
Guns Germs And Steel Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Historical arguments are seldom proved without controversy, while there are certain historical methods that, if not dissipating all questions, give enough credibility to a theory or argument for us to call it proven. In Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, the author linked history development with well-recognized evolution theory and other biological knowledge to back his argument. He also employed the strategies of traditional historians, which included dealing with primary documents from multiple sources, evaluating different explanations as well as appealing to common sense and deduction to support his view. The following example can be found in the first part of the book, which largely generalized the condition of pre-civilization …show more content…

In modern ages, we witnessed these docile animals and their fate of quick extinction due to human activity in islands of Oceania, so it is reasonable to assume that the same thing happened to others about 40,000 years ago when they first met human beings. Next, Diamond evaluated an opposing theory, which challenged the overkill hypothesis because there was no killing site or direct prove that the killing is done by human. Some critics raised a climate-change hypothesis instead to account for the extinction. Defenders indicated that the lack of killing site was a result of the fast speed and early time of the extinction. They also called question into the plausibility of the alternative theory. Sprawling the continent for tens of million years, these animals prospered, and successfully endured all serious droughts during that time period. It would be such a coincidence for them to be exterminated almost at the same time, in different habitats ranging from the middle desert areas to the humid south-eastern, just after the point of human’s arrival. Here the author is illustrating the theory he supports through logical

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