
HA/365 Hospitality Marketing Management

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HA 365 Hospitality Marketing Management
To: Professor Allen Z. Reich, PH. D.
From: Matthew McGinnis
Due Date: June 27, 2016
Subject: Chapter 4 Discussion Questions
Chapter 4
1. A strategic plan is the procedure That can either address a business as a whole or just parts of the business. Marketing strategies are originated from strategic plans. Marketing plans and sales plans are vital to create to successful business. Restructuring is when a company is reorganizing the overall structure of the company from structural, legal, and operational
2. The first organization is to make profit is just in it for the cash, in this manner on the grounds that their center is cash and not clients their benefits after some time will probably decrease making the organization fall flat. The second organization is product oriented and therefore creates customers. Since their attention is on making clients, clearly the client retention will be higher and when you have a hige client retention rate you will be profitable. The third organization is to fight world hunger, this lets me know this organization is undoubtedly a non profit organization but they are market oriented. This company will have very small …show more content…

In next 10 years two types of vertical integration will turn out to be more regular; the first is Large resort organizations will begin owning their own companies such as cruise ships or airlines. The second being Travel organizations assuming control in administration and possessions which would excel booking at just their lodgings. This implies for the buyer that the hotel business is moving far from an administration industry and more toward a benefit based industry. In travel organizations, the vertical integration would be a forward integration. This is because the business would start at the travel agency and end at the actual stay in the hotel. In light of the fact that the vertical integration is about expanding benefit through various stages in the

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