Gun Violence Sociology 1010 Kenneth Cornwell Zanestate College Carl A. Field Today in our society we have a massive problem with gun violence. Many people are abusing their right to own guns by doing was is called a shooting. A shooting is a kill spree of mostlky public areas. This happens because of people wioth a mental background not being check for illnesses and abeing allowed to purchase firearms. This is not always the case, for there are problems with bullies in our society. Bullies are a big party of this society in its day of age. Bullying has all forms. When this happens people think that the correct way to fix the problem of gun violence is to ban all firearms from being used by civilians. There aree many reasons why …show more content…
This is a part that happens in the societ every second of every minute of every hour and so on. Communication is received in so many ways in this society. With communication comes ideas and logic and other forms of understanding the ways of the communication process. With this theory and the interpretation of the communication amongst people there are many ways to misinterpret them. The government and the pople is a huge social conflict. The people want one thing for society while the government is writing bills to do the exact opposite. This creates a letdown for the people. Then the people start to fester ideas and state that the government is corrupted. Cults are vastly spread out on several different topics. One is in fact the corruption of the government. Cults are localized groups who have one central idea and maintain meeting about how to deal with said topic. This is all over the world. Peole have ties in cults that have to do with some actions against shootings. They have narrowed down searches for cults in the united states dealing with shootings. Faith is said to have people with high hopes in a commmunuty. Faith is a term used for people who believe in a winninng scenario in certain circumstances. Many people believe in this. Faith is to give better people a mind of clarity and to help them with their day. With gun violence faith is disrubuted every day. People go to work, they go to school, they go to public places know that that place could be the
Imagine this, there is a gazelle and a Cheetah, what would happen if you cut off the horns of the gazelle? Would the Cheetah not come and attack the gazelle because it’s “Too Easy”. No, it would just be easier for the Cheetah to get its prey/ gazelle. The innocent gazelle will get slaughtered by this ruthless Cheetah This is the same with the Gun Control issue. If you take away the guns what will you do to protect your family, when there is a ruthless killer similar to the fierce Cheetah? Guns may hurt others but as well can protect others. Guns are not even the problem sometimes it is the sharp everyday tools (scissors, knives, etc). So are guns really the problem, or is it the one behind the trigger the problem? The violence and racism in America are the main problems that lead the shootings. Is it the mental problems? The Medical? The Criminal? In this essay the proposition in store is for background checks, to see if the buyer has medical, mental or even criminal records shown, if so then the buyer won't be buying anything. Well this essay is here to show what proposition is best
The debate over gun control is not a new argument, neither is the existence of mental illness. There have been those who support and those who oppose gun control for many years. What has recently re-ignited the debate is an increase in mass shootings over the past few decades; one in particular is the Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. Incidents, such as this, fuel anger and fear, driving many to question the need for firearms in modern society, while others cite these incidents as a reason for remaining armed. The purpose of gun control is to limit the amount of violence in today’s
In this world today, there is a big problem with mass shootings happening more often. People tend to blame guns more than they do the people doing the crime. Some even say the Second Amendment should be altered or abolished. Everyone has a right to express their opinion on things, but sometimes in serious situations like this we need to really understand what the problem is and not make things any worse than they already are. Yes, guns do have a big part in mass shootings, but they aren’t the only problem in the situation.
Gun control has become an increasingly controversial topic in the nation due to the continuous debates relating to gun control and whether or not laws should be passed to make it harder for guns to be obtained. Guns serve for a variety of purposes that range from good to bad. Guns are not for everyone. Some individuals cannot handle guns properly, and some choose to use guns inappropriately. Lately, guns have become more of a problem in our society. There has been an increasing amount of shootings that have taken many lives and have wounded people emotionally, not just physically. Although guns are used for protection, firearms are reportedly used more in crimes. More and more shootings are breaking out across the nation. As a result, the
In the recent months, gun violence has become more common than ever. It seems that we cannot go a day without turning on the news and learning of a shooting. As a society, we are worried for our safety and question whether or not guns should be held by everyday non-government citizens. It seems that individuals turn to guns when they are not heard and are upset by other events.
The United States is one of the few countries were the right to bear arms is protected by the constitution. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most violent with incidents involving guns this year reaching an estimated 36,212 and an approximate 9,050 deaths (“Gun Violence Archive”). There are an estimated 310 million firearms in households across American, these are only estimates because current gun laws do not require them to be registered or tracked. A more staggering estimate is that most of the guns owned by private citizens are semi-automatic guns, the same type of gun used in almost all mass shootings. While these privately owned guns are legally purchased, many times, they land in the hands of criminals, and owners never report them stolen. Mass shootings and gun crimes are not the only issues with gun violence the one never talked about is suicide, more guns available equals more suicides. The United States is one of the easiest countries to own a gun legally or illegally, stricter gun control laws are necessary.
Ten more people fall victim to another public shooter, and another gun control debate comes spiraling from the after math as laws against guns try to be placed. Is this really the best way to deal with the issue? No. The issue is people are killing people not guns are killing people. Society wants to ban guns because people are afraid when in actuality guns themselves are not the things that need to be banned. Even then do you have any proof the gun laws actually lower crime? Gun laws also go directly against the 2nd Amendment and it takes away one of the best means of self-defense from invaders and criminals. Therefore gun laws should not be put in place. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. We have a right to bear arms and is not something that can just be taken away.
Turning on the news and hearing about a shooting or a armed robbery has become normal. Everyone has a gun now a days, even young kids get their hands on guns. The media teaches these children that having a gun is what makes you “cool”. If a 8 year old boy stole his dads gun and showed all his friends he would be praised. Imagine getting a call from the school saying your son is dead because his friend brought a gun to school and it went off. This has become a sad reality of something that happens way to frequently today. According to the National Institute of Justice 467,321 crimes committed in 2011 involved a gun. Action needs to be taken to lower this number because gun are for protection not malicious killing. When applying
An ongoing and highly debated social problem that continues to grow in our society today is the gun control epidemic. Gun violence in the United States is a national epidemic. Many people take advantage of guns using and manipulating the tool with hardly any thought. Countless lives have been lost due to fact that people have been able to obtain firearms legally or illegally and have taken the notion to be judge, jury and executioner in holding ones live in their hands. This is a common issue that will continue if action is not taken as a nation to try and stop it. Gun violence can lead many citizens to believe that no place is deemed safe anymore and recent tragedies that have taken place in United States holds up that statement. In
People all across the world are debating about whether to require the start of reducing gun violence. Guns have always been a part of American culture, even before we became the America we know today. In colonial times and the days of the Wild West, guns were an essential part of survival. They were needed to kill animals for food and to protect against unwanted trespassers and predators. However, in these modern times, because we have conveniences such as Hannaford and organized police systems, guns have gone from tools of necessity to novelty toys. For the most part, people own guns in this century for sporting reasons or to protect their families and home from intrusion. The simplicity of a gun and the lack of effort it requires owning
The government works in different ways such as education to reduce shooting, rather than over depending on gun control policy.
During the past years gun violence has seen an enormous increase in various parts of the world and majority of the cases been reported in the United States. The case includes victims such as children, senior citizens and young adults engaging in violence or getting caught in the crossfires. The life of common people is being affected, people are concerned as to how they can live safe lives when guns are being used in increasing numbers. On an average, every day you hear about some sort of gun violence affecting people either in your hometown or in another part of the world. It is a shame for a country like United States to have such high
Gun violence has centered in our community as major issue. Gun violence and gun ownership have been in the news lately due to numerous shooting taking place at Movie theatre, Offices, , colleges and even elementary schools. The gun issue discussion were even discussed in a national court, but due to intense controversial opinion from both side, the case is still unresolved. Many civilians believe that laws regarding owning gun should be stricter and if possible ban civilians from having guns. On the other hand, some say it is our right to own gun as it is guaranteed in our second amendment. But second amendment was written in 1970s and we are in 21 century now with cases of innocents being killed in gun shoot frequently. Therefore, it is not wrong to claim that gun ownership are responsible for rising death number in America,
In today's world there is a big debate on what we should do with guns. Some think we should ban guns, or limit gun possession. Others think we should keep our guns, after all, we have the Second Amendment, which protects the right for civilians to bear arms. But i believe there is another option, I think there is a link between the mass shootings and mental disabilities and diseases, and if that’s true, we should worry about that. According
It is impossible not to open a newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the radio with out hearing about some type of gun violence. Perhaps the main reason for such high gun violence is that guns are so plentiful in the Unites States. In fact, there are sixty five million handguns in America ("The `facts' about Guns"). These guns contribute to an annual medical cost of fourteen billion dollars, which is spent solely on treating gun victims ("Handguns in America"). Not surprisingly, handguns are the cause of eighty percent of homicides, seventy percent of suicides, and almost every accidental shooting ("Youth and Violence"). Handgun violence is a problem that is easy for everyone to see. How to solve this predicament is another