevent people from living their lives to the fullest, I wanted to do this as my project because if more people know about the effects they might stop causing the problem. When I was introduced to the project I automatically knew I was going to go down the route of criminology as it has always interested me. When I leave university I hope to join the police …show more content…

My project objectives are to provide people with more knowledge and understanding about the effects of guns, especially on adolescents, as it can have a massive impact on them. I am aiming to help people understand how gun violence can affect people, in the worst ways, and to hopefully influence people to stop buying guns. By writing this project I am hoping to improve upon my English and research skills. I also think this project will help me to gain further knowledge about gun violence and psychology, which is something I hope to study at A-level and will therefore benefit me. I hope to have achieved all of these new skills and my project objectives by the end of my project so that I can share my knowledge and inform others of my

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