
HCO Training Research Paper

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Anna-lise, Colton, and Pavan, I appreciate your thoughtful discussion about HROs. You spoke to both the benefits of being part of an HRO and also the challenges which prevent HCOs from becoming highly reliable (Colton Hafeman, personal communication, April 18, 2018; Pavan Grewal, personal communication, April 20, 2018). Colton, your story indicates the importance of training everyone who works in an organization on the principles and skills of HRO. If the provider you were working with had not had the training, they would have been less likely to notice that you were using an HRO tool on them to get their attention. This is especially important in the situations like that of which you described when you likely did not have a strong working …show more content…

Providers are often not employees, but instead work under a contract. If their contract doesn’t spell out the training requirements specifically, the HCO may not be able to ensure they complete the training to maintain privileges. Additionally, providers continue to be paid on volume, therefore, by requiring them to participate in training, this can decrease their relative value units (RVUs) by which they are paid. Essentially, an organization runs the risk of dissatisfying the providers they work with by requirement them to attend training for which they aren’t paid as it is not productive and they are then losing money as they cannot see patients during that time. This had been the case with Providence in the past. However, when they began their journey toward becoming highly reliable about four years ago, they recognize this was a problem and instead required all caregivers no matter their role within the organization to complete training. Contracted providers were required to complete the training to either credential, or recredential. This represented a potential risk to the organization. Not only were they investing millions of dollars in the materials and the time to train all caregivers organization

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