Table of Content
Table of content
1. Introduction
3. HIV/AIDS and women
4. Special signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS in women
5. Vulnerability of women to AIDS
6. The challenges that HIV/AIDS infected women faced
7. Transmission of HIV to women
8. Global distribution of HIV/AIDS among women
9. The impact of HIV on women
10. Prevention
11. HIV treatment
12. Prevention Challenges
13. The Global Response to HIV/AIDS
14. The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS
15. Women and HIV related MDGs, its target and impact of HIV to achieve the target
16. HIV/AIDS and women in Bangladesh
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Other symptoms often experienced months to years before the onset of AIDS include:
Lack of energy or fatigue
Weight loss
Frequent low-grade fevers and night sweats
Frequent yeast infections (in the mouth)
Skin rashes or flaky skin that is hard to heal
Short-term memory loss
Most symptoms of HIV disease are similar in men and women. Women who have HIV can have additional symptoms that happen more often. These include:
Vaginal yeast infections
Other vaginal infections such as bacterial Vaginosis; common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Trichomoniasis; Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections that cause genital warts and can lead to cervical cancer; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Infection of a women 's reproductive organs and menstrual cycle changes, such as not having periods
5. Vulnerability of women to AIDS:
There are vulnerabilities to HIV that are unique to women. These help to account for the differences in infection rates between men and women worldwide. Some of those vulnerabilities include:
Physical Differences: Women are especially susceptible to heterosexual transmission physically because the mucosal lining of the vagina offers a large surface area to be exposed to HIV-infected seminal fluid.
Easier to Transmit from Men to Women than Women to Men (biological vulnerability): Anatomical differences between men and women mean transmission from men to women is easier than the other way around. Much
Women have accounted for 12.5% of all positive HIV test reports in Toronto since 1985. 48% of all infections among women in Toronto have been among women from countries with high rates of HIV”.
Primary HIV infection is the first stage and only lasts for a few weeks. Flu-like illnesses may be present during this stage. The second stage is known as clinically asymptomatic stage and typically lasts for an average of ten years. Although major symptoms might not exist during this stage, the HIV-positive person may experience swollen glands. Symptomatic HIV infection is the third stage. As the immune system continues to fail, symptoms surface and become miniscule at first then later leading to more prevalent symptoms. This third stage is generally caused by illnesses, involving cancers and infections, which the immune system would normally fight off but is not able to because the immune system is too weak. Finally, AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, develops and is the final stage of HIV. A person is diagnosed with AIDS when they show the symptom called an opportunistic infection. This is when infections take advantage of the weakened immune system. HIV leads into life threatening AIDS and causes the infected individual to feel escalating amounts of pain such as neurotic pain, tremendous headaches, gastrointestinal pain, chest pain, and even emotional pain such as depression. This pain can be intense enough to cease the individual from living a productively normal life. HIV and AIDS can strike anyone at any point in their life and should be taken seriously.
At the beginning, the disease was associated with male homosexual behavior, but the virus spread quickly to the heterosexual population. Now women are more likely to get infected than man because of their lower position in society. Rape, unprotected sex and prostitution increase their chances of HIV. Most of the pregnant women with HIV gave it to their children. Now a lot of efforts are taken to prevent it.
I am talking about women of color, so gender and race play an important role. In society, black women are stereotyped as having the highest cases of HIV because they live in poverty, lack education and ignore awareness of
Chlamydia can cause lifelong and irreversible damage to the reproductive system when left untreated. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is often seen in women with this infection because Chlamydia bacterium attacks the cells of the cervix. Left untreated the infection can spread from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and sometimes the bladder, leading to PID and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) of the reproductive system and
There are multiple reasons as to why women are more vulnerable to be infected with AIDS
Bacterial Vaginosis, Candidiasis, Chancroid, Granuloma Inguinale, Lymplhogranloma Venereum, Mucopurulent Cervicitis, Molluscum Contagiosu, Nongonococcal Urethritis, and Trichomiasis are more STDs that not as common and not generally discussed. Chlamydia is a bacterial STD and can be contracted through vaginal and anal sex. 75% of women and 25% of men are asymptomatic. The symptoms may include abnormal genital discharge, and burning during urination. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics, but the antibiotics can not undo the damage done prior to treatment. If left untreated in women, up to 30% will experience pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which often causes ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain. In men, causes epidiymitis, an inflammation of the testicles, which causes sterility. Infected individuals are also at a greater risk of contracting HIV. Gonorrhea is a bacterial STD that can be contracted through vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex. Though some cases may be asymptomatic, when symptoms do appear, they are often mild and usually appear within 2-10 days after exposure. The symptoms include discharge from the penis, vagina, or rectum and burning or itching during urination. Gonorrhea can also be treated and cured with antibiotics but they cannot undo the damage done prior to treatment. IF left untreated, gonorrhea can cause PID, eptopic pregnancy, infertility, and chronic pelvic
Another thing that’s causing more African American woman to have a higher percentage infected than any other race is because, many don’t date or have sexual partners outside of the African American race. There are more men in the African American race than any other race infected with HIV/AIDS. So therefore infecting the African American woman.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a viral infection that can be life-threatening and is a lifelong disease. HIV attacks the body and weakens the immune system. HIV stays in the body for life and some of the symptoms are diarrhea, headache, fever, night sweats, and flu-like symptoms.
While both women and men are affected by AIDS, younger women have a higher risk of getting infected “rates of new infections among women aged 15-24 were more than four times greater than that of men the same age” (HIV and AIDS). Statistics show there is a high efficiency of AIDS transmission from men to women because of early sexual activity and rape and violence against women. These intergenerational relationships happen because the men shower his partners with gifts, money and
An upsetting pattern has risen inside of the previous couple of years, demonstrating a relentless increment of ladies being contaminated with HIV/AIDS every year. This pattern is particularly conspicuous in sub-Saharan Africa. While the illness is contaminating more ladies than any other time in recent memory and now represents about portion of those living with HIV around
It is hard to think of a place that HIV and AIDS is more drastic in Africa than in the Sub-Saharan part of Africa. Whereas, you hear that HIV AND AIDS is common in low and middle income countries and Sub-Saharan Africa in one of them.
This sexually transmitted disease is more likely to go from men to women, than women to men. Having multiple sexual partners are raise the risk factors as well. Each sexual partner that is engaged with raises your risk for being exposed to any sexually transmitted disease.
The women health is a subject of global interest. People and organizations round the world have realized that the health of a woman means the health of a family. Thus efforts are made to make policy regarding women and HIV/AIDS. A prior paper in this regard has discussed formulation, legislation and implementation of the policy and this is a sequel discussing the evaluation, analysis and revision stags of the policy making in this particular issue. As a quick flash back, policy process is about the specific decisions and events necessary to occur for policy proposal, consideration and implementation (What is Policy, 2013). An effective policy evaluated, assessed and analyzed to ensure that it works best.
The following paper analyzes a description of a communicable disease Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), its symptoms, mode of transmission, demographic and health statistics. It also summarizes the role of the community health nurse in response to the disease as well as, identifying a national agency or an organization that tries to address the issue of HIV as they give ways of resolving or reducing its impact in the economy.