
Gymnastics Springboard

Decent Essays

The topic of this experiment is to determine which type of gymnastics springboard will give the highest elevation. There are two types of springboards used in vaulting the traditional springboard and the air board. Based on research the hypothesis states that if a gymnast jumps on an air board then the height off the board will be higher than if jumping on a traditional springboard.

To begin with, the vault has been in the Olympics for men since 1896 and for women since 1952. The vault requires a gymnast to run down a runway, jump on a springboard, and flip over the vault table. The springboard is a very important piece in the vault. It is made up of a platform and springs and is used to help get the gymnast up in the air. This experiment was chosen to determine if one type of springboard gives and advantage over the other. …show more content…

Both the traditional and air springboards are widely used and sanctioned by USAG guidelines. The traditional springboard uses up to six vertical springs while the air board uses up to 40 horizontal springs. Gymnasts appear to defy gravity when they are doing their flips but it is really physics and Newton's 3rd Law in action. When a gymnast jumps on a springboard the springs compress and then decompress pushing the gymnast into the air. This is an example of Newton's 3rd Law of Motion which states that "every action has an equal but opposite reaction"( Before the gymnast jumps on the springboard the board and springs have potential energy. When the gymnast jumps on the springboard it turns into kinetic energy and causes the board to push the gymnast up. The larger number of springs in the air board have more potential energy which leads to the hypothesis that it will provide the greatest

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