
H. M. Molaison's Short-Term Memory

Decent Essays

DQ: Why was H.M. important to our study and understanding of memory?
Many important contributions in the field of neuroscience, particularly on the subject of memory, evolved from case studies involving an amnesic patient Henry Molaison, commonly referred to by just his initials: H.M. After a long history of seizures, H.M. underwent experimental brain surgery in hopes of curing his epilepsy. However, the bilateral medial temporal lobe resection left him with both continued seizures and anterograde amnesia (Augustinack, van der Kouwe, Salat, Benner, Stevens, Annese…Corkin, 2014). Following surgery, H.M. had difficulties with remembering new information in the long-term, but was able to learn new things into his short-term memory. Despite the …show more content…

First, studies on H.M.’s brain found that memory is primarily a psychological function. Although post-surgery H.M. struggled with remembering everyday events and performed poorly on neuropsychological tests, he still maintained his perceptual and cognitive abilities and was able to even increase his IQ years after the surgery had been completed (Eichenbaum, 2013). Second, amnesia does not seem to effect short-term or working memory. As stated earlier, H.M. was able to keep much of his short term memory following surgery. This was demonstrated in his ability to repeat phone numbers back and carry on a conversation with others normally, until the conversation was directed towards details of his past. H.M. even showed that he could learn new skills, leading researchers to believe that the hippocampus may also be important in contextual learning. The third finding that came from studying H.M. was that amnesia patients show a deficiency in both declarative and episodic memory, thus impairing their ability to remember a single event or recall certain facts. Also, researchers found that the hippocampus is one of the primary structures of the brain that is responsible for the maintaining and processing memories. And finally, studies on H.M. provided information in how the hippocampus must also be responsible for the lasting consolidation of memories, despite time frames or

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