Recently in English we were discussing and learning about the murder of Hae Min Lee and gathering information to see if her boyfriend, Adnan Syed should still be locked up or finally set free. I believe that Adnan Syed is not guilty and should be released from prison. I believe that Jay Wildes should be the man in prison for the rest of his life. Adnan’s “friend” Jay had a lot of information about the day Hae went missing but Adnan not so much, this is one of the reasons I believe Adnan is not guilty. Adnan and Jay had two completely different stories about what happened that day. Jay claimed that Adnan and him went to the mall to buy Jay’s girlfriend Stephanie gifts for her birthday and while they were out shopping Adnan told Jay that he was going to kill his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee. While Adnan claims that he already bought Stephanie a stuffed reindeer and wanted to check on Jay to see if he got Stephanie a …show more content…
In the first version of his alibi he didn’t tell cops that he was with his friend Jen throughout the day and during the time Hae was killed but in the second version he did. He told the police that he indeed did go to the mall but told the cops two different malls, in the second version he says that him and Adnan meet at Security Square Mall and then leave to get high and while they’re gone Adnan supposedly makes the vicious act of murder. In the first version Jay said that he did not help Adnan bury Hae that all he did was bring shovels to make the burial easier, but in his second version he says he did help Adnan bury Hae. Jay told the cops that he had Jen take him to his work the day after the murder so he could throw out the clothes and boots he was wearing the day before. Adnan claimed that he did not know where Hae car was but when cops asked Jay if he knew where the car was he knew right away and led the cops to Hae’s
Adnan had an alibi, Asia McClain, who said that he was at the library after school, during the period of time when the state claimed he killed Hae. So, either the state’s chronology is wrong or that the alibi was lying just to help Adnan. The quote illustrates the letter that Asia McClain sent Adnan, “Dear Adnan-- I hope I spelled it right. I'm not sure if you remember talking to me in the library on January 13, but I remember chatting with you." (Episode 1: The Alibi p. 18). When Asia McClain wrote this letter, though it doesn’t have a exact time, continues to emphasize that Adnan is innocent because the state announced that Adnan was guilty, but since Adnan has an alibi, then there is proof that Adnan is innocent. Adnan also had a affidavit, a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, that was written by Asia McClain. “Asia wrote out an affidavit on the spot. In it, she says she and Adnan spoke for about 15 to 20 minutes while she was waiting for her boyfriend to give her a ride. Quote, "We left around 2:40," unquote. Remember, Hae is supposed to be dead by 2:36. And then, the kicker-- "No attorney has ever contacted me about January 13, 1999 and the above information."” (Episode 1: The Alibi p. 19). It is plausible that this key detail wasn’t mentioned at
This reason makes sense because, why wouldn’t you be acting strange if you just killed someone ? This part of the story is when “Cathy” says both Adnan & Jay randomly showed up at her home in the middle of the night acting strange and when Jenn called Jay Adnan picked up the phone and said Jay couldn’t speak right now and that he was busy with something. “Adnan and Jay suddenly showed up at my door in the middle of the night and they was acting strange” and from Jenn’s point of view, she says “When I called Jay Adnan picked up and said Jay was busy and couldn’t get to the phone”. This proves he is guilty because why else would he be acting so strange and why did he answer Jay’s phone. Therefore, Adnan is guilty because, after the murder he knew what he had done was going to catch up with him soon enough so he started to
To begin with, Adnan might be innocent because not enough evidence was gathered. The investigators put the car that Hae’s body was found under examination. According to Sarah Koenig, no evidence was found that leads back to Adnan. She adds, “Apart
Adnan’s ex-friend, Jay, told the police and detectives that he witness seeing Adnan opening the trunk to Hae’s car, with her dead body inside. Jay states, “He opens the trunk. And all I see Hae’s lips are all blue, and she’s pretzeled up in the back of the trunk. And she’s dead,” (Ep. 1, p. 9). This means that Jay saw Hae dead in the trunk of her own car, with Adnan by his side. Furthermore, this shows that Jay was the only one to witness seeing Hae dead, which means that Jay didn’t have an alibi to back him up with his accusation. When Sarah Koenig looks further into the investigation, she realizes an important detail. Sarah Koenig narrates that, “As for physical evidence, there was none-- nothing. Apart from some fingerprints in Hae’s car, which Adnan has been in many times, there was nothing linking him to the crime-- no DNA, no fibers, no hairs, no matching soils from the bottom of his boots,” (Ep. 1, p. 6). Here, Sarah is making the point that there was no proof that Adnan was the one who actually killed Hae. Nothing from the hairs on his body to the dirt on his books physically proved that he was even at the scene of the murder. Thus, Adnan is innocent because there was no trace of himself, on Hae or her car, that showed that he killed
First, Adnan did not get a fair trial because Jay lied during his trial.,the phone record prove nothing and Neither do the letters.Jay lied during his trail because, in episode
On January 13, 1999 a girl named Hae Min Lee disappeared, she was supposed to pick up her cousin after school, but never showed. After almost a month on February 9th, Lee’s body was found in Leakin park. Her ex-boyfriend Adnan was arrested for her murder only a few weeks later and has been in prison ever since. Adnan was portrayed as a great and kind young man that had no reason to kill Hae Min Lee. Through the case many were taken in and questioned, one in particular was jay, a mutual friend of Adnan’s. People have gone back and forth on whether it was Adnan or jay who murdered Lee because their stories don’t align at all. Jay doesn’t serve any time in prison like Adnan is even though there is no concrete evidence that ties Adnan to the murder
Adnan had a very vague memory of that day, which would make sense if it was just a normal day when he did nothing memorable. However the lack of an alibi does hurt his defense and he knows that, "There's nothing I can do. So perhaps I'll never be able to explain it. And it is what it is. If someone believes me or not, you know, I have no control over it." The lack of evidence doesn't help Adnan's case, but it's not enough to convict. So all that is left is the testimony of Jay Wilds, which was the basis of the qprosecutions case against Adnan. Although this testimony was crutial to the conviction, it had problems. Throughout Jays police interviews and court testimony his story changed multiple times. They ended up settling on the one that was closest to matching their cell records. Due to the one witness rule a court can convict with only one witness testimony. However it has to prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and it is absolutely reasonable to doubt someone who continuously changed his story. So with all this information, or lack there of, the court did not have nearly enough valid evidence to prove his
One hole is Jay Wilds’ interview. Jay allegedly helped Adnan bury Hae’s body. The police did not have any supporting evidence just Jay’s testimony. It was as though Jay’s word was more reliable than Adnan’s. If a onlooker only heard parts of Serial, they would think that Jay and Adnan were best friends. However, that was not the case. In the words of Jay, they did not have a “real friendship.” (Vargas-Cooper, "Exclusive: Jay, Key Witness from 'Serial' Tells His Story for First Time, Part 1”) They just smoked together about two or three times. If that is true, why would Adnan ask someone who is not his “real friend” to help him bury a body? Or even mention to Jay that he was going to kill Hae? There is some suggested evidence that Jay could have been prejudice against magnet students at Woodlawn High School. Adnan was a magnet student. Jay said that he resented the school because the school added a magnet wing and received better stuff. He said, “ These people [magnet students] were different from us, and they didn’t have to interact with us…but their gym, lockers, parking, was down in the magnet wing. And I found that to be a bit of slap in the face.” (Vargas-Cooper, "Exclusive: Jay, Key Witness from 'Serial' Tells His Story for First Time, Part 1”) It could be that Jay was jealous of Adnan that he framed Adnan for the murder of Hae. The justice system seems to just let
Jay had admitted to the crime they did and to be accessory of murder and an accomplice. Why would Jay openly admit to something that could end him up in jail, of course the jury and police would believe jay but there was some lies or mix ups in jays allegations more than once. Jay had claimed that Adnan and him had a buried the body around 7 then later he says they did it around midnight. And where he had seen the body. In the podcast,serial, there was close to 300 references to Adnan’s ethnicity were made
Adnan is a normal 17 year old teenager at woodlawn high school. He was the average muslim kid, in his parents eye’s he was a good muslim kid that never disappoints his school adnan syed was also a normal american teenager. He was very popular at school and he experimented in the typical crazy things teenager do even though it's against his family and religious beliefs. one day adnan's ex girlfriend was found murdered. Adnan was soon after convicted of murdering hae lee but some people believe he didn't do it. Mainly because some the accusation that were brought up in his case was inconclusive.adnan is syed is innocent of hae's murder because he doesn't portray and motives of a jealous ex-boyfriend also the timeline doesn't really
The second reason i believe adnan is innocent is there was no payphone at best buy.this reason makes sense because jay says this is where the calls happens.that’s where adnan call and say’s hae is dead.a qoute from the story is ‘’i get to bestbuy and adnan opens haes trunk and shows hae’s body, we ditch the body then hangout and smoke weed’’.this proves that he is innocent because why would you kill a person and then go smoke weed like nothing happen.therefore adnan is innocent because there was no
It is said that school ended at 2:15pm and that Hae was dead and in the trunk of her own car and at Best Buy by 2:36pm. Sarah and her producer rerouted the path from the school to Best Buy and said that it would be impossible to get from the school to Best Buy in twenty-one minutes (Ep. 5). There is a lot of traffic that time of day and the drive time is 18 minutes, only leaving 3 minutes to kill and hide the body. That means that 2 minutes of that time would be manual strangulation. It takes more than one minute to hide a body, therefore Adnan could not have committed the murder. A final piece of evidence in Adnan’s favor is that one of Hae’s friends remembers having a conversation with her at 2:36, and another friend remembers seeing Hae in the gym at 3:00 pm (Ep. 9). If these people saw and talked to Hae at these times, then it is impossible to Hae to have been dead, in the trunk of her car, at Best Buy, at 2:36 pm. The timeline does not add up, if this is the
A main point of interest and something that Jay was incredibly inconsistent with, was the location where Adnan supposedly showed Jay the body. In his first interview Jay told the police that Adnan showed him Hae’s body at Edmondson Avenue. However, second interview he said that he saw the body in the Best Buy parking lot. If you were in this position, would you forget the place you saw a dead body? Another detail he repeatedly changed was when Adnan told Jay that he was going to kill Hae. The day changes from the day of the murder to 3 or 4 days earlier. In fact, just about the only consistent event that occurs in all of Jays different retellings of the day Hae was murdered was the ‘come and get me’ call from
This suggest that Adnan could not be the killer but the only one with a strong enough case for conviction. But what if there was someone that the police didn’t know about that did kill Hae or the police didn’t even notice because they were building their case?
Another couple of ambiguities are by themselves insignificant; however, the big picture makes the small ambiguities significant. Usually a murderer asks for help from close friends only, whom will not tattle, and only help. Jay does not paint himself as a close friend of Adnan, rather just as a friend. Another time when he speaks with the detective, he paints himself as an acquaintance. It is certainly strange if Adnan requested Jay’s help. However, this could be resolved as Jay acknowledges in one of the interviews with the detectives that he is not innocent and he was involved with drugs, so Adnan could think that Jay would be an excellent resource in helping him commit this murder. An additional ambiguity can be resolved for the identical