
HSC 425: Human Sexuality And Sex Education

Good Essays

California State University Long Beach HSC 425: Human Sexuality and Sex Education

December 3, 2016

Women in the Porn Industry

Multidisciplinary Paper

Bianca Batista

Word count: 1882 words

There have been many speculations about porn and its significance. Many would argue there is no sole purpose for it other then opening up doors for people to fantasize about things that generally do not happen in a normal sexual encounter. However, that is quite the contrary research has shown over the past decade that porn isn't entirely 100% bad. Although, there are negative connotations associated with porn especially for a female, researchers are finding that more …show more content…

In this course of time, the findings have been interchangeable. Majority of millennials are said to watch porn, statistics at a University show that 87 percent of males and 31 percent of women in college in fact watch or have watched porn (Wagley). In other terms, Wagley indicates that two thirds of men and almost half of women stated that porn is morally acceptable to them. However, with statistics like this in today's society we still see and hear about cases where porn has a negative effect on society or someone reenacted something they seen in a porn video. There is no surprise that when the book series Fifty Shades of Grey came out there was a rise in sexual reported cases. The book is based on a fictional character named Anastasia who is currently working on her undergraduate degree. She has to interview a Billionaire by the name of Christian Grey as a favor to her roommate. Anastasia is a timid, innocent girl who is easily scared by the successful business man Mr. Grey. She finds herself attracted to his charm and handsomeness like most women who meet him. What was intended to be a quick meet and greet turned into an erotic, sexual relationship. Anastasia finds herself not only losing her virginity to Christian Grey, but also participating in BDSM (bondage, dominance and submission, sadomasochism). …show more content…

A lot of people have this view on porn and think the people are just nasty and immoral and grew up with no values. But times that is not always the case. Some of the performers enjoy the intimacy and excitement they get from performing. I once knew a porn star and he was simply just doing it to make enough money to move his family to the United States and better his life. And sure enough he is doing very well now, and he was one of the most respectful guys I have ever met, was raised in a good Catholic family and had a great large family in which he moved all of them from Brazil. Conclusion
When it comes to pornography society views it as something other then normal that should be excluded. However, due to the popular demand and increase in the people watching it I don’t believe it will be banned, or erased from society. Because the truth is we are living in a time were sexuality is acceptable, and should not be frown upon. So in conclusion, I don’t think that it is something bad, and I don’t feel that it is right fro people always discrediting a women in the industry. They like what they do and if they can live with themselves and their choices then who are we as a society to

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