
HMIS Implementation In Healthcare: A Case Study

Decent Essays

HMIS implementation can be a costly expense with it involves convert from paper records to electronic medical records. “EHR will be one of the most costly project expenditures that healthcare services organizations will undertake, with regard to the investments of time and money and the resultant challenge of returns on investments (ROI)” (Tan, J., and Payton, F. C., 2010). For a rural family practice, there was an increase in monthly revenues. The practice saw “fewer rejected claims and unreimbursed services after EMR implementation, most likely due to improved documentation accuracy in billing” (O’Neill, L., and Klepack, W., 2007). The EMR system improved physician documentation and coding accuracy that was required to submit a successful patient claim. EMR implementation functioned as a means to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient care. “A systematic review of electronic records in hospital settings showed evidence of cost reduction for a little improvement in treatment quality; Consumers with serious chronic diseases, disabilities, and multiple healthcare problems may experience direct benefits from PHRs” …show more content…

Three years after the implementation, the practiced was pleased with the integration. The practice received positive feedback from that patients regarding the new process that were implemented after the conversion. “While the EMR has a positive financial impact, its main benefit was supporting the core mission of providing quality care” (O’Neill, L., and Klepack, W., 2007). The practice was able to improve the quality of care and enhance disease management though the various templates that was design in the EMR. There were a few issues regarding date security, but the practice ensure patient confidentially under the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act. ERM implementation was low during the times of the case, but more clinics have adopted the concept of EMR in their clinic

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