
HPV Personal Statement

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I am seventeen years old, a few months from legally becoming an adult, and my father does not know how to spell my name. My dad is not only unable to spell, he also lacks the necessary knowledge to complete simple tasks or participate in any other form of work aside from manual labor due to his inadequate education. My father was only 8 years old when he was abandoned in the US foster care system; as a ward of the state there was no semblance of solidity or structure in his life and he only managed to get through a few years of junior high before dropping out altogether. Sadly, this struggle was not just manifested in his educational career, but persisted throughout his life. It was never his decision to be another failed product of the foster care system. He never had the opportunity to receive proper health education, which is a critical portion of any child’s development into adulthood. In the middle of my sophomore year, my dad was diagnosed with cancer due to an HPV …show more content…

79 million Americans are affected by HPV, and my father was one of them. I do not want another family impacted in the same way mine …show more content…

I wanted to be the best I could be; as a result, I found myself taking on adult responsibilities at a young age. While other kids had time for more extracurriculars, I chose to be either working, helping my parents care for my four younger siblings, or studying on my own. I was not forced to excel; I chose to do so because I wanted to do better for my family. Higher education is the opportunity I desire to combine my strengths and passions and apply it to my community. I am seventeen years old, a few months from legally becoming an adult, and my objective is to improve the world I live

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