The major risk factors for HAV infections are contaminated food and water, poor hygiene and sanitation, person-to-person contact (house-hold and sexual contact), and travelling to endemic countries. Blood exposure in HAV infections are rare. Persons at increased risk of infection are susceptible peopling living in and travelling to endemic areas, injection drug users, and people with chronic liver disease (Heymann,2015).
Risk factors for HBV infections are sexual contact, injection drug use, transfusion of blood and blood products, perinatal exposure, contaminated syringes and needles. The major risk factor in endemic areas is perinatal exposure. At risk groups include injection drug users, travelers, people from endemic areas, individuals
In the world of Ralph Bradburry’s “heit 451”, censorship reigns supreme and deep thoughts are suppressed, specific stories echo messages that serve as warnings of the consequences of a society without intellectual freedom and human connection. In Fahrenheit 451 there is a group of people that memorize these books to teach humanity in their time of need. Some stories I believe are important to memorize are the movie “The Truman Show”, the book “Plato’s Apology”, and the show “The Last of Us”. Each one of these stories offer unique insights into human nature and the dangers of a dystopian society. One story I believe is important to carry on is the movie “The Truman Show” directed by Peter Weir.
Some of the other risk factors include working in the health care environment, injecting illegal drugs, or sharing articles of person hygiene with an infected person, or sexual transmission with an infected person. If the disease continues to progress it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure and may require a transplant of the liver.
12- Hepatitis A- is usually not a serious illness. It is prevalent in developing countries, especially those with overcrowding and poor sanitation, in men who have sex with men, and injecting drug users.
Pathogens are a type of microorganism that spreads viral and bacterial diseases. These diseases when present in human blood and body fluids are known as blood borne pathogens, and can spread from one person to another. (Worcester polytechnic institute) The most serious types of blood borne diseases are the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), which can cause liver damage; and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which is responsible for causing AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). The blood borne pathogens can be spread when the blood or body fluids (semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, and amniotic fluid) of an infected individual comes into contact with mucous membranes or an open sore or cut on the skin of another
HBV, as stated above, is a disease that affects the liver by coming into contact as an infant from the mother during birth, sex with an infected partner, sharing needles, razors, or toothbrushes of an
This Paper was written as an informative project about the Hepatitis B virus. The paper was written in a way that clearly discusses the specific causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention associated with the virus. The paper goes into details on ways to avoid contraction of this virus as well.
Causes- You can contract this virus through contact such as a handshake, a hug or sitting on a toilet seat but there are several ways you can contract this disease. One way you can contract this disease is by having unprotected sex with someone who has Hepatitis B. This could come from blood, saliva, semen and vaginal secretions. Another way you could get the disease with dirty needles. An infant has a risk of contracting the disease its mother already has the virus. (4)
One of the main reasons why this topic was selected is that the infections caused by the virus are considerably common with some people having outbreaks several times a year. The risks of infection depend on
All people have come across challenges, some challenges can be conquered and some of them cannot. My challenge was given to me when I was born and that challenge is a disability called muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases that cause continuous weakness of the muscles, so in other words I lose strength as time flies by. I started to notice weakness in my early childhood, when I was ten years old. An example of me noticing my disability starting to kick in was when I was running for physical education, and I felt like I was connected to a parachute. As the years went by things that took physical strength started to get harder. For example, running, walking, lifting objects, and getting up off of chairs. I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when I was about thirteen years old. This disability is a challenge for me because it gets in the way of me doing many things that other people with the strength can do.
The environment can act as a reservoir for infectious virus and so HCV transmission can occur by inapparent percutaneous exposures from contaminated reused needles and syringes, infusion bags, multiple-use medication vials, tattooing etc (Alter, 2007; Kamili et al., 2007; Alter, 2011).
The American Red Cross performed numerous amounts of tests for infectious diseases on donated blood. Their tests included West Nile virus (WNV), Human Immunodeficiency viruses Types 1 and 2 (HIV 1,2), Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), Syphilis (Treponema pallidum), Human T-Lymphotropic virus (HTLV I/II), and Chagas disease (T. cruzi). Two infectious agents that should be tested further are herpes simplex virus and ebola. These two viruses should be tested because both viruses caused a huge outbreak and there is no effective cure against the virus. Also the herpes virus is lifelong in individuals while ebola can kill individuals within a matter of days.
With the help of Napoleon’s cleverness and Squealer’s persuasive speeches, the pigs are able to rule the farm through manipulation and false information in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. After a revolution on the farm owner, Mr. Jones, the animals try to make the farm a better place for all the animals. The pigs were the leaders of the revolution and are leading the farm after they got rid of Mr. Jones.
CDC highlighted four principles of infection control. The first principle “take action to stay healthy” looked at hand hygiene in particular and education. Second principle discussed “avoid contact with blood and other infectious body substances.” The third principle looked at “make client care items, to prevent transmission of infectious agents from client to client through these contaminated items to prevent transmission of infectious agents from client to client through these contaminated items.” The final principle was to limit the spread of blood and other infectious body substances” (Babbush,
Hepatitis B is a disease that basically attacks the liver. Hepatitis B is a transmitted disease, meaning you can't get hepatitis B unless a persons bodily fluids has been transmitted from one person to another who isn't affected. You can get hepatitis B by also doing common things that doesn't seem like not a big deal, but leads to a big effect later on. For example, you can get hepatitis B by using another person's razor because if you cut yourself with it and they cut themselves with it as well it could lead to infection and easily into your body. Also by sharing dirty needles and being tattooed and that's's why it is very important to make sure everything is completely sanitized no matter what it is. Depending how badly it is you could cause
It included 60 HBsAg-negative patients with haematological disorders at the hematological department of Medical Research Institute Hospital who received frequent blood transfusion. Sera collected from all patients were tested for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HCV by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay and detection of HBV-DNA by PCR. The anti-HBc was detected in 43.3% of the patients;