California State University Long Beach HSC 425: Human Sexuality and Sex Education
December 3, 2016
Women in the Porn Industry
Multidisciplinary Paper
Bianca Batista
Word count: 1882 words
There have been many speculations about porn and its significance. Many would argue there is no sole purpose for it other then opening up doors for people to fantasize about things that generally do not happen in a normal sexual encounter. However, that is quite the contrary research has shown over the past decade that porn isn't entirely 100% bad. Although, there are negative connotations associated with porn especially for a female, researchers are finding that more
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In this course of time, the findings have been interchangeable. Majority of millennials are said to watch porn, statistics at a University show that 87 percent of males and 31 percent of women in college in fact watch or have watched porn (Wagley). In other terms, Wagley indicates that two thirds of men and almost half of women stated that porn is morally acceptable to them. However, with statistics like this in today's society we still see and hear about cases where porn has a negative effect on society or someone reenacted something they seen in a porn video. There is no surprise that when the book series Fifty Shades of Grey came out there was a rise in sexual reported cases. The book is based on a fictional character named Anastasia who is currently working on her undergraduate degree. She has to interview a Billionaire by the name of Christian Grey as a favor to her roommate. Anastasia is a timid, innocent girl who is easily scared by the successful business man Mr. Grey. She finds herself attracted to his charm and handsomeness like most women who meet him. What was intended to be a quick meet and greet turned into an erotic, sexual relationship. Anastasia finds herself not only losing her virginity to Christian Grey, but also participating in BDSM (bondage, dominance and submission, sadomasochism). …show more content…
A lot of people have this view on porn and think the people are just nasty and immoral and grew up with no values. But times that is not always the case. Some of the performers enjoy the intimacy and excitement they get from performing. I once knew a porn star and he was simply just doing it to make enough money to move his family to the United States and better his life. And sure enough he is doing very well now, and he was one of the most respectful guys I have ever met, was raised in a good Catholic family and had a great large family in which he moved all of them from Brazil. Conclusion
When it comes to pornography society views it as something other then normal that should be excluded. However, due to the popular demand and increase in the people watching it I don’t believe it will be banned, or erased from society. Because the truth is we are living in a time were sexuality is acceptable, and should not be frown upon. So in conclusion, I don’t think that it is something bad, and I don’t feel that it is right fro people always discrediting a women in the industry. They like what they do and if they can live with themselves and their choices then who are we as a society to
As the sex symbol Marilyn Monroe once said; “Sex is a part of nature. I just go along with nature.” The word sex itself is most definitely a catalyst; once you mention anything and everything involving sex, it tends to get people riled up about the issue. Sex is a very complex labyrinth according to certain religious standards; it is something that should be guarded until marriage and should only be done to procreate not so much for the pleasure. Those in the pornography industry face harsh comments of being judged because they do loveless sex for money. On top of that, they are faced with unequal treatment within the business all due to details that distinguish them from what makes him man and
It today’s society, pornography is a fast-growing epidemic that is evident in families, marriages, and teenage lifestyles. Supporters of pornography claim that it can be used as a tool to teach students about sex education. However, critics claim that pornography is unjust, influential, and dehumanizing. Pornography is unjust because it has the potential to break down intimate relationships and marriages. It can also have negative effects on children in particular young boys. More and more young boy’s minds are being influenced by pornography which is leading to misinterpretations about how to have a healthy sexual relationship. Most importantly, pornography dehumanizes women and it exploits children. Women and children are being victimized for the sheer pleasure of someone viewing pornography.
Back then watching pornography was looked down upon so those who did it would keep it a secret. It was also difficult to find this content since it was a taboo subject. Today, pornography is able to be found in a matter of seconds and no one really cares if people watch it. It is just another thing that some people watch just to pass time. In fact, many of those who do pornography are praised and given awards.
The book is broken into two different sections. The first section looks at the male brain on porn. It opens this section by attempting to defend porn. As seen within the book this is no easy matter for a number of reasons. Regardless of the definition the negative impact of porn cannot be denied. Pornography has lasting effects on the brain and prevents men from seeing woman in the way they should be viewed. When a man views a picture of a naked the woman the image does
Pornography shows people as sex objects. For people who fear they aren't sexually adequate, this is scary. “The social myth covering this personal fear is that consumers of pornography will begin to see all men or women that way. This naive, inaccurate assumption also denies the healthy dynamic of lovers agreeing to objectify each other during their sexual (M K)." Pornography shows people experimenting via sex. This is a scary concept for those who fear that their experimenting can lead to trouble. Pornography invites viewers to stimulate their inner sexual feelings. Pornography also encourages acting on natural lustful instincts. It also depicts many of their fantasies are deemed as taboo in the standards set forth by society. By censoring pornography, such people feel they are keeping others out of danger, but in fact they are really suppressing others though of sexual fantasies and query. So in a culture where people learn to fear their own sexuality, sex appears to require censorship if it is sex for pleasure, healing, or
On August of 2011, Chancellor Dennis Walcott announced that all middle and high schools will be required to teach compulsory sexual health education as part of the core curriculum. Required Health classes focusing on human sexuality are provided as mandated at Edward R. Murrow high school. Some of the topics of this course include but are not limited to the following: HIV/AIDS, practicing of safe sex, sexually transmitted diseases, description of both male and female anatomical differences, birth control etc. In October of 2012,
In my opinion, I think pornography has changed dramatically over the years. The world has been becoming more technologically advanced, and that has allowed for the porn industry to also change and become a very large. With the birth of the internet, porn was able to become more widely viewed without the hassles of subscribing to magazines or going to adult stores. With these changes, viewpoints on porn may also have changed. Since it is much more readily available now with the internet, people may not see it as much as a bad thing anymore.
In recent years, the term pornography has been primarily associated with that which is accessed and streamed over the internet, rather than the literal definition of, “obscene writings, drawings, photographs, or the like, especially those having little or not artistic merit.” This form of visual pornography is a popular and successful business as it is viewed for fulfilling pent up sexual desires, however it promotes the act of having multiple sex partners without the need of any commitment. Although it is for this reason that this business is permitted, there are many overlooked, long – term affects that have become topics of controversy. Not only does pornography affect those who indulge in it, but it can influence those who divulge
For many years there has been a lot of arguments about the ethical and morality of pornography. pornography is defined as the depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement. When it coms down to pornography, people have different opinions about it. Some people might find it moral because it gives them pleasure and it satisfies them physically. some individuals see it as a form of art that describes the figure of a human body in an artistic form. Others see it as immoral because it harms and degrades an individual. Personally I believe that it all depends how pornography is conducted and how we respond to it. It can be morally healthy that we like it because it makes us happy, such as it helps with your marriage relationship in intimacy, and it can be immoral when it is used in an unhealthy that we do not like it because hurts an innocent person.
Working within the porn industry can go both ways, there is a positive and a negative to all this. Not all women who work within the sex industry are victims; some women actually enjoy it and do not see an issue in being exploited whatsoever. According to a study that was done, “Sixty-nine percent of porn actresses ranked their enjoyment of sex as 10 out of 10… Porn actresses were also more likely to report higher self-esteem than average women”, including that the results of the research showed an insignificance against the stereotypes anti-porn feminists have argued about these women being sexually abused as children, “The results of the research failed to support many common stereotypes. Most notably, the porn actresses were no more likely to report having been sexually abused as children than national averages or than a sample of demographically matched women” (Pappas, 2013). The studies that have been done about the porn industry have mostly shown the negatives rather than focusing on what the people think and feel about working in it. Stephanie Pappas also mentions how there is not enough research to conclude nor fully support the stereotypes or “issues” that activists have argued about, “This lack of research is notable given the number of stereotypes about porn actresses… it's hard to know for sure without more extensive studies, early explorations have found these stereotypes fail to hold up” (Pappas, 2013). In spite of this, for those who have or are working in
The Christian worldview is enforced by the Bible, which does not mention pornography because videography had yet to exist. However, the Bible does mention various forms of sin, prohibited sex and acts of the mind that would cause a person’s sexual immortality. Galatians 5 (NIV) states, “19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery… 21orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Based off scripture, humanity should not partake activities such as fornication, incest, adultery, orgies, and rape; all popular pornographic storylines. Watching pornographic videos could cause lust and sinful thoughts in. Lust is secular and will separate a person from God (1 John 2:26, NIV). Knowing this may influence a Christian to not indulge on pornography and actively seek counsel.
The seemingly main reason there is such a growth in pornography is because almost everyone and everything in the world reacts and relates to sex. People are captivated with sex and are excited to see something new or something they have not seen before. People are always looking for a version of sex that is new or more different than the norm. This is soaring the pornography industry to grow one step further in order to keep up with the demand.
Society is increasingly sexualizing women bodies in advertising and porn is now a large industry. It is estimated that many young men watch or view porn in magazines or online, but there is little information on women’s use of porn although there is an small industry catering to women’s needs. So I want to find out what you think about porn and how you might use it and what it means to you.
Pornography is viewed differently by everyone. Is pornography as bad as it is made out to be? What if it is that persons outlet from reality, just like smoking, drinking, snowboarding, skiing. Is it hurting anyone. Some say it is degrading to women. Do those women that do it think it is degrading. If they did they wouldn’t do it. There are several different types of pornography in the world. It started in art where we had sculptures of Aphrodite naked, we had many artists who painted pictures of nude women. But people look at that and say oh how pretty. But in the present day we have printing presses, we have internet, and people try to make their own art with their bodies and people criticize them. Why? How?
Is internet porn only the cause for sexual misconduct? No. Pornography and porn industry prevailed before internet, which became accessible widely in late 1900s, they were mostly available in books, rented video cassettes, magazines, some X-rated movie theatres, and on some newsstand. In book named ‘The Porn Trap’, psychotherapists, Larry and Wendy Martz, make an assertion that internet porn is a significant factor that causes sexual misconduct and irresponsibility. The acquisition is strong, isn’t it? But is that truth? Well, after the arrival of the internet porn the sexual irresponsibility has decreased. As per the data form CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the syphilis rate has been dropped to 74 percent, gonorrhea rate has been plummeted 57 percent, and the nation’s abortion rate has fallen 41