
HSC 024

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HSC 024 – Eva Hromadova 1. Definition Physical abuse – hitting, cutting, kicking, strangling, biting Sexual abuse – inappropriate touching, forcing sexual behaviour upon other person Emotional abuse – verbal abuse, constant criticism, intimidation, name calling Financial abuse – illegal or unauthorised use of person’s money/property, trying to control what a person can/cannot buy Institutional abuse – neglect/abuse happening within a setting where a person lives/visits, using the power to make decisions Self-neglect – person’s not attending to their personal basic needs (washing, eating) Neglect by others – not providing adequate care for person who can’t take care of themselves Identification Physical abuse – bruises, …show more content…

Understanding ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse Likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: Person-centred values – treating each person as an individual, finding out their needs and likes, involving and including them in every aspect of their care and support – support planning, care delivery, assessments… Encouraging active participation – supporting them to make their own choices and decisions, encouraging their own ideas Promoting choice and rights – reduces the potential for abuse, creates partnership between clients and support workers – both are more likely to talk openly, share concerns and views Importance of accessible complaints procedure Making sure clients know how to complain. It’s important to make the complaints procedure easy and accessible for everyone, so the clients don’t feel like it’s difficult to make someone know that they’re not happy about something. They also need to be reassured that the complaint is confidential and will be dealt with quickly as these are probably the main factors why people don’t want to complain. Companies usually have few ways how to make a complaint, personally, over the phone, written complaint – email/letter, sign language, picture cards. A good way to reduce the likelihood of abuse – encourages people to speak out and not be afraid to do so 5. Recognition and reporting unsafe practice Unsafe practices – not following the national or local policies and

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