
HOSA Application Essay

Decent Essays

I joined HOSA freshmen year, looking for opportunities to explore new things and develop new friendships. I was hoping to expand my knowledge about health care careers in a fun and interactive setting, HOSA provided me with just that. HOSA gave me with the platform, which I was looking for to improve my knowledge about the health science field. I was able to compete at the state level in Greensboro, and at the national level in Nashville. For me, attending these competitions provided me with an experience that greatly increased my interest and knowledge of the medical field. Becoming a HOSA district officer would enable me to further enrich my experiences by becoming a better leader and communicator, by sharing my experiences with younger students who are interested in joining the health care field, and grants me to have a bigger impact in HOSA and in my community. Becoming a HOSA district officer will allow me to improve myself as well as bettering the lives of others.

Seeing how HOSA has kindled in me, a passion for the medical field and given me experiences and knowledge which I would like to pass on to new members. Membership in HOSA allows …show more content…

I’m still trying to identify my strengths and weaknesses, and how I can use them to my best advantage. Being a HOSA district officer would allow me to expand and strengthen my leadership skills, and allow me to effect a larger population. If elected district officer, I want to communicate with other district and state officers to build a sense of community and teamwork which I believe is a strong aspect in constructing a very capable team. Communicating with other state officers would allow us to accomplish much bigger tasks which we would not be able to achieve as individuals. As Helen Keller once said “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so

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