On December 14, 2012, twenty-six people- twenty students and six adults- were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School by 20-year-old Adam Lanza. This is famously known as “The Sandy Hook Shooting.” Adam’s mother, Nancy Lanza left three guns- a semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle made by Bushmaster and pistols made by Glock and Sig Sauer- in the house, which is where Adam got his firearms. Before Adam left he shot his mother and left her dead. (CNN) Guns are a dangerous weapon, but more importantly, they can cause many deaths if put in the wrong hands.
Each year about 4.5 million firearms are sold in the United States, 2 million of those being handguns (ATF). Each day approximately thirty-two people are killed by another person through
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This allows anyone to get their hands on a weapon legally without any restraints. The background checks can determine life or death in another individual. In many cases, those who act with gun violence are mentally unstable or have history with violence. “Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms” (NICS). Before making a sale, the cashier must check with the FBI (or other designated agencies) to make sure that the buyer does not have a criminal record, mental health issues, or any factor that could make the buyer ineligible of purchasing a gun. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is about protecting and saving lives by not letting a gun be put in the hands of someone dangerous. By simply checking a person’s background, much of the gun violence in the United States can be …show more content…
Jeb logically shuts down Obama’s gun control proposal because it takes away the rights of any U.S citizens. Many people legally have guns in their home, so when Obama revealed his strategy on gun violence many felt like their rights were being taken away. Obama’s plan was not to take away the right bear arms, but rather make it harder for prohibited people to get guns. This plan is to make America safe from gun violence because gun rates are increasing each year. With this plan, background checks will be more strictly enforced, which is good for the safety of each
“The right to bear arms”, an amendment so prioritized by our founding fathers that it earned the very second spot on the list of birth rights as Americans. However, with constant tragedies striking the United States, such as massacres in public high schools and universities, mall shootings, and attempted assassinations on state representatives, it’s no wonder law makers are constantly debating the topic of gun control.
On January 25, 2016, at approximately 5:14 P.M., I, Deputy John Arnold, was dispatched to 6424 South 61st West Avenue on a report of a shooting. While en-route to the address, dispatch advised that the call was a suicide.
My overall reflection of this passion project has taught me an immense amount. I felt very passionate about the topic of Gun Violence in Washington because in the world, there are many disasters that take innocent lives. Each day parents send you to school to learn, not to be shot and killed. I've felt every emotion researching in this topic. Learning about the laws and lives taught me to appreciate everyday of my life and live it to the fullest because I might be the next one. Learning and hearing the news that kids are my age will never graduate because someone decided that it is okay to bring a gun into school. For example, on May 18,2018 there was a shooting that took place at Santa Fe High School took the lives of 10 students. Hearing a notification on my phone, seeing another shooting in school shocks me every time. Everyday we
Many remember December 14th of 2012 when Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 students and 6 members of the faculty of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Mr. Lanza was a troubled man, enough so that he was driven to shoot his own mother and take possession of her weapons which he would use to wreak havoc on the school whose name would go down in history. A report released...by Connecticut’s Attorney for the District of Danbury says...guns and ammunition involved...at Sandy Hook Elementary were legally purchased by Nancy Lanza [his mother] and then stolen by her son, Adam. One would have to be delusional to believe that Adam would not have found a way to inflict this violence, and that is the unfortunate reality; however, one must wonder whether or not
Gun violence has been a problem for quite a long time in America and it can't go on. Gun violence needs to come to a stop, but what is going to happen to bring it to an end. Many lives are being taken every year from high powered guns and what can happen to prevent it. There aren't many things that can prevent these things from happening, but it can be stopped.
Background checks are another way to control the flow of guns in the United States. Background check can be harmful or helpful. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 mandates such checks. In November 1998, the FBI unveiled the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Using this electronic system, federally licensed gun dealers can perform and instant background check on anyone trying to purchase a firearm. The dealer completes a document called a Firearms Transaction Record. It includes Information about the buyer and the gun. The dealer submits this document to NICS, which informs the dealer of the buyer’s status within minutes. Since NICS began, it has stopped more than seven hundred thousand gun
State laws that prohibit groups associated with high risk, such as domestic violence offenders, those with severe mental illness, and those that commit violent misdemeanors, from the possession of guns has been documented to have a reduced effect on violence. The number of state laws that prohibit individuals with a domestic violence restraining order from owning guns has resulted to close to a 19 percent reduction in domestic homicides (Webster, Vernick, Bulzacchelli, 530). A universal background check for the various states alongside the other laws which are meant to increase the accountability between the purchasers and sellers of guns have had a significantly positive impact in the reduction of the number of guns that have found their way to the illegal market scene. Illegal markets are where these prohibited groups often obtain their firearms. Background checks will genuinely diminish the number of guns entering the illegal market, which will result into the reduction of unstable individuals from obtaining
The issues of gun violence and crimes has been a major concern in the life of every American citizen. While these issues affect everyone, however black people especially black men and youths are more likely to be victims.With each passing day, the chances of living a normal life without fear of being killed or injured is becoming very difficult and impossible for black people in America. Gun violence and crimes seems to have become a public health crisis and epidermis that won't easily go away unless effective action are taken. Most black people are beginning to learn how to adjust to this new norms. The major concern of most black families at this point is the safety of
This article is by CNN and has the title of A generation raised on gun violence sends a loud message to adults: Enough, this is talked about throughout the article. They also talk about the agenda for what the students wanted by doing all the walk outs and protest. Ban assault weapons, Require universal background checks before gun sales; Pass a gun violence restraining order law that would allow courts to disarm people who display warning signs of violent behavior: this is what they stated that they wanted to get from all the protest. But they continue and talk about how students did sit outs where they were still in class but they did not do any work, because they were receiving threats of getting suspend or marked absent from the school.
First, guns are way too easy to buy in America. Private gun sellers, such as gun shows, are not required to conduct background checks even though they make up over 20% of all firearm sales as stated in a 2017 National Survey done by the Annals of Internal Medicine. The background checks themselves are not reliable either. In 2005, Seung Hui Cho was declared mentally ill by a judge. Two years later, Cho shot and killed 32 people in the Virginia Tech massacre. Cho was able to legally obtain a gun and pass a background check due to an absence of records in the NICS, or National Crime Information Center, system. As of
The right as an American to own a firearm has always been apart of our history. However, recent events have put into the question the second amendment and whether or not it still holds any real purpose in our society. Gun violence has constantly occurred throughout our history and has always been a problem to end. It wasn’t until recent that activists became so passionate about enforcing stricter gun laws or abolishing the second amendment all together. What would cause such a drastic upheaval? The answer to that is, constant reoccurrence of mass shootings all over the country, including ones involving young children. Once children started becoming casualties of these horrific events, society really felt obligated to try and do something
Each year homicide and assault-related injuries result in an estimated $16 billion in combined medical and work loss (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/17/education-gun-violence-presidential-debate-2012_n_1974740.html). Gun violence may be broadly defined as a category of violence and crime committed with use of a firearm, it may or may not include actions ruled as self defense, actions for law enforcement. Gun violence is prevalent in African American Communities, although some might believe that it is not a racial issue ( CNN New’s stated “America’s Gun problem is not a race problem).
Over the last years gun control has become a very widely debated topic. The city, county and state lawmakers seem to be having different stands about the public having easy access to guns. Adam Small states, “After centuries of relative obscurity, the Second Amendment has become the center of an intense academic and legal battle during the last twenty years” (1213). The supporters of gun control and its opponents both claim to have the best interest of this country’s citizens .However, there are private citizens who believe that there should be laws to limit the number of people who own a gun. Even though the United States has enacted laws for regulating firearms, the recent shootings at Aurora movie theatre and Sandy
In 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilities and criminal records should be more deeply looked into before transaction—and finally, equipping teachers at highs schools with the right kind of weaponry to prevent mass shootings.
Every year in the united states more than 30,000 people die from gun violence. Researchers say that gun violence is getting out of