
H. 318 Case Study

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In the 190th General Court of the legislative year of 2017-2018, a petition was entered by Massachusetts House of Representative member, Alan Silvia and was officially filed on 1/23/2017 ( “H.318 is a bill that mandates whoever, with the intent to cause substantial emotional distress or humiliation by means of an electronic communication device, and without consent of the other person, electronically distributes, publishes, emails, hyperlinks, or makes available for downloading, visual material depicting nudity of another, identifiable person, or showing another, identifiable person engaged in a sexual act, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1000 or imprisonment for not less than 1 year, or by …show more content…

Parents also need to educate themselves about the problem of "sexting", including the potential issues of this behavior, and the resources which can help them address the issue with their children. (Social Policy Law, 2015) Position This piece of legislation is supported by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). As indicated in the NASW’s Code of Ethics, social workers should support and promote policies that serve to eliminate discrimination and oppression for all (NASW, 1999). This bill if passed, will put a stop to the intent to cause substantial emotional distress or humiliation by means of an electronic device, without consent of the other person. Similar legislative specifically addressing revenge porn has been enacted in 35 states. The Baker administration emphasizes protecting the most vulnerable and giving prosecutors more appropriate tools and educational programming. To address the criminal justice component should a case proceed to the juvenile justice system, this bill affords District Attorney the discretion to decide whether a minor should be charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony. The flexibility provided under the law will help ensure minors that do not belong in the juvenile justice system do not wind up there. Public participation in policy formation is a cornerstone to the NASW’s Code of Ethics (1999). House bill 318 would allow the victims’ voices to be heard and

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