
H5n1 Pros And Cons

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H5N1 influenza A virus controversy is not the first research to bring about great public concern. The CDC calls research that can both benefit society and pose a risk to public health a dual use research of concern (DURC). H5N1 falls among other forbidding epidemics such as: Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Variola major (smallpox), and Ebola virus (CDC; 2014). Should research into H5N1 and other DURC strains be continued or terminated? From a student interested in both research and epidemiology I believe research should be continued in biosecurity government secure labs.
Everything in today’s society from computers to vaccines comes from scientific research and the desire to push forward in knowledge. Knowing how and in what ways the H5N1 works …show more content…

Ron Webster a researcher who is considered the father of influenza virology says “Fouchier’s experiment discovered five to nine mutations that could make it airborne all which have been found in nature, nature is the greatest bioterrorist” (Yang; 2013). If nature can mutate H5N1 in the right conditions being prepared and knowing what to look for is of the utmost importance. Conducting research is the only way to know what regulates aerosol transmission of the virus to allow early detection. At best, identifying the determinants of aerosol transmission may be found in ferrets but not in humans (Racaniello; 2013). The published works of these scientists were all preformed on ferrets and other mammals. In order to know the specifics of how H5N1 works in humans and can be airborne in humans must be conducted on humans; which is unethical. Not to mention the publications of Fouchier and Kawaoka clearly state that the airborne mutation was less lethal than that of its original strain (Yang; 2013). Using ferrets as a testing subject it can also be determined how this virus jumps from species to species but also for other subtypes of flu might jump species and even for assessing the zoonotic risks from other pathogens (Jha; 2013). Knowing this information will enable the world to notice as soon as it happens in …show more content…

Reading the publications anyone with basic research knowledge could replicate the experiment. Michael Imperiale, a virologist at University of Michigan, says “the DNA synthesizers can be purchased on eBay and estimates that his own lab could recreate Fouchier’s H5N1 strain in one or two months” (Yang; 2013). Also, the scientists work with ferrets, which is the animal most like the humans in responding to influenza (An Engineered Doomsday; 2012). A few alterations and it could be specialized for humans. The biggest risk and one that has had many arguments over the years is laboratory accidents that could release the virus into the world. As recent as June 13, 2014 in Atlanta, GA at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention it was discovered that there was an unintentional exposure of anthrax with as many as 86 workers exposed. This exposure happened because the samples were not inactivated properly and the workers were not wearing the correct equipment (Ford; 2013). To be exposed to another DURC strain so easily from a highly regulated facility shows how easily it could be for the H5N1 mutated strain to be exposed to the public. Even with the prepared vaccines and the knowledge of transmission would it be possible to effectively stop it? By the time it is exposed and noticed it could be worldwide and the

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