Throughout history, few illnesses have carried as much significance as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. Similar human catastrophes have presented in our history such as, bubonic plague, leprosy and tuberculosis. All of these dreaded sicknesses have caused pain and suffering across cultures. Pain is associated with the physical distress of the patient, suffering is culturally distinctive, it describes the affliction of the human spirit and how community members cope with it. AIDS has given moral "do-gooders" a ripe opportunity to condemn others for behaviors which do not coincide with their perceived values. Globally, Americans have been blamed for creating the virus and spreading the disease worldwide. AIDS has
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A majority of Americans have been exposed to or heard of marijuana. Marijuana is a common drug among all age groups of Americans. It was once legal and still popular. The US government and citizens have now raised the question if the party drug that is known to relax the body and mind should be legalized in the United for medicinal purposes. Marijuana helps cancer patients with pain during treatment, helps AIDS patients regain their appetites, and those with glaucoma have shown improvement in their condition. Currently, there is no cure for HIV/AIDS. If you are infected with the virus, you can receive drugs that will only slow the virus from destroying your immune system. However, there is no way of ridding the virus from your body. AIDS has weakened the confidence we have in the ability of experts to solve problems. This cultural value is blatantly evident in the model of care for AIDS patients. The bulk of care is focused on end stage interventions, when little can be done to extend the life of a patient. The victim becomes faceless medical record numbers, and are viewed in as failures of the medical system. Further, the American culture promotes autonomy and responsibility. The negative aspect of this cultural orientation is that it often justifies blaming the victims of AIDS. Members of the society believe the illness is the outcome of poor choices, namely engaging in high risk
After reading the five given articles carefully there are critical points that I would like to articulate in my reaction paper. These articles provoked me to think that we are blessed to have health professional that were able to discover HIV/AIDS and the causes of Kaposi 's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis pneumonia of homosexual men in July 1981, following the report of these cases of PCP and cases of other rare life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers in America we began to recognize the importance of being aware of HIV/AIDS (Altman). Maybe not need
I would design a HIV Prevention Program for African American woman in college to decrease the growing rate of new HIV diagnoses each year and help women that are prone to HIV to decrease their risk behaviors in acquiring this virus. I will use the Social Cognitive Theory that focuses on the change of an individual and how individuals learn by using personal experiences.
Riviere, L., Darlix, J., & Cimarelli, A. (2009). Analysis Of The Viral Elements Required In The Nuclear Import Of HIV-1 DNA. Journal of Virology, 729-739. Retrieved October 4, 2014.
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as "A chronic, potentially life-threatening condition which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV damages the immune system, and interferes with the ability the body has to fight the disease causing organism" (Mayo Clinic, 2014). HIV is an infection transmitted sexually. Another mode of transmission for HIV is by exposure to infected blood, or it could also be transmitted from the mother to the unborn child during the course of pregnancy, at childbirth or through breastfeeding. It may take several years for the HIV virus to weaken the immune system
In the 1970’s when the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) spread through the 1980s, patients found that marijuana relieved most of their symptoms associated with AIDS. In 1999, an IOM report described the scientific and clinical basis for supporting medical marijuana use. The media reported an increasing amount of medical marijuana users subjected to prosecution during this period. These events revitalized the media’s attention and the public demand for medical access. In spite of its illegal status at the federal level, cannabis was reintroduced into California medical field in 1996; by popular vote and legislative acts. For all nurses and health care providers it is an ethical responsibility to educate your patients to help
Furthermore, Durkheim introduces the concept of collective conscience. When people riot at a sporting event, each individual share the same aggression and mindset to vandalize property and cause harm to the opposing team, in short, the chaos explains collective conscience. Durkheim defines collective conscience as, “totality of beliefs and sentiments common to average citizens of the same society.” CITE Fans who are at a sporting event belongs to a subculture, they all share the same beliefs and ideas.
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE, is a degenerative disease of the brain found in those with a history of recurring brain trauma (McKee et al. 2009). CTE is separate from other neurodegenerative diseases (Corsellis et al. 1973; McKee et al. 2009). CTE is not to be confused with post concussive syndrome. Brain trauma can come from falling off of a bike; being in a car accident, or participating in contact sports. The main point is that any situation that may involve major contact to the head can cause brain trauma. Dementia, declined motor skills, and memory impairment are some of the well-known effects of CTE. This paper will take a glance at
The war on drugs has been a well-intentioned failure. The world’s desire was to keep people away from dangerous substances and to eliminate the violent practices of the drug producers and distributors. Instead of the war on drugs achieving its objectives of eliminating violent crime and reducing a number of people were taking drugs, the war has mainly just resulted in a dramatic increase prison population with little effect on the supply side of this illegal industry. Statistics collected by the justice department suggest that the US government is not focusing on its main goal of eliminating the production of illegal drugs. According to Table 346 of the Statistical Abstract of the United States, in 2009 the US government had a total arrest rate of 416.0 people per 100,000 in the general population for drug abuse violations. The arrest rate for possessing illegal drugs was 339.1, yet the arrest rate for selling and manufacturing drugs was only 76.9. In data collected for 1990, 2000, and 2005 the same type of situation happened where the amount of people arrested for possessing drugs were significantly higher than the amount of people arrested for selling and manufacturing drugs. Governments around the world have lost billions of the taxes payer’s dollars on yearly fighting a war that has dragged on for almost five decades with no end in sight. The best alternative to finally bring an end to this war in the Americas would be to legalize drugs across the American continent.
Diseases have been affecting the globe for decades. In recent years there have been many infectious diseases have been occurring and spreading across society. Out of the many infectious diseases, there are two that are going to be examined. The two diseases that are going to be analyzed and reviewed are Ebola and AIDS. The two diseases have a high rate of death among people who have been infected. The right rate of death has occurred for decades. Both of these diseases are highly effective at attacking the immune system of the victims. These diseases are both infectious, but are different in several ways. In order to understand how to treat or contain these two diseases, it is informative to be educated on each disease, how it is spread, and what symptoms are prevalent.
Throughout the history of South Africa, problems regarding the overall well-being of the country have arisen. One current issue South Africa is currently facing is HIV/AIDS. The disease has been plaguing South Africa as well as other countries throughout the continent. The initialism HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. This disease attacks and destroys the infection-fighting CD4 cells of the immune system. Loss of these cells makes it difficult for the body to fight infections. Without treatment, HIV can gradually destroy the immune system and advance to AIDS. Human immunodeficiency virus is a multistage disease and AIDS is the most advanced stage. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. According to the World Health Report, South Africa’s health system is ranked 175th in the world, making it one of the lowest in the world. With such a low-quality health system, the disease is easily spreading throughout South Africa quickly. The epidemic has detrimentally affected South Africa’s economy causing low productivity and a reduced labor supply. This, combined with the need for enhanced medical imports and a reduced exportation rate, is causing economic instability for the South African government. With all the negative effects of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, creating a better health system and ensuring healthy citizens must be a priority. In order to achieve healthy and productive citizens, the government must focus on more permanent, cost effective, solution to
In the 1980s, a mysterious disease began to take the lives of Americans. With the cause unknown, a fear grew among Americans. An unusually high rate of people was becoming sick with strange and rare diseases. When experimental treatments failed to work, people died. This mysterious disease is what we now know as HIV–Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In the past thirty-five years, the HIV has taken many turns in history. Although we do not hear about HIV and AIDS now, it is still a prevalent issue in the United States and in the world.
HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. A member of a group of viruses called retroviruses, HIV infects human cells and uses the energy and nutrients provided by those cells to grow and reproduce. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease in which the body's immune system breaks down and is unable to fight off certain infections, known as "opportunistic infections," and other illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system. When a person is infected with HIV, the virus enters the body and lives and multiplies primarily in the white blood cells. These are the immune cells that normally protect us from disease.
HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which damages and kills cells of the immune system. It attacks the T-cells, key cells of the immune system, and uses them to make copies of itself. After being infected with the virus it progressively interferes and eventually destroys the immune system's ability to fight the anti-genes. HIV may develop into the syndrome AIDS, the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV is an STD - a sexually transmitted disease - and therefore most commonly it is spread through sexual contact, and the virus mainly enters the body through the penis, mouth, lining of the vagina or vulva during sexual activity. HIV can also be spread through sharing syringes or needles with someone who is infected with the
The public health crisis of HIV infection in Russia and the American South have quite a few similarities, as well as some stark differences. One similarity between the Russian crisis and the crisis in the Southern States is the fact that there is currently limited governmental support to address and manage the HIV infections. In Russia, the government fully ignores the crisis and have made no legislative moves to decrease the spread of HIV or aid in the treatment of current individuals living with HIV. In the U.S., there has been a large governmental push to aid other nations with their HIV problem, but no such aid for the African American HIV problem in the South. Legislation such as the Affordable Care Act has slightly improved individuals access to HIV treatments. However, some states have not fully accepted the legislation (such as Mississippi) and additional opposition from the Trump administration will both combine to be a hindering force in addressing the South’s HIV crisis. Another similarity is that many people in both Russia and the South are not receiving adequate treatment or medication to deal with their HIV infection. In Russia, many individuals with HIV do not seek out treatment due to stigma or even some have been flat out rejected by doctors. The South has the same issue regarding stigma playing an important role in limiting individual’s treatment of HIV. Many individuals are faced with such high levels of shame that they
Before reading this article, I must admit that I was not educated on the available options for men living with HIV to conceive biological children. I always thought that they were limited to adoption and the use of a sperm donors. I never though that an HIV positive person could have sex with an HIV negative person without transferring the infection. I’ve always known that a person’s viral load played a part in they’re ability to transfer the virus, but I still wondered what person in their right mind would take the chance of contracting such a horrible disease. I knew that condoms provided some protection from contracting the disease, but again, who would take the chance of catching HIV. So, for me the thought of an HIV- discordant couple producing a biological child was unheard of, but after reading this article, my opinion has been changed.