Gymnastics is a extremely complex sport involving horrendous amounts of strength, power, flexibility, balance, grace, coordination, and control; if you have none of these qualities, you are not a gymnast because if you were, you would probably be dead. When you think of gymnastics, you may picture a girl, no taller than five feet, whipping her body across the floor in a series of tumbling, dance, leaps, turns, and ending with a double flipping summersault; or you might see a young girl flipping numerous of times across a four-inch beam. People also picture strong boys showcasing horrendous amounts of strength on the rings without looking like they might collapse. Gymnastics is the most memorizing sport to watch all over the world, in which people usually only think of maybe the bars, beam, parallel bars, floor, vault rings and …show more content…
However, trampoline is more than just a place to display your most prestigious flips to your friends or audience. Trampoline is the most recent type of gymnastics that was added and recognized as an Olympic event beginning at the 2000 games. It is a man and woman sport that is either performed using a double mini trampoline or/and in a synchronized event on two different trampolines. Gymnast soar as high as thirty feet in the air performing such tricks similar to diver, but have to continue on into another trick. One thing trampoline gymnast have to have is a strong jump because in order to gain the height needed for your jumps, you have to have strong legs to push through the springs and to stop you when you are done flying. This sport also requires you to be elegant in the air and flexible to endure certain body positions; it is a sport that has becoming loved more and more after being watched at the
The summer Olympic sports have varied from year to year, yet continue to be variations of the same sports that have appealed to older generations without any consideration for that of the younger generation. Now, the International Olympic Committee is looking for sports to add, so that a wider audience is catered to during the Olympic season. One of these sports is competitive cheerleading. Competitive cheerleading is considered an athletic competition where girls and boys perform routines in order to receive a score from the judges. Competitive Cheerleading should be added to the Olympics because it not only fits within a working definition of what a sport
Cheerleading started as a male endeavor in 1898, when a University of Minnesota football fan led the crowd in verse in support of their team. It was not until World War II, when men shipped out to war, that women took over. Then cheerleaders came to represent the American ideal of femininity: wholesome apple pie with washboard stomachs, perfect teeth, and flawless complexions. Stereotypes cast them as blond, petite, and impossibly perky. “From its humble beginning cheerleading has blossomed into a competitive athletic activity with a serious image problem” (Forman 52). But today’s post-feminist youth have put a new, diverse face on cheerleading. Cheerleading in America is no longer a matter of waving pom-poms, a cute smile and being overly
Three laps around the gym, minute long planks, crunches, sit-ups, and pushups in a matter of thirty minutes. As a dancer, experiencing and realizing the strength that needs to be present in order for an athlete to grow is vital. We go through long hours of choreography sessions, pain and strain on our bodies, and vigorous training. Many people will disagree on the status of if dance is a sport or not. Both Mary- Elizabeth Esquibel, in her article “Why Dance Will Always Be a Sport” and the infographic entitled “Is Dance a Sport?” attack this controversial dilemma. Even though these arguments use different formats, they use rhetoric similarly.
This sport is one very similar to many, but also very different. It holds true similarity through its athleticism, but it differentiates itself with many other sports through its artistic form. A dance can tell a story, give emotion, and hold a power all at once. There are many athletic qualities that make dance a sport. Two qualities regarding this are that they undergo many hours of strength training and conditioning, and the athletes show prominent and positive sportsmanship.
Okay, so that one was a little obvious! Not many people are aware that as of the 2012 Summer Olympics, trampolining was added to the summer sports event roster! Trampolining is a sport that requires a lot of endurance and technical skill to precisely land jumps and perform in-air acrobatics that earn athletes Olympic points. The Olympic size trampoline is 10 feet by 17 feet, much larger than any backyard trampoline. To find large enough trampolines in an area that is safe enough to practice dramatic flips and twists, head to your nearest Rebounderz trampoline park.
Vault is an explosive event where a gymnast run with full speed, reach the apparatus and spring off in it a graceful but powerful combination of flips and twists. Torque is a common technique used when the gymnast id in the air.
What do you think makes people better at the activity that they are doing such as constantly improving their agility and strength? Dance should be considered a sport. First, dancers put in as much stamina and sweat that football players do. Also, you are still competing against other companies for the win so it is still competitive. Lastly, it helps your agility as well as any other sport and gets you in good shape, again, like any other sport. Here is some proof.
Finally, cheerleaders compete in competitions. They’re also very flexible. Being flexible is considered athletic because they are appealing in everyday life activities and it also helps with muscle strength. Every year there is a national championship for cheerleading that is shown on ESPN, proving that the main purpose of competition is a comparison of the relative skills of the participants (Ferrara).
Contrary to popular belief, being a cheerleader is not as simple as picking up a pair of pom-poms. Rather, cheerleading has evolved into a physically demanding sport that requires athleticism. This includes elite stunts that involve tossing girls 10 to 20 feet in the air and tumbling such as backflips and twisting layouts. Many cheerleaders from high school to the collegiate level, myself included, put in hours of practice and exercise in the gym to achieve these skills. This particular combination of skills makes up the sport of cheer.
Over 40 million kids in America play competitive sports today. It is almost impossible to imagine a childhood with no basketball, baseball, or softball. Competitive sports have become a part of our culture. However, recent concerns about concussions and placing too much pressure on children has lead to a decline in sports activity. Obviously, this sparks the question: should we still continue to hold youth sports at all? The benefits of more fit and ready people in society clearly outweigh the concerns of injury, which are currently being remedied. Therefore, not only should we continue to have competitive sports, but we should, as a society, place more value on it.
Who wants to know the benefits of participating in the sport called figure skating. I know everybody wants to know why they should try this sport. Some things that you get out of this sport are learning how to deal with risks, builds your self confidence, and provides simple exercises.
How many times have you driven past your local tennis courts and seen them filled with happy kids running around and smiling? Probably more than once. Tennis is a popular sport, played all over the world and loved by many. However, more people should play this wonderful sport. It can be played at any age, and at any walk of life, be ye teenager or 65 year old lady. In fact, everyone should play tennis due to its development of physical fitness, mental health, and social skills.
There is lots of tumbling, which is the main staple, this includes running, jumping, and other acrobatic moves.
This gives anyone the opportunity to figure out what events fit their strengths. People who can sprint, for example, could do the 100m dash (a quarter of the track), 200m (half a lap), or 400m run (one lap).The long jump, triple jump, pole vault or high jump are events for people who can jump well. The long jump and triple jump involve running a certain distance and then jumping at a certain point into a sand pit, however, the triple jump challenges the individual with a hop , skip, and then jump into the pit . High jump requires upper body strength to hoist oneself over the bar to achieve a certain height. Pole vault compares to high jump, but a pole used to reach heights above 10ft. If a certain individual enjoys
”In those hours we work on our strength, flexibility, stamina, and agility. We train and work for the whole year so we can go to (WORLDS). It's a competition so we can show to the world we are the best. For this to happen we need to have strong tumbling, hyper extended jumps, solid stunts, and great teamwork.